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04. six layer of os file types you need to know

cqwrteur edited this page May 12, 2024 · 9 revisions

The fast_io library offers six layers of OS file types.

wine_file: This is a host file descriptor wrapper for Wine, which allows running Windows applications on Unix-like operating systems.

nt_file: It serves as a wrapper for Windows NT APIs, providing an interface to handle files using the Windows NT APIs.

win32_file: Despite the name, this wrapper is not limited to 32-bit Windows. It encapsulates the HANDLE for Windows Win32 API.

posix_file: This layer adheres to the POSIX standard API, acting as a wrapper for UNIX file descriptors. Interestingly, even Windows has file descriptors, although they are distinct from Win32 HANDLEs.

c_file: A wrapper for C standard I/O’s FILE*, making it easier to work with files in C programs.

filebuf_file: This layer wraps C++'s std::filebuf, providing file I/O functionality.

It’s important to note that fast_io offers posix_file, c_file, and filebuf_file on all operating systems. However, wine_file, nt_file, and win32_file are specific to Windows. Additionally, wine_file is only available at runtime within a Wine environment.

The native_file type behaves differently depending on the environment:

On Windows, it corresponds to win32_file.

On other environments (including Cygwin and MSYS2), it behaves like posix_file.

Notice that even though win32_file, nt_file, and wine_file is also available on Cygwin and MSYS2, the native_file layer remains consistent with posix_file in those environments.

The iobuf_file serves as a wrapper that adds a buffer layer to the native_file. Specifically, it corresponds to basic_iobuf<native_file>.



Other operating systems (Linux as an example)


See example: examples/0007.legacy/