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2019 11 11 meeting notes

Alexey Bader edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 3 revisions


Meeting notes

Participants: Alexey Bader (Intel), Mariya Podchshchaeva (Intel), Hal Finkel (ANL), Victor Lomuller (Codeplay), Andrew Gozillon



SYCL device code outlining patch updates

Compiler option to control SYCL extensions

  • All agree that we should have flags to turn on/off particular extensions.
  • Flags controlling the same extensions might be set multiple multiple time in the same clang invocation - last one overrides previous flags.
  • Hal: -fsycl-<extension> (e.g. -fsycl-usm) seems reasonable.
  • Use __has_extension to detect if extension is supported in the source code.
  • Hal general I'm okay to enable some extensions by default.
  • Compatibility: Hal, for GCC compatibility we have different names - C++99 + GNU99.
  • The same way we might have driver options compatibility with ComputeC++ driver.
  • Should be aligned with the clang convention to avoid user's hassle with two sets of flags.

"October" release

A lot of new features and improvements. You can find the full list here:

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