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Axis Function
Left Joystick X Drive left/right
Left Joystick Y Drive forward/back
Right Joystick X Rotate left/right
Right Joystick Y None
Left Trigger Expel note while held
Right Trigger Intake note while held (pause if intake sensor is triggered)
Button Function
Left Stick None
Right Stick None
Left Bumper Auto shoot
Right Bumper While held: Raise elevator to amp. When released: Score amp then drop elevator.
Start Reset yaw
Select None
A None
B None
X None
Y None
DPAD Function
Up Climber up (while held)
Down Climber down (while held)
Left None
Right None


Button Function
Left Stick Add vision estimate from Limelight
Right Stick None
Left Bumper Set shooter to speaker preset
Right Bumper Set shooter to podium preset
Start Reset odometry to Limelight
Back Feed note (ignoring shooter status)
A Intake note (stop when intake sensor triggered)
B Expel note
X Turn off intake
Y Feed note when shooter ready
POV Function
Up Move elevator to amp
Down Move elevator to intake
Left Set shooter to low throw preset
Right Set shooter to high throw preset

Code Formatting

  • Check formatting: ./gradlew spotlessCheck (output is difficult to read through powershell, so this may be of limited use)
  • Apply formatting: ./gradlew spotlessApply

Usage Notes

Alliance Selection in DS

  • The AprilTags on the field are for the red alliance.
    • Make sure to specify you are on red alliance in driver station.
  • Also, note that the driver station for the red alliance is beside the speaker, so if you sit at the table in the cafeteria, the robot will appear to drive backwards.
    • Grab a chair and set it up beside the speaker if you want to drive the robot properly.


  • Before running an autonomous, you must setup the robot in the starting position (pay attention to the direction it should be pointing too)!
  • If you forget to do this the robot will think it is at a different position on the field (potentially hitting obstacles + aiming in the wrong direction) and the gyro will point in a different direction until the Limelight updates the robot odometry.


  • If you are testing the robot in the cafeteria, the light from outside significantly affects the Limelight tuning.
    • As it becomes darker, adjust exposure time and black offset from Limelight Configuration.