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Classification of aviation noise and false triggers for airport noise monitoring (AVINOISE)


AVINOISE is a project for classifying false triggering of noise monitoring stations around the BER airport, Germany. Such a station may be triggered by a sound other than airplane noise, which unnecessarily alerts the airport's noise control department. There, somebody has to listen through the whole recording to verify its origin to know if an airplane violated noise limits or a completely unrelated sound set of the alarm. Now, the neural network AVINOISE will take care of that. map


AVINOISE was built on 100000 5 second clips of starting and landing events of airplanes supplied by BER airport and various types of urban or rural noise sourced from the well known ESC-50 and UrbanSound8k which were augmented into the data set. The model employs convolution layers for audio recognition and classifies audio slices of 5 seconds with a hop size of 2.5 seconds. The only classes are clean and contaminated. A "clean" file consists of typical airport noises, while a "contaminated" file features transient irregularities very atypical for the larger perimeter of an airport like a dog barking, car horns or church bells.

clean noise event (just airplanes) contaminated noise event
clean_spec cont_spec


Two different model architectures were tested with two different pre- and post-processing methods closer described in the Paper. The classical ML results using the KERAS API are listed below for the different approaches FxMx:

F1M1 F1M2 F2M1 F2M2
Accuracy 0.88 0.91 0.84 0.85
Loss 0.79 0.37 0.59 0.55

Since a flight event is much longer than a single 5 second slice, the obtained classifications over time have to be post-processed and flagged as "contaminated" if enough unwanted noise is present. This is done by two different algorithms:

  • P1: A single contamination classification is greater than 50%
  • P2: The mean of contamination classification is greater than 50%


The best performing combination F1M2P1 is chosen as the final product of this project. Here is a sample of it running inference: inference

s	    | clean		| contaminated
5	    | 93% 		| 6%
10	    | 0% 		| 100%
15	    | 0% 		| 100%
20	    | 0% 		| 100%
25	    | 0% 		| 100%
30	    | 0% 		| 100%
35	    | 0% 		| 100%
40	    | 0% 		| 99%
45	    | 0% 		| 99%
50	    | 0% 		| 99%
55	    | 0% 		| 99%
60	    | 0% 		| 99%
65	    | 2% 		| 97%
70	    | 99% 		| 0%
75	    | 64% 		| 35%
80	    | 42% 		| 57%
85	    | 0% 		| 99%
90	    | 0% 		| 99%
95	    | 0% 		| 99%
100	    | 97% 		| 2%
105	    | 54% 		| 45%
110	    | 25% 		| 74%
115	    | 18% 		| 81%
120	    | 32% 		| 67%
125	    | 43% 		| 56%
130	    | 92% 		| 7%
135	    | 73% 		| 26%
mean:   | 27% 		| 72%

Avinoise vs. YAMNet

To know where this project stands, is is compared against a transfer learning model of YAMNet, a well known and reliable universal audio event classifier from Google. Training large datasets through YAMNet models can lead to severe overfitting, and finally after attempts it was found that the highest test accuracy of 90% could be obtained when the dataset was around 200 to 400 files. This is only 0.2% of the data set that F1M2 used, which is why we recommend transfer learning in case of data scarcity. Below is a table for an accuracy and loss comparison for both models:

Accuracy 0.91 0.90
Loss 0.37 0.35


The paper and project were created by Lukas Probst, Jakob Tschavoll and Yijun Zhao, audio technology students of TU-Berlin. The paper can be found here.

Try it yourself

Be sure that you have python 3.9 or higher and pip, otherwise the project won't run!

Get your local instance by cloning from the original repo's main branch via

$ git clone

Create a venv with any virtual environment tool you like. We recommend the native python venv. You can create it by navigating into the folder you just cloned and typing

$ python -m venv .env

Don't forget to actually type the . symbol. To install all the requirements you first activate your venv with

$ .\.env\Scripts\activate           # for Windows
$ source .env/bin/activate          # for Linux

and then setup the required libs with

$ pip install -r requirements.txt   # install the required libs
$ pip install -e avinoise           # install the local avinoise module

AVINOISE is now ready to run on your machine.

Run inference

Within the file API.ipynb you can analyze your flight event files. Simply provide the path to your file and run the notebook. It will produce a printed report and a plot with the spectrogram and the classifications over time.

Alternatively you can create your own python-based file in the root folder of this project and create your own API with the internal avinoise module:

from avinoise import prediction
file = "./my_aviation_noise.wav"

preds, mel_spectrogram = prediction.predict(file) # run inference
flag = prediction.evaluate(preds) # evaluate prediction
prediction.plot(preds, mel_spectrogram) # see a plot


Get the repo

Get your local instance by cloning from the original repo's dev branch via

$ git clone --branch dev

You should then create a new branch which roughly states what you want to add to the codebase. Let's say you want to implement a feature avinoise.summary() which prints a summary of all important current parameters for this project as an overview. You would then create a branch like

$ git branch parameter-summary          # create branch
$ git checkout parameter-summary        # switch to branch

You can verify that the switch worked with $ git status.

Set up a virtual environment

Create a venv with any virtual environment tool you like. We recommend the native python venv. You can create it by navigating into the folder you just cloned and typing

$ python -m venv .env

Don't forget to actually type the . symbol. Now new folders should be created which hold the local instances of the required interpreters and libraries for the project to work.
To install all the requirements to start adding and testing code, you first activate your venv with

$ .\.env\Scripts\activate           # for Windows
$ source .env/bin/activate           # for Linux

and then setup the required libs with

$ pip install -r requirements.txt   # install the required libs
$ pip install -e avinoise           # install the local avinoise module

Understand project structure

As stated, the module avinoise is the backbone of this project. It holds various submodules which are concerned with a specific part of the program flow. They themselves hold various functions which execute simple, stackable jobs. For example, the submodule is concerned with storing global parameters for the project so that every function in other submodules sources from the same data. Here you would add your submodules with specific functions.

        |       # your code
        |       # your code

Please be careful when editing other modules which are not actually concerned with your branch as it can lead to merge conflicts with other developers. Inform them if you need their advice.

If you want to visually test things, we recommend that you create a jupyter notebook in the main folder called explore.ipynb. This is just for you as it will be ignored by .gitignore.

In the end, all of these highly abstracted submodules will be combined in the jupyter notebook helper_notebooks/pipeline.ipynb which demonstrates the creation and verification of the project's model itself.

Add your code

Within your newly created submodule you can import other submodules and work with them. Be sure to add all of your public classes and functions to the __all__ variable and prefix your private functions with _. Split tasks into easy to test, simple I/O-based functions. This keeps the code clean, modular and testable.

Push, review and merge

After all tests have passed, push your changes to your branch and submit a pull request into the dev branch. Assign all other team members to review your code and wait for their response. If asked, fix any errors and your changes will be merged into dev. If your changes work within dev, they will be pushed to main.


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