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Eduardo Blanco Bielsa edited this page May 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Preguntator wiki!

Here you will find some tips to use this app.

How to add a question?

  • Just simply put ?. Followed by your question (Do not write the question in multiple lines, use , ; or .

How to add some answers?

  • Just put something like a. This is answer one and then you can follow like b. This is answer two

How do I set up the correct answers?

  • You can do it putting before the answer/s you want $. E.g: $a. This is answer one or $b. This is answer two

How do I add an image?

The images are temporally stored in your browser, so first you should add after a question the image name between brackets like:

?: Why is the number six so scared?

Then you must load them using the File Uploader option:


Example of code

Check it here: example of code