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[GH ISSUES PILOT] Creating Issues

R.A. Porter edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 1 revision

Writing an Effective Ticket

Tickets are submitted from many different sources and have a broad audience, consisting of developers, integrators, users, and potential users of DDF. Writing effective issues helps us better manage the backlog, aids in reporting on our baseline, and enables automation of release notes.

Issues can consist of several different types:

  • Bug
  • Improvement
  • Tech Debt
  • Feature Request
  • Documentation Change
  • Repository meta-change

This list is a WIP and will be refined during the course of the GH Issues pilot and beyond as needs arise.

When a new issue is created this issue template will be loaded for the reporter to fill out. Not all fields are relevant to all issue types; it is left to the discretion of the reporter to be as thorough as possible in describing the report. Incomplete or ambiguous reports may be rejected until they are properly refined.

It is expected that the description will be filled in with enough information that a contributor could reasonably reproduce/understand the bug or other change in order to work on it.

Description Field

The description field is a detailed, narrative description of the issue. General guidelines for the description field:

  • Provide details!
  • Describe the context in the big picture.
  • Include how to reproduce the issue, log/error messages, and expected/actual behavior if this is a bug.
  • Include acceptance criteria. How we will know when this ticket is done?
  • Describe the impact. Why does this need to be done, or what will happen if this issue is not resolved?
  • Content should be professional in nature.