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/ onlydjango Public template

This template / boilerplate is not ready yet. For anyone who discovers this.

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Note: Both the readme and the code in the repo are a work in progress and is incomplete!

The idea of onlydjango is to use as much of django until you cant.

onlydjango aims to

  • Make deploying Django easy
  • Already setup task ques
  • Utilize Generic views along with Django Forms, while also using crispy forms
  • have tailwindcss pre-setup

This boilerplate is constantly being updated as I start new django projects and try to use this as the starting point. Hopefully it will reach a stage where I dont have to come back to edit this repo while setting things up.

Generic Views

Onlydjango include a helpers/ file which has an extension of all the Django Generic views. The reason for extending the generic views with our own generic views are to add FormHelpers directly within those classes so that when a Createview is rendered through a generic view the crispy tags are used and django forms are replaced with crispy forms.

We also use crispy-tailwind for styling and so inside helpers/ we have all the styling a form might need to implement. We also include a package called django-flatpickr which uses flatpickr for Time, Datetime, and Date widgets. This package may seem unnessesary at first but, these fields by default are rendered as text inputs which is not great so a replacement was added so extra time wont be spent fighting it. Feel free to spend extra time and replace it later on if flatpicker doesnt work out very well.

Static Files

As S3 is the common standard we have included the setup of django-storages within the file in our settings. Cloudflare R2 will work with this setup.

Deploying Django

The easiest way to deploy django projects really fast is railway due to the almost instant postgresql databases the service provides. Not to mention the covered $5 and the OSS 25% kickback they provide for developers, railway is very very attractive.

Todo: Add a dockerfile so that deployments can be possible in other platforms as well


While I am a fan of sqlite and using sqlite for development, sqlite does not fit the purpose of this repo as we are trying to go for dev speed and deploying sqlite on a containerized way is not great for that.

There are two databases you should run: redis and postgresql with their default settings and default ports exposed from the official docker containers.

Todo: add the commands here


The package django-allauth is used for all authentication. For a really quick setup telegram is implemented. Using ngrok you can have a working dev environment for telegram authentication. It can be argued that google auth being default might be easier, but I disagree, as you can have telegram authentication working with a couple of chats with @botfather and running ngrok.

Another package we will include will be an otp based authentication package where we will add fake authentication of a preset OTP code. This can make it very easy to get a login system working right away, however allauth is also very relevant and will not be removed.


Logging setup also uses Telegram as this is how I mainly log my projects now. Telegram is where I live all the time so seeing application logs instantly just like that is a really big convenience for me. The setup I have on telegram is seperate log channels per application and a folder called Logs that has all these channels.

AI for Coding

AI can definitely speed up the already speedy workflow django provides. Such as writing tests, UI components and more. The stack using tailwindcss, alpinejs and htmx also makes it easy for LLMs to generate working code. However from experience we often have to remind it to not use alpinejs too much when dealing with data. Because we want django templating language to deal with the data aspect and alpinejs to provide client side interactivity.

The choice of using aider for coding is to preserve privacy for one thing as cursor requests hit their own servers no matter what. It is also cost effecient, and more importantly developer productivity should not be given up just because another IDE has AI.



This template / boilerplate is not ready yet. For anyone who discovers this.



