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Rails Assignment - Splitwise


  • Fork the repository.
  • Clone the repository in your local machine.
  • Run rails db:setup, this will also seed data in the User model
  • Run rails s to start the server and rails c for rails console


  • Ruby - 2.6.3
  • Rails - 6.1.4
  • Git (configured with your Github account)
  • Node - 12.13.1

Things available in the repo

  • Webpacker configured and following packages are added and working.
    • Jquery
    • Bootstrap
    • Jgrowl
  • Devise installed and User model is added. Sign in and Sign up pages have been setup.
  • Routes and layouts for following page have been added.
    • Dashboard - This will be the root page.
    • Friend page - /people/:id


  • Make the improvements as specified in your technical assignment task.
  • Commit all changes to the fork you created
  • Deploy your app to Heroku
  • Send us the link of the dpeloyed application and your fork.

Contact us

If you need any help regarding this assignment or want to join Commutatus, drop us an email at [email protected]