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Francisco Zorrilla edited this page Jul 27, 2024 · 26 revisions

❗Please refer to main README installation one-liner or the detailed setup guide for recommended installation❗

Automated installation

Clone this repository to your HPC or local computer:

git clone # Download metaGEM repo
cd metaGEM # Move into metaGEM directory
rm -r .git # Remove ~250 Mb of unneeded git history files

Press y and Enter when prompted to remove write-protected files, these are not necessary and just eat your precious space.

rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘.git/objects/pack/pack-f4a65f7b63c09419a9b30e64b0e4405c524a5b35.pack’? y
rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘.git/objects/pack/pack-f4a65f7b63c09419a9b30e64b0e4405c524a5b35.idx’? y

Run the script:

bash # Run automated setup script

This script will prompt you to set up 4 conda environments in the envs/ folder:

  • mamba
    • Only used for installing mamba and setting up subsequent environments from recipe files
  • metagem
    • Contains most metaGEM core workflow tools
    • Python 3
  • metawrap
    • Contains only metaWRAP and its dependencies
    • Python 2
  • prokkaroary
    • Contains bonus tools

Don't worry, you don't need to install everything right away. You can already start processing you raw sequences with just the metagem conda env installed.

If you run into issues with the automated installation please refer to the manual installation page.

Checking your installation

To make sure that the basics have been properly configured, run the check task using the parser:

bash -t check

This will check if conda is installed/available and verify that the environments were properly set up by the script. Additionally, this check function will prompt you to create results folders if they are not already present. Finally, this task will check if any sequencing files are present in the dataset folder, prompting the user to the either organize already existing files into sample-specific subfolders or to download a small toy dataset.


The conda environments will be set up under the /envs folder:

├── mamba/
├── metagem/
├── metawrap/
└── prokkaroary/

Input data

metaGEM expects data files to be organized into sample specific subdirectories within the dataset folder, note that this will be done automatically after downloading the toy dataset files. Alternatively, users can dump all fastq files in the dataset folder and run the metaGEM task organizeData:

bash --task organizeData

This is how the dataset folder should look:

└── {SAMPLE ID 1}/
    ├── {SAMPLE ID 1}_R1.fastq.gz
    └── {SAMPLE ID 1}_R2.fastq.gz
└── {SAMPLE ID 2}/
    ├── {SAMPLE ID 2}_R1.fastq.gz
    └── {SAMPLE ID 2}_R2.fastq.gz
└── {SAMPLE ID 3}/
    ├── {SAMPLE ID 3}_R1.fastq.gz
    └── {SAMPLE ID 3}_R2.fastq.gz

Note that the organizeData task expects that your samples are named according to the following scheme:

{SAMPLE ID}_R{1|2}.fastq.gz, e.g. ERR260137_R1.fastq.gz, ERR260137_R2.fastq.gz, ERR260138_R1.fastq.gz, etc.

Config files

Make sure to inspect and set up the two config files to ensure smooth metaGEM runs:

Snakemake configuration

The config.yaml handles all the tunable parameters, subfolder names, paths, and more. The root path is automatically set by the parser to be the current working directory. Most importantly, you should make sure that the scratch path is properly configured. Most clusters have a location for temporary or high I/O operations such as $TMPDIR or $SCRATCH, e.g. see here. Please refer to the config.yaml wiki page for a more in depth look at this config file.

Cluster configuration

The cluster_config.json handles parameters for submitting jobs to the cluster workload manager. Most importantly, you should make sure that the account is properly defined to be able to submit jobs to your cluster. Please refer to the cluster_config.json wiki page for a more in depth look at this config file.

Tools requiring additional configuration

Please note that you will need to set up the following tools/databases to run the complete core metaGEM workflow:

1. CheckM

CheckM is used extensively within the metaWRAP modules to evaluate the output of various intermediate steps. Although the CheckM package is installed in the metawrap environment, the user is required to download the CheckM database and run checkm data setRoot <db_dir> as outlined in the CheckM installation guide.

2. GTDB-Tk

GTDB-Tk is used for taxonomic assignment of MAGs, and requires a database to be downloaded and configured. Please refer to the installation documentation for detailed instructions.


Unfortunately CPLEX cannot be automatically installed in the script, you must install this dependency manually within the metagem conda environment. GEM reconstruction and GEM community simulations require the IBM CPLEX solver, which is free to download with an academic license. Refer to the CarveMe and SMETANA installation instructions for further information or troubleshooting. Note: CPLEX v.12.8 is recommended.

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