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ExperimentsLabs libraries for VueJS2

Small pieces of code created for VueJS projects.

This is a work in progress, the different pieces are tied together.

If you think this could be useful, please join the gitter channel.

In the end, everything will be split in smaller repositories.

There is no browser support for now, this is meant to be used with webpack.


API: An HTTP wrapper tied to VueX to handle loading states and API errors

Modulator/Modeler: generates VueX modules with generic mutation/actions/getters, dispatches data from API calls in the VueX modules, taking care of the relations

VueX (modules):

  • AuthModule: JWT Auth module for VueX
  • LoadersModule: handle and manage the app's loading state
  • PageStateModule: handle and manage the page's state and errors


  • Common: Some basic functions
  • Notifier: proxy messaging system. Replace it with your own (as vuex-toast)


You need use these libraries in your app:

Infos and usage:

API / LoadersModule:

The API is only a wrapper for vue-resource, adding loading states in a VueX module (LoadersModule).

When you need to load something, an entry is added in the Loaders VueX module in two possible subkeys: loaders and small_loaders.


The loaders are critical elements. They are meant to block the app's state, with a full page overlay or something else.

There are several getters to get them:

  • APP_IS_LOADING: Returns true if the app is loading something
  • LOADING_MESSAGES: Returns all the loading messages


The small loaders are non-blocking; they should be used when you only need to change a small portion of your app when the data is loading (as disabling a save button).

There are several getters to play with them:

  • ALL_SMALL_LOADERS: Returns all the small loaders
  • ONE_SMALL_LOADER(loaderId): Returns the state of one small loader, if it exists.
  • ONE_SMALL_LOADER_APPROX(regex): returns all the loaders beginning with ^${regex}

Dependencies info:

The API module is used in the Modulator for now, this dependency should be removed one day.


The idea behind the Modulator is to provide basic getters and actions for VueX to query the store with an ORM approach.

In order to use it, you'll have to describe the data models returned by the API, and for each model, a vuex module will be created with basic actions and getters:


  • DISPATCH_AND_COMMIT_<model>(entity): takes an entity and put its related data in the corresponding modules
  • LOAD_<model>S: Performs a GET and dispatches the returned data
  • LOAD_<model>(id): Performs a GET and dispatches the returned entity
  • NEW_<model>(entity): Performs a POST and dispatches the returned entity
  • PATCH_<model>(entity): Performs a PATCH and updates the store and dispatches the related data
  • DELETE_<model>(id): Performs a DELETE and updates the store
  • RESET_<model>S_STATE: Clears the module's data.


  • ALL_<model>S: returns all the entities for the model
  • ONE_<model>(id): returns the entity with corresponding id
  • *ALL_<model>S_BY_RELATION(foreignKey, foreignId): Returns all the associated data for an entity
  • *ALL_<model>S_BY_HABTM_RELATION(foreignKey, foreignId): Returns all the data associated with a habtm relation
  • *ALL_<model>S_BY_FILTER(callback): Filters entities based on a callback
  • *FIRST_<model>_BY_RELATION(foreignKey, foreignId): Returns the first result of a related dataset
  • COUNT_<model>S: Get the number of elements in the module
  • COUNT_<model>S_IN_RELATION(foreignKey, foreignId): Returns the number of elements in a related dataset
  • ALL_<model>S_LIST_ORDERED_BY_TEXT_FIELD(fieldName): Returns a list of [id, text], perfect for selects elements
  • <model>_MODEL: returns the model configuration.

Getting started

Create a new store.js file in you app, which will hold all the configuration:

import { Store, generateModule, Modeler } from '@experiments-labs/vuejs-elabs-libs'

export default Store

Then, load it in the main.js or whatever your entry point file is:

// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
// Required
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
// Mixins are optionnal
import { Api, AppMixins } from '@experiments-labs/vuejs-elabs-libs'
import store from `./path/to/store`
// Other files
import App from './App'
import router from './router'

// API base URL
Api.config.apiBase = ''

Vue.config.productionTip = false
// Loading vue-resource and VueX

// Optionally add the mixins

/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  template: '<App/>',
  components: {App},

Creating the models:

In store.js, use the Modeler and the generateModule() method to create the models:

import { Store, generateModule, Modeler } from '@experiments-labs/vuejs-elabs-libs'

//Modeler.generate(singular, plural, fields = {}, relations = {}, localeTerms = {})
  // Singular form used in generated VueX module names
  // Plural form used in generated VueX module names
  // Model fields. For now, everything should be null 
    id: null, 
    username: null,
    password: null,
    one: ['address'], // HasOne relations
    many: ['posts'],  // HasMany relations
    habtm: []         // HasAndBelongsToMany relations
    ofOne: 'an user', // Used in loading messages like "Saving an user"
    ofMany: 'users'   // Used in loading messages like "Loading users"
// generateModule(moduleName, apiEndpoint)
// moduleName should be unique amongst your modules, it's the module name for VueX 
generateModule('user', '', true)

export default Store

Usage in a component:

<template><!-- Code --></template>
export default {
  name: 'my-component',
      return this.$store.getters.ALL_USERS
      // Note that handling the promise is not mandatory here: the API should
      // handle the failure.
      .then((data)=>{/* do something if you want */})
      .catch((e)=> { console.log('Something went wrong', e)})


Take a look at the roadmap to see what's planned and how you can help :)