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  • my_address_file_geocoded_census_block_group_0.6.0_2010.csv is a file in the current working directory with a column prefixed with census_tract_id containing census tract identifiers from the DeGAUSS census_block_group container and

  • census_level_data.csv is a second file in the current working directory with its first column also containing census tract identifiers, then the DeGAUSS command:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp my_address_file_geocoded_census_block_group_0.6.0_2010.csv census_level_data.csv

will produce a merged file called my_address_file_geocoded_census_block_group_0.6.0_2010_census_level_data_census_merger_0.1.2.csv.

Required Arguments

Note that this container requires two arguments -- the name of each file to be merged. This container performs a left join, so the data in the second file will be added on to the first file. In many cases, file 1 will be your individual- or patient-level data, and file 2 will be your census tract-level data. The two files will always be joined using the census_tract_id_xxxx (where xxxx denotes the census vintage) column in file 1 and the first column in file 2, regardless of name.

DeGAUSS Details

For detailed documentation on DeGAUSS, including general usage and installation, please see the DeGAUSS homepage.