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Peter Spackman edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the tonto wiki!


Tonto is written in the Foo language. It stands for object oriented Fortran in reverse.

Foo is identical to Fortran at the expression level but differs in the way variable, subroutines and functions are declared. Foo looks like python with declarations, and it translates into Fortran03. If you want to use it you should know modern and object oriented Fortran. And it would help if you knew Python or any other object oriented language.

These web pages at the NCI provide a remarkably short and excellent introduction to Fortran

The Foo language is described on the Tonto web pages. However, most people will be able to pick it up by simply browsing the code which is written to be understood --- and if not, then commented.

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