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Workflow file for this run

# name: Release
# on:
# release:
# types: [released]
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# version:
# description: Version
# required: true
# env:
# REGISTRY_IMAGE: getlago/front
# jobs:
# build-images:
# strategy:
# matrix:
# platform:
# - linux/amd64
# - linux/arm64
# name: Build ${{ matrix.platform }} Image
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
# steps:
# - name: Prepare
# run: |
# platform=${{ matrix.platform }}
# echo "PLATFORM_PAIR=${platform//\//-}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Checkout Repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Docker Meta
# id: meta
# uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
# with:
# images: ${{ env.REGISTRY_IMAGE }}
# tags: |
# type=raw,value=${{ github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.release.tag_name || github.event.inputs.version }}
# - name: Set up Docker Buildx
# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# with:
# version: latest
# - name: Log In to Docker Hub
# uses: docker/login-action@v3
# with:
# username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}
# - name: Add version into docker image
# id: add_version
# run: |
# echo "${{ github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.release.tag_name || github.event.inputs.version }}" > LAGO_VERSION
# - name: Build and push Docker image
# uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
# id: build
# with:
# context: .
# platforms: ${{ matrix.platform }}
# labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.label }}
# outputs: type=image,name=${{ env.REGISTRY_IMAGE }},push-by-digest=true,name-canonical=true,push=true
# - name: Export Digest
# run: |
# mkdir -p ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests
# digest="${{ }}"
# touch "./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests/${digest#sha256:}"
# - name: Upload Digest
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: digests-${{ env.PLATFORM_PAIR }}
# path: ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests/*
# if-no-files-found: error
# retention-days: 1
# - name: Clean up
# if: always()
# run: |
# [ -e ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests ] && \
# rm -rf ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests
# merge:
# name: Merge Images
# runs-on: lago-runner
# needs: [build-images]
# steps:
# - name: Download Digests
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# path: ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id}}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests
# pattern: digests-*
# merge-multiple: true
# - name: Docker meta
# id: meta
# uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
# with:
# images: ${{ env.REGISTRY_IMAGE }}
# tags: |
# type=raw,value=${{ github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.release.tag_name || github.event.inputs.version }}
# - name: Set up Docker buildx
# uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# - name: Log in to Docker Hub
# uses: docker/login-action@v3
# with:
# username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}
# - name: Create manifest and push
# working-directory: ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt}}/digests
# run: |
# docker buildx imagetools create $(jq -cr '.tags | map("-t " + .) | join(" ")' <<< "$DOCKER_METADATA_OUTPUT_JSON") \
# $(printf '${{ env.REGISTRY_IMAGE }}@sha256:%s ' *)
# - name: Inspect Image
# run: |
# docker buildx imagetools inspect ${{ env.REGISTRY_IMAGE }}:${{ steps.meta.outputs.version }}
# - name: Clean up
# if: always()
# run: |
# [ -e ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests ] && \
# rm -rf ./_tmp/${{ github.run_id }}/${{ github.run_attempt }}/digests