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Hypnos Board DOI

Hypnos is a hardware and software toolkit which facilitates the creation of energy-aware IoT nodes based on widely extended consumer board platforms: Arduino, LinkIt One and Particle, to mention a few.

The present repository contains the circuit schematics of the Hypnos Board and the source code of the firmware for the ATtiny85 integrated on it.

Repository contents

The following list describes the different files that can be found in the repository:

  • Hypnos Board - Schematic (EAGLE, PDF)
  • Hypnos Board - Arduino Shield PCB layout (EAGLE, PDF)
  • ATtiny85 firmware (INO)


The board has been successfully tested on the following microcontroller boards:

  • Arduino UNO R3
  • SeeedStudio LinkIt One
  • Particle Photon (via a Shield-Shield adapter)