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The purpose of the trainer is to provide the user with a flexible way of scheduling various sources of input data, as well as augment the training data with tittle casing, all caps, etc. This is particularly useful when you have multiple data sources and you want to pretrain the model first on backtranslated data, gradually add other sources of data, and finally fine tune, all in one go.

Alternatively, this tool is particularly suited to training multilingual models, as it provides an easy way to define the desired mixture of datasets from different language sources.


OpusCleaner and OpusTrainer, open source toolkits for training Machine Translation and Large language models


You've got two options: Install directly from PyPI:

pip install opustrainer

or clone this repository, and install it in editable mode so you can change the source, but still use all the commands:

git clone [email protected]:hplt-project/opustrainer.git
cd opustrainer
pip install -e .


% opustrainer-train --help
usage: opustrainer-train [-h] --config CONFIG [--state STATE] [--sync] [--temporary-directory TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY] [--do-not-resume] [--no-shuffle] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--log-file LOG_FILE] ...

Feeds marian tsv data for training.

positional arguments:
  trainer               Trainer program that gets fed the input. If empty it is read from config.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        YML configuration input.
  --state STATE, -s STATE
                        YML state file, defaults to ${CONFIG}.state.
  --sync                Do not shuffle async
                        Temporary dir, used for shuffling and tracking state
  --do-not-resume, -d   Do not resume from the previous training state
  --no-shuffle, -n      Do not shuffle, for debugging
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Set log level. Available levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default is INFO
  --log-file LOG_FILE, -l LOG_FILE
                        Target location for logging. Always logs to stderr and optionally to a file.

Once you fix the paths in the configuration file, train_config.yml you can run a test case by doing:

opustrainer-train -c train_config.yml /path/to/marian -c marian_config --any --other --flags

You can check resulting mixed file in /tmp/test. If your neural network trainer doesn't support training from stdin, you can use this tool to generate a training dataset and then disable data reordering or shuffling at your trainer implementation, as your training input should be balanced.

At the start of the training all datasets are shuffled. Each time a dataset's end is reached, it is re-shuffled. Shuffling in the system temp directory but can be repositioned using --temporary-directory or the TMPDIR environment variable. By default, the training state is kept in the same place as the configuration file. If training is interrupted, re-running the trainer should resume from where it was (depending on how much your neural network trainer has buffered, that part will be skipped).

Configuration file

Define your training process via a configuration file. You define the datasets on top, the stages and then for each stage a mixing criteria and a stage termination criteria. An example configuration file is provided below. The path to the trainer is a path to any neural network trainer that supports having stdin as training input format.

# Datasets are already TSV files. We support reading gzip'd files, as well as multiple dataset file per name
  clean: test/data/clean
  medium: test/data/medium
  dirty: test/data/dirty

  - start
  - mid
  - end

  - clean 0.8
  - medium 0.2
  - dirty 0
  - until clean 2 # Until two epochs of clean

  - clean 0.6
  - medium 0.3
  - dirty 0.1
  - until medium 1

  - clean 0.4
  - medium 0.3
  - dirty 0.3
  - until dirty 5 # use `inf` to mean until forever

- UpperCase: 0.05 # Apply uppercase randomly to 5% of sentences. See below
- TitleCase: 0.05

seed: 1111
num_fields: 2 # Assures every line has exactly 2 fields.
trainer: /path/to/trainer/

Number of fields

If num_fields is provided, at read time, the trainer will strip any extra TSV fields that the dataset contains (such as optinal alignment field that you are not going to use). Furthermore, any line that doesn't have enough fields gets filtered (eg lines missing alignment info when you do actually care about alignment).

Extended stage configuration

If you want to change which modifiers are used for a specific stage, you can the extended stage configuration format. If a modifiers is mentioned here, it will override the curriculum-wide defined modifiers for just this stage.

In the extended format, the list of datasets is defined in the mix key. You can optionally add a modifiers key. For example:

  - clean 0.8
  - medium 0.2
  - dirty 0
  - until clean 2 # Until two epochs of clean
    - UpperCase: 0.05
    - TitleCase: 0.05

Note that you can use YAML references if you wish to extensively combine global and local modifiers.


Modifiers are randomly applied to the sentences that go into the trainer. Each modifier has a probability associated with it that is the chance that a sentence is modified by the modifier. E.g. a modifier with a probability of 0.05 will affect about 1 in every 20 sentences.

Modifiers are applied one after another, in the order you defined them, all with their own probability regardless of the modifiers that got applied before it. E.g. if you have the following configuration:

- UpperCase: 0.05
- TitleCase: 0.05

This means that 1 in 20 sentences will be uppercased, and 1 in 20 will be titlecased. And effectively 0.05 * 0.05 so 1 in 400 will first be uppercased and then titlecased.


Turns the entire source and target sentence to upper case, e.g. 'heLLo' becomes 'HELLO'.

  - UpperCase: 0.05


Makes the first letter of every word uppercase, and the rest lowercase. Words are split by spaces. E.g. 'heLLo' becomes 'Hello'.

  - TitleCase: 0.05


Introduce typos in the source side of the sentence pair.

The probability of the modifier itself is the chance a sentence is affected. The probabilities of each of the types of typos describes the chance a word is affected. Each type of typo occurs at most once in a sentence.

You can specify a probability for each modifier individually. If any of the typo classes is omitted, it has a probability of 0. Alternatively, you can omit all typo classes. Then all of them will have a default 10% probability.

- Typos: 0.05
  char_swap:     0.1 # Swaps two random consecutive word characters in the string.
  missing_char:  0.1 # Skips a random word character in the string.
  extra_char:    0.1 # Adds an extra, keyboard-neighbor, letter next to a random word character.
  nearby_char:   0.1 # Replaces a random word character with keyboard-neighbor letter.
  similar_char:  0.1 # Replaces a random word character with another visually similar character.
  skipped_space: 0.1 # Skips a random space from the string.
  random_space:  0.1 # Adds a random space in the string.
  repeated_char: 0.1 # Repeats a random word character.
  unichar:       0.1 # Replaces a random consecutive repeated letter with a single letter. 


Adds a modifier that merges up to n lines lines together. The idea is that sometimes we want to see longer sequences so that we are more robust.

- Merge: 0.01
  min_lines: 2 # Minimum lines to merge together
  max_lines: 4 # Maximum lines to merge together


Adds a noise modifier that inserts sentence pair containing identical random unicode noise on the source and target side. This is useful to teach the model to copy things it doesn't understand (IE notranslate).

- Noise: 0.01
  min_word_length: 2 # Minimum word length for each word in the noisy sentence
  max_word_length: 5 # Maximum word length for each word in the noisy sentence
  max_words: 6 # Maximum number of words in each noisy sentence


Adds a placeholder tag to the source sentence that can be used by the model to hint how it should translate that word. The word to hint is chosen at random from the target sentence. Only words with a 1-to-1 mapping between source and target are considered.

This modifier needs a third column in the training data with per-word (technically: space separated token) alignment information.

- Tags: 0.05
  custom_detok_src: null
  custom_detok_trg: zh
  spm_vocab: path/to/vocab.enzh.spm
  template: "__source__ {src} __target__ {trg} __done__"

All options are optional.

You can specify custom detokenizer languages using custom_detok_src and custom_detok_trg if the dataset you're reading from has been tokenized by the Moses tokenizer. This can be helpful to do for languages that do not use spaces to delimit words. The default tokenisation strategy is splitting/joining by spaces.

The spm_vocab option can be used to recompute the alignment info to match the tokenisation from the sentencepiece vocabulary. This is mostly useful for Marian, which takes untokenised input but expects the alignment info to match the sentencepiece tokenisation it performs. Note that at the moment alignment info is only produced when spm_vocab is given.

The format for telling the translation model the intention to translate a word in a certain way can be controlled by template. Here {src} and {trg} are replaced by the selected words from the source and target side of the sentence pair.


Sometimes we want to just replace the source token with the target token directly, so during terminology inference the model doesn't try to think too hard what to do, but always places the hinted token on the target side. See contrib/test_enzh_noise_config.yml for example usage.

  - Tags: 0.1
    custom_detok_src: null # Null value for the src detokenizer
    custom_detok_trg: zh
    replace: 0.4 # 0.4 out of the time tags is triggered, instead replace the target token with random noise, and use that random noise to tag a corresponding source word.
Inline Noise

If alignment information is present, we can augment the training data with inline unicode noise that appears at the appropriate location on both the source and the target. This is useful to teach the model to copy things it doesn't understand (IE notranslate). See contrib/test_enzh_noise_config.yml for example usage.

  - Tags: 0.1
    custom_detok_src: null # Null value for the src detokenizer
    custom_detok_trg: zh
    augment: 0.4 # 0.4 out of the time tags is triggered, instead augment the source and the target with random noise. If you want 100% only noise without tag functionality use augment: 1

Note: Due to how most modifiers are implemented, they will have a normalising effect on spaces. Sequences of spaces will be collapsed into a single space. This is also true for the Tags modifier.

Note: Even if the probability of the Tags modifier is set to 0, it will apply detokenisation and optionally re-computation of the alignment on every sentence pair, regardless whether it was picked out to be modified or not.


Prepends a random subsection of the target sentence before the source sentence.

This is useful for teaching the model to force decode a specific string if the user is absolutely certain it has to appear in the output. For example I like pie. Me gustan los pasteles. becomes __start__ los pasteles __end__ I like pie. Me gustan los pasteles.

Note: The Prefix modifier must always be used as the last modifier, but ideally never used together with "Tags".

 - Prefix: 0.5
   min_words: 2
   max_words: 5
   template: "__start__ {trg} __end__ "


In order to train models supporting vocabulary "hints" we provide a tags system where we laverage word alignment information to provide "hints" for the translation model to what it should produce on the Target side. The work is very similar to Dinu et al. 2019. An example. Given an alignment augmented tsv training line: I like pies! \t Ich mag Kuchen! \t 0-0 1-1 2-2 The machine translation traing system would see something like: I like <tag0> mag <tag0> pies! \t Ich mag Kuchen! Where the numeric ID of the tag is drawn from a random distribution from the total number of tags. The probability asigned to the Tags modifier determines how likely is it for a tag augmentation to appear on any given word.

Finally, if your corpus is augmented with alignment info, but you don't want to use any tags, just set the probability of this modifier to 0.

Generating vocabulary and tags before training

In the future, this will be handled by a training Pipeline, but until then here's the basic scripts used

For producing alignment augmented corpus use this script:

#!/bin/bash -v

# Usage: ./ source_corpus target_corpus src trg

# install fast align
mkdir -p bin

# download and compile fast_align
if [ ! -e bin/fast_align ]; then
    git clone
    mkdir -p fast_align/build
    cd fast_align/build
    cmake ..
    make -j4
    cp fast_align atools ../../bin
    cd ../../

# Prepare the corpus for fast align
test -s $2/corpus.tmp.${3}-${4}.falign ||  cat $1 | sed 's/\t/ ||| /' > $2/corpus.tmp.${3}-${4}.falign

# Align it
test -s $2/align.${3}-${4}.s2t  || bin/fast_align -vod  -i $2/corpus.tmp.${3}-${4}.falign > $2/align.${3}-${4}.s2t
test -s $2/align.${3}-${4}.t2s  || bin/fast_align -vodr -i $2/corpus.tmp.${3}-${4}.falign > $2/align.${3}-${4}.t2s

test -s $2/corpus.${3}-${4}.aln || bin/atools -i $2/align.${3}-${4}.s2t -j $2/align.${3}-${4}.t2s -c grow-diag-final-and > $2/corpus.${3}-${4}.aln

For creating vocabulary with tags support, use this script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#Usage ./ en de path-to-corpora char-cov vocab_size

char_cov=${4:-'0.9995'} # Default char coverage
vocab_size=${5:-'32000'} # Default vocab size
# Set up some constants

# Language pairs

# Placeholders array

# Character coverage. CJK is recommended to have 0.9995, vocab languages proabbly you want 1.

# First clone and compile SPM
if [ ! -e ${spm_exec} ]; then
    git clone
    cd sentencepiece
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j4
    cd ..
    cd ..
    if [ ! -e ${spm_exec} ]; then
        echo "Failed to compile sentencepiece"
        exit 1

$spm_exec --bos_id=-1 --eos_id=0 --unk_id=1 ${placeholders} ${char_cov} ${prefix} --vocab_size=${vocab_size} --input=${3} --input_sentence_size=20000000 --byte_fallback #--input_format=tsv seems broken

Future work

  • Terminology support (using a dictionary), where augmentation happens not by using alignment scores but by taking values from a dictionary.
  • A one click run training


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070350 and from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number 10052546]