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Keycloak Sign-In

Using this module, users can directly log in or register with Keycloak credentials at this HumHub installation.

A new button "Keycloak" (which can be renamed) will appear on the login page.


  • OpenID Connect
  • Keycloak Back-channel logout (1)
  • Possibility to add a page in account settings allowing users to change their Keycloak password
  • Users' groups and email synchronization between Keycloak and HumHub in both directions (2):
    • HumHub to Keycloak sync is done in real time
    • Keycloak to HumHub sync is done once a day
    • Keycloak subgroups are not synced

(1) Allows removing user sessions automatically when signing out from Keycloak (via a websocket).

(2) E.g., when a user on HumHub becomes member of a group the module will:

  1. check if a group with the same name exists on Keycloak
  2. create the group on Keycloak if not exists
  3. add this group to the corresponding user on Keycloak


  • PHP 8.1 or later
  • PHP allow_url_fopen must be enabled
  • PHP extensions: MBString, JSON and BCMath or GMP
  • Depending on the algorithms you're using, other PHP extensions may be required (e.g. OpenSSL, Sodium). Full details:
  • For users' groups and email synchronization: on Keycloak, users attributes must be writable (it can be tested by changing the email address of a user on Keycloak administration).


Go to module's configuration at: Administration -> Modules -> Keycloak Auth -> Configure. And follow the instructions.


This module is free, but the result of a lot of work for design and maintenance over time.

If it's useful to you, please consider making a donation or participating in the code. Thanks!



