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Welcome to the freestar_flutter_plugin wiki!

The latest version of our plugin can be found here.

Add Freestar Ads Mediation to your Flutter app. Supported on Android and iOS platforms.

Our Android and iOS setup instructions change frequently, so please read those sections carefully below.

Run our sample

A great way to become familiar with Freestar mediation is to run our sample app.

  1. If not already done so, install the Flutter development environment by Google!

  2. Connect an Android device to your computer. (Don't worry, the plugin also supports iOS!)

  3. Open command-shell or terminal window and:

git clone
cd freestar_flutter_plugin/example
flutter run

Note: If TAM adapter is in your Podfile, and your Podfile is not setup to use_frameworks!, then please follow these additional steps to fix workspace build issue(s) due to static linkage.

  1. install cocoapods-pod-linkage plugin
  2. gem install "cocoapods-pod-linkage"
  3. Insert this into your Podfile: plugin 'cocoapods-pod-linkage'
  4. Insert this into your Podfile: use_frameworks! :linkage => :static
  5. Insert this into your Podfile: pod "FMDB", :linkage => :dynamic
  6. Insert this into your Podfile: pod "FSLPromisesObjC", :linkage => :dynamic
  7. Using Xcode, add a new build run script phase into your target
  8. Insert this script into script window
  9. Move build phase above [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks

Getting Started

Follow these steps to integrate Freestar Flutter plugin (freestar_flutter_plugin) package into your Flutter app. The first step will be Dart setup. The Android and iOS sub-sections will follow.

Dart Setup

The following are essentially excerpts from our example main.dart Please take a look to see how easy it is to integrate Freestar mediation.

Initialize Freestar

import 'package:freestar_flutter_plugin/freestar_flutter_plugin.dart';

In your initState method, setup Freestar with the following test keys:

FreestarFlutterPlugin.enableLogging(true);        //set false for production
FreestarFlutterPlugin.enableTestMode(true);       //set false for production
FreestarFlutterPlugin.enablePartnerChooser(true); //set false for production

if (defaultTargetPlatform == {
  FreestarFlutterPlugin.init("XqjhRR"); //Android Test Key
} else if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
  FreestarFlutterPlugin.init("XqjhRR");  //iOS Test Key

Interstitial Ad (Fullscreen ad)

Make sure to implement the InterstitialAdListener interface. For example:

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>
    implements InterstitialAdListener

Declare/Instantiate InterstitialAd

InterstitialAd _interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(); 

// Another way:
InterstitialAd _interstitialAd = InterstitialAd.from('optional-placement', myInterstitialAdListener); 

// Loading
_interstitialAd.interstitialAdListener = myInterstitialAdListener; //if not already set, do so before calling loadAd
_interstitialAd.placement = 'optional-placement';  //optional placement or simply omit if not needed

//optional targeting parameters
Map targetingParams = Map();
targetingParams["my-targeting-param1"] = "example value 1";
targetingParams["my-targeting-param2"] = "example value 2";
_interstitialAd.targetingParams = targetingParams; //optional targeting params or simply omit if not needed

_interstitialAd.loadAd();  //fetches highest-paying mediation partner ad-fill

When you receive the onInterstitialAdLoaded callback, the interstitial ad is ready to be shown:

_interstitialAd.showAd();  //Display fullscreen interstitial ad

Rewarded Ad (Fullscreen ad)

Make sure to implement the RewardedAdListener interface. For example:

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>
    implements RewardedAdListener

Declare/Instantiate RewardedAd

RewardedAd _rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(); 

// Another way:
RewardedAd _rewardedAd = RewardedAd.from('optional-placement', myRewardedAdListener); 

// Loading
_rewardedAd.rewardedAdListener = myRewardedAdListener; //if not already set, do so before calling loadAd
_rewardedAd.placement = 'optional-placement';  //optional placement or simply omit if not needed

//optional targeting parameters
Map targetingParams = Map();
targetingParams["my-targeting-param1"] = "example value 1";
targetingParams["my-targeting-param2"] = "example value 2";
_rewardedAd.targetingParams = targetingParams; //optional targeting params or simply omit if not needed

_rewardedAd.loadAd();  //fetches highest-paying mediation partner ad-fill

When you receive the onRewardedAdLoaded callback, the Rewarded ad is ready to be shown:

//secret - the secret string you want to secure your reward with
//userId - your user id string.  can use empty string ""
//rewardType - can be "Gold" or "Coins" or whatever your virtual currency may be!
//rewardAmount - whatever string amount your user will be rewarded with

_rewardedAd.showAd("my-secret-12345", "myUserId-12345", "V-Bucks", "100");  //Display fullscreen Rewarded ad

When 'onRewardedAdCompleted' is called, this indicates the user has completed viewing the fullscreen rewarded to the end.

Banner Ad

The following banner ad sizes are supported:

BannerAd.AD_SIZE_LEADERBOARD_728x90   (for tablet devices)

Make sure to implement the BannerAdListener interface. For example:

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>
    implements BannerAdListener

Declare/Instantiate BannerAd

BannerAd _bannerAd = new BannerAd(); 

// Another way:
BannerAd _bannerAd = BannerAd.from('optional-placement', BannerAd.AD_SIZE_BANNER_320x50, myRewardedAdListener, false);

//The last parameter is `doAutoloadWhenCreated` (see below for reference)

Add BannerAd to your UI

Add the BannerAd to your Scaffold or UI hierarchy:

_bannerAd.bannerAdListener = myBannerAdListener;    //set listener, if not already set
_bannerAd.adSize = BannerAd.AD_SIZE_BANNER_320x50;  //set the banner ad size, if not already not
_bannerAd.doAutoloadWhenCreated = true;  //displays the banner ad as soon as UI is initialized and do not need to call bannerAd.loadAd

//Small banner ad example:
Container(width: 320.0,  //explicitly set the physical container size appropriately
          height: 50.0,
          child: _bannerAd)

//MREC banner ad example:
Container(width: 300.0,  //explicitly set the physical container size appropriately
          height: 250.0,
          child: _mrecBannerAd)

Banner ad also supports optional targeting parameters:

Map targetingParams = Map();
targetingParams["my-targeting-param1"] = "example value 1";
targetingParams["my-targeting-param2"] = "example value 2";
_bannerAd.targetingParams = targetingParams; //optional targeting params or simply omit if not needed

_bannerAd.loadAd();  //fetches highest-paying mediation partner ad-fill

When the a fill is received, the BannerAd will automatically display in the position where it was added to the UI and onBannerAdLoaded will be called.

Native Ad

Native Ads are supported. Out of the box, native ads support two general sizes:


Make sure to implement the NativeAdListener interface. For example:

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>
    implements NativeAdListener

Declare/Instantiate NativeAd

NativeAd _nativeAd = new NativeAd(); 

// Another way:
NativeAd _nativeAd = NativeAd.from('optional-placement', NativeAd.NATIVE_TEMPLATE_SMALL, myNativeAdListener, false);

//The last parameter is `doAutoloadWhenCreated` (see below for reference)

Add NativeAd to your UI

Add the NativeAd to your Scaffold or UI hierarchy:

_nativeAd.nativeAdListener = myNativeAdListener;    //set listener, if not already set
_nativeAd.adSize = NativeAd.NATIVE_TEMPLATE_SMALL;  //set the native ad size, if not already not
_nativeAd.doAutoloadWhenCreated = true;  //displays the native ad as soon as UI is initialized and do not need to call nativeAd.loadAd

//Small template native ad example:
Container(width: window.physicalSize.width,  //fullscreen width
          height: 100.0,  //100.0 is the small native ad height
          child: _smallNativeAd)

//Medium template native ad example:
Container(width: window.physicalSize.width,  //fullscreen width
          height: 350.0,  //350.0 is the medium native ad height
          child: _mediumNativeAd)

Native ad also supports optional targeting parameters:

Map targetingParams = Map();
targetingParams["my-targeting-param1"] = "example value 1";
targetingParams["my-targeting-param2"] = "example value 2";
_nativeAd.targetingParams = targetingParams; //optional targeting params or simply omit if not needed

_nativeAd.loadAd();  //fetches highest-paying mediation partner ad-fill

When the a fill is received, the NativeAd will automatically display in the position where it was added to the UI and onNativeAdLoaded will be called.

Android Setup

Modify Your Application's AndroidManifest.xml

Using our example, the path would be: freestar_flutter_plugin/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

Add this section to your app AndroidManifest.xml.

  • Copy the meta-data tags
  • Add android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" to the application tag property.
  • Add android:exported="true" to your MainActivity activity tag (Your main launcher activity):

For reference, please see our example AndroidManifest.xml

Modify Your Application's app/build.gradle

Using our example, the path would be: freestar_flutter_plugin/example/android/app/build.gradle

Add the following packagingOptions to the android root section:

    android {
        packagingOptions {


For reference, please see our example app build.gradle

When done, you may run your Flutter app on a connected Android device!

Android Proguard

When creating a release version of your Android app, make sure to use our

Android plugin dependencies

See our plugin gradle dependencies here

iOS Setup

The flutter build ios command in the terminal will generate an Xcode project from your Flutter app. The generated folder (example/ios) in this repo will include:

  • An .xcworkspace file
  • An .xcproject file
  • A {YOUR_APP_NAME} folder containing generated native code
  • A Podfile file
  • A Podfile.lock file
  • A Pods folder

The last three relate to the CocoaPods system, used both by Flutter and by Freestar to manage iOS library dependencies. To complete the setup, you will need to edit the Podfile with the following changes:

  1. Specify the iOS version: platform :ios, '13.0'. This is the minimum supported version. Freestar supports iOS 10.0 and above.
  2. In the target '{YOUR_APP_NAME}' section, list the advertsing partners from which you would like to see ads:
  pod "FSLPromisesObjC", :linkage => :dynamic
  pod "FMDB", :linkage => :dynamic
  pod "FreestarAds-AdColony", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-AppLovin", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-AppLovinMax", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Criteo", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Fyber2", "~>"
  pod 'FreestarAds-GAM', '~>'
  pod 'FreestarAds-GAM/Facebook', '~>'
  pod 'FreestarAds-Googleadmob', '~>'
  pod 'FreestarAds-Googleadmob/Facebook', '~>'
  pod "FreestarAds-Hyprmx", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Ogury", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Prebid", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-TAM", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Unity", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Yahoo", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Nimbus", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Smaato", "~>"
  pod "FreestarAds-Vungle", "~>"

Once you made the changes, save the Podfile, enter the ios directory in the terminal, and re-run pod install. Then open the {YOUR_APP_NAME}.xcworkspace file with Xcode.

The generated project will include an Info.plist file. If, when editing your Podfile (see above), you included either FreestarAds-Googleadmob or FreestarAds-GAM in the partner list, you will need to add your Google Application Identifier (received from Google) to the Info.plist; the app will not function without this:


There are also two flags that you can add to the plist to aid in development. To see test ads:


Test ads do not generate revenue, remove this flag before submitting the app to the App Store.

To generate detailed logging from the Freestar SDK:

❗⚠Warning: For both performance and security reasons, it is not advisable to have detailed logging in production apps. Remove the flag in the Info.plist before submitting to the App Store.

When done, you may run your Flutter app on a connected iOS device!


Integrating Freestar Flutter plugin to display ads in your Flutter app is easy. As mentioned, please see our example main.dart