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Service-gen Help Documentation

  • Codegen tool for service providers and consumers.

  • Consumer invokes service, Provider sends response, Consumer gets the response.

  • Requires:

  • This "Hello-world" example uses "node0"(addr: iaa15e06fun0plgm22x480g23qeptxu44s4r7cuskv) as the consumer and provider.

1. Download

git clone

2. Generate code project.

  • Prepare schemas.json for your code project.

    • Example
        "input": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "input": {
              "type": "string"
        "output": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "output": {
              "type": "string"
  • Build parameter:

    name description default value parameter value
    type Generate consumer's or provider's code consumer(c) provider(p)
    lang Select language go, java, js
    service-name(s) Service's name
    schemas Path of schemas ./schemas.json
    output-dir(o) Generate path ../output
  • Example

    npm install
    node service-gen.js --type consumer --lang go --service-name hello --schemas schemas.json --output ./consumer
    node service-gen.js --type provider --lang go --service-name hello --schemas schemas.json --output ./provider

3. Get ready

3.1 Config

  • The configuration file is in the config folder.

  • Configuration parameter:

    name description
    chain_id Chain id
    node_rpc_addr Node URL
    node_grpc_addr Node GRPC address
    key_path Key path
    key_name Key name
    fee Transaction fee
    key_algorithm Key algorithm
  • Example

        chain_id: irishub-1
        node_rpc_addr: http://localhost:26657
        node_grpc_addr: http://localhost:9090
        key_path: .keys
        key_name: node0
        fee: 40000uiris
        key_algorithm: secp256k1

3.2 Callback function

  • The files that need to be modified are on the floder hello.

  • consumer

    • Example of go

      func ResponseCallback(reqCtxID, reqID, output string) {
      	common.Logger.Infof("Get response: %+v\n", output)
      	serviceOutput := parseOutput(output)
      	// Supplementary service logic...
    • Example of java

      public void onResponse(ServiceOutput res) {
        System.out.println("----------------- Consumer -----------------");
        System.out.println("Got response: "+ JSON.toJSONString(res));
    • When consumer get a response from provider, output will appear on terminal.

  • provider

    • Example of go

      func RequestCallback(reqID, input string) (
      	output *types.ServiceOutput,
      	requestResult *types.RequestResult,
      ) {
      	serviceInput, err := parseInput(input)
      	if err != nil {
      		requestResult = &types.RequestResult{
      			State:   types.ClientError,
      			Message: "failed to parse input",
      		return nil, requestResult
      	// Supplementary service logic...
      	var o string = "hello-world"
      	output = &types.ServiceOutput{
      		Output: &o,
      	requestResult = &types.RequestResult{
      		State:   types.Success,
      		Message: "success",
      	return output, requestResult
    • Example of java

      public ServiceResponse onRequest(ServiceInput req) {
        System.out.println("----------------- Provider -----------------");"Got request:");;
        ServiceOutput serviceOutput = new ServiceOutput();
        serviceOutput.output = "hello-world";
     "Sending response");
        ServiceResponse res = new ServiceResponse(this.keyName, this.password);
        return res;
    • When provider get a request, input will appear on provider's terminal, and provider will give a word "hello-world" to consumer.

3.3 Compile project.

5. Key management

  • Key parameter:

    commond description
    add New-build key
    show Show information of key
    import Import key
    • You need to put the exported information into a file node0.key, and specify the path of the file in config.yaml.

      5.1 Export node0

      iris keys export node0

      5.2 Import node0

      • Example of go

        hello-sc keys import node0 node0.key
        hello-sp keys import node0 node0.key
      • Example of java

        java -jar target/ import node0
        java -jar target/hello.sp import node0

6. Define service

iris tx service define \
  --name=hello \
  --description=test \
  --author-description=test \
  --tags=test \
  --schemas=/home/sunny/test.json \
  --from=node0 \
  --chain-id=irishub-1 \
  -b=block -y \
  --fees 40000uiris 

7. Bind service

iris tx service bind \
  --service-name=hello \
  --deposit=100000000000uiris \
  --pricing='{"price":"1uiris"}' \
  --qos=10 \
  --from=node0 \
  --chain-id=irishub-1 \
  -b=block -y \
  --options={} \
  --fees 40000uiris \

8. Start consumer's subscribe response and provider's subscribe request.

  • provider(Subscribe service request first.)

    • Example of go

      hello-sp start
    • Example of java

      java -jar target/hello-sp.jar start
  • consumer(Invoke and subscribe service response.)

  • Note!!!: The cost of the fee-cap should be the largest unit!

    • Example of go

      hello-sc invoke \
        --providers iaa15e06fun0plgm22x480g23qeptxu44s4r7cuskv \
        --fee-cap 0.04iris \
        --input '{"header":{},"body":{"input":"hello"}}' \
        --frequency 11 --timeout 11 --total 1
    • Example of java

      java -jar target/hello-sc.jar invoke \
        --providers iaa15e06fun0plgm22x480g23qeptxu44s4r7cuskv \
        --fee-cap 0.04iris \
        --input {"header":{},"body":{"input":"hello"}}
  • When consumer get response, program will stop soon.


Codegen tool for iService providers and consumers







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