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Through this MS Teams application, Eionet users have access to information regarding:

  • General Eionet activity (events, consultations, surveys, reports)
  • Specific country information (management board, NFPs, ETCs, Eionet groups etc.) - Eionet in my country
  • User account self management
  • Publications
  • Reporting obligations

The application is available to all Eionet 2.0 users. The data displayed is retrieved from the EEA Azure tenant and from an internal EEA SharePoint Online instance.

General Eionet activity

This functionality is available for all users. In this tab, the users can find information about (and register to):

  • Events (that can be rated).
  • Consultations.
  • Enquiries.
  • Reports.

The displayed information is a selected sub-type of the full information list, ordered by (expiration/closing) date. The full list can be accessed from the tab through a link, which will point the user to the corresponding repository folder(s) stored in SharePoint.

Eionet in my country

In its country the user have access to information regarding:

  • Active and pending invitation users
  • The management board
  • The number of groups, organisations
  • Information about NFPs, ETCs etc.
  • Specific country information about events, consultations, surveys, reports.

Account self-service

This functionality offers users the option to manage/update their data themselves:

  • View current user account data (with the exception of the attributes that can be updated only by a user with a higher authority - Admin or NFP).
  • Update current user account data (with the exception of the attributes that can be updated only by a user with a higher authority - Admin or NFP).


In this tab the users have access to information about Eionet publications.

Reporting obligations

In this tab the users have access to information about Eionet reporting obligations.

Getting started

The application is available as a "tab" application type in MS Teams Eionet 2.0 teams. When opening this tab, the users will see the Dashboard application, with two sets of tabs, corresponding to the application functionalities.



How to contribute

For now the contributions are not open outside the internal EEA project team.

Copyright and license

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is the European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

See for details.