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What is superBake

superBake is a console Shell for cakePHP 2.x. It will help you to generate your application's plugins, models, controllers, views and menus with a configuration file and custom templates.

Basically, it's bake with modified tasks, modified template system and a configuration file.

You can find a demo video on youtube (a bit outdated now).

What superBake isn't

superBake is not a CMS, a blog manager or anything. It will help you to create your apps. That's all.

How it works

As you can see in the graph below, superBake extends original CakePHP baking tasks. That means the plugin should always work with the new versions of CakePHP


Test it in a few simple steps:

  • Download CakePHP 2.4.7 (for example) and superBake.
  • Prepare Cake and unzip superBake in a folder named Sb in app/Plugin or in plugins.
  • Load the plugin in app/bootstrap.php with this line: CakePlugin::load('Sb', array('bootstrap' => true));
  • Create the database with the given samples (in samples). There's a SQL file and a Mysql Workbench file for the same db. Choose as you prefer.
  • Set up your db and db connection in app/Config/database.php
  • As the default user is '[email protected]' and default password is 'test' (in the sql inserts), use those salts in Config/core.php:
    • Configure::write('Security.salt', '3d77f505a9ce49d4d06775dc25e1599dcece8b82');
    • Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', '094311676475945108371586552062');
  • Enable the 'admin' routing prefix in app/Config/core.php
  • Open a browser and go to your cake Homepage. In parallel, open a terminal and cd to PathToCakeInstall/app
  • You may need to make the app/Console/cake file executable, under linux (chmod +x Console/cake)
  • You're ready to superBake:
  1. Plugins: ./Console/cake Sb.Shell plugins. Choose to update the bootstrap file.
  2. Models/Controllers and views: ./Console/cake Sb.Shell mvc
  3. Menus: ./Console/cake Sb.Shell menus
  4. Additionnal files (custom layout and AppController): ./Console/cake Sb.Shell files
  5. Required files (a css file): ./Console/cake Sb.Shell required
  6. Refresh your browser.
  • Login (You will experience errors with ACOs/AROs as they are not in sync with the actions...)
  • Access admin site with prefixing your pathes with /admin/ (ie: http://YourCakeInstall/admin/users/
  • Access superBake GUI here: http://YourCakeInstall/sb/sb
  • You should experience some strange things related to the default theme, but open an issue on Github !

Remember that it's for testing superBake only, not to create a working app out of the box.

What if it doesn't work as expected ?

Open an issue, explain the problem, I'll be happy to help.


Feel free to contact me on g+ EL-CMS or by mail (with "superBake" in the beginning of your subject), i'll try to answer quickly.

For now, the configuration file provided with the plugin is the one I work on, so it's not an empty config file. You can test it with the models structure available in docs/.

Trello board to discuss about the project


superBake repository for CakePHP 2.3.x







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