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Dataspace Connectivity

Stephan Bauer edited this page May 17, 2024 · 7 revisions

General hints for the challenges


  • for helm change the namespace to umbrella-<user> e.g. umbrella-tx03
  • you need to change domain names from tx.test to <user>.test e.g. tx03.test in the value files 


For local deployment (on your host machine, the following tools are needed

  • jq
  • helm
  • kubectl
  • minikube

If you are using the user accounts on the VMs (provided by ARENA2036),please be aware of that you are working in a multi-user environment.

Your minikube cluster will not be the only one, running on your VM, therefore:

  • Use specific names for your cluster profile and namespaces for helm
    • Proposed name for the cluster: “minikube-$USER”
    • Proposed name for the namespace: “umbrella-$USER"
  • Ensure you are using the option –p, everytime you calling minikube
minikube –p minikube-$USER
  • Ensure you are using the option –n, everytime you calling helm
helm ...    –n umbrella-$USER
  • Before you enable ingress enter:
minikube profile minikube-$USER

Additional links/documentation


The Umbrella Helm Charts provide already several services (some are enabled, some are disabled) For our workstream, we mainly use the values-adopter-data-exchange.yaml

With this file, the following components are included:

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: false

  enabled: true


Some other components like databases, vaults are already included in the enabled components Youb could also use other value.yaml from the repository.

Challenge 1 "Your own Dataspace"

Try to setup your own local dataspace and learn how the communication/transfer between two EDCs works. The Challenge is along the provided “E2E adopter journey tutorial - specific URL for community days and its deployment with Umbrella Helm Charts


  • Getting familiar with Umbrella Helm Charts, kubernets and minikube and its dashboard
  • Understanding the architecture
  • Working with a local dataspace deployment
  • Play around with assets, policies …
  • Communication between two (already registered EDCs)
  • Providing feedback

Challenge 2 "Second data consumer"

Try to activate and deploy (locally) a second EDC and play with different assets and policies.


  • Further understand the power of helm charts
  • Get to know the configuration parameters
  • Play around with restricted assets, policies …

Challenge 3 "Open challenge"

Try to activate the Portal (and other components)


  • Further understand the power of helm charts
  • Get to know the configuration parameters
  • For Experts (working on VM): Try to open the Portal – find out why its not working
    • Try to open the centrialdip and sharedidp via the hostname links by using the minikube dashboard or a local browser
    • Confirm the non secure access
    • Retry to open the portal
    • Try to open the keycloak and reconfigure the URL-Redirect