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Registry of DraCor corpora

This registry provides a list of available and planned DraCor corpora with some meta data for each corpus. The data is collected from the corpus.xml files in the individual corpus repositories.

The list is available in JSON format, see corpora.json or as a node package:

npm install @dracor/registry

Then package exports the corpora list as default:

import corpora from '@dracor/registry';


The status metadata field indicates the availability and stability of each corpus. there are currently three recognized values:

  • published: the corpus is considered stable and is available at
  • draft: the corpus is currently under development and can be previewed on
  • proposed: the corpus is planned or in very early development. The repository may or may not be publicly available.

These values are a subset of the suggested values in the TEI specification (see

The status of a corpus can be indicated in its corpus.xml file using the revisionDesc element:

<revisionDesc status="draft">
  <change when="2018-12-12" status="proposed"/>
  <change when="2020-07-17" status="draft"/>

The update script uses either the status attribute of the revisionDesc element or, if this is not available, the status attribute of the latest change element (i.e. the one with the most recent date in @when).


jq '.[] | select(.name == "ger")'  < corpora.json


The registry can be updated by running the update script (yarn update). This script retrieves the corpus.xml from each repository listed in corpora.json, extracts the relevant meta data and updates the respective fields in corpora.json. Fields that exist in corpora.json but have no equivalent in the corpus.xml are left untouched.

You need to have node and yarn installed.

cd dracor-registry
yarn update


To release a new version to you need to be a member of the dracor organization.

yarn release