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Verifiable Credential and Attestation Library for Javascript


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Civic Verifiable Credential Library

CircleCI NPM



This Javascript Library provides functionality around Verifiable Credentials (VC), a W3C standard. Enables Validators to issue, Credential Wallets to verify, filter and Requesters to verify credentials.


Credential commons is an open-source library that has its binary package published on NPM. Projects that depend on credential-commons must install the dependency following this way: npm install --save @civic/credential-commons

All versions follow SemVer (


  • npm run lint - run an ESLint check
  • npm run coverage - run code coverage and generate report in the coverage folder
  • npm test - run all tests
  • npm run test:watch - run all tests in watch mode
  • npm run audit-ci - run audit checks


User Collectable Attributes

A "User Collectable Attribute" is a unit of user-related data (attribute or knowledge) with a specific identifier that can be captured from the user normally during mobile app. A Claim once verified can be part of a Credential as Claim with the same identifier.

Using a Claim in javascript (with this library)

Creating Claim instances with the async create function

Claim.create(identifier, value)


const name = await Claim.create('claim-cvc:Identity.address-v1', {
    street: 'Alameda dos Anjos',
    unit: '102',
    city: 'Belo Horizonte',
    zipCode: '94103345',
    state: 'Minas Gerais',
    county: 'Sao Bento',
    country: 'Brazil',

values can be:

  • Plain JavaScript Objects:
    "street": "Alameda dos Anjos",
    "unit": "102",
    "city": "Belo Horizonte",
    "zipCode": "94103345",
    "state": "Minas Gerais",
    "county": "Sao Bento",
    "country": "Brazil",
  • Attestable Values:
  "attestableValue": "urn:city:508e6c84091b405587f755eb5e0d9dbd15f4f7f69642adc18d2d2d8fe9c93366:Belo Horizonte|urn:country:f53c0e02620611705f5dfab2abe8320679f183f7eaa01b50340b6f0f0579638f:Brazil|urn:county:a9d100b24769843e15d8fff52efc5d15f57150e1c252d99c0ea7f8d6ed740e4a:Sao Bento|urn:state:73d0477e24c5b3498addf6877c52ae5916b7cf9fbcaea2e2d440167e4745fab2:Minas Gerais|urn:street:71cb22a895ee6264ed2f0cc851a9e17c5326f70bfd94e945e319d03f361d47d9:Alameda dos Anjos|urn:unit:887eb71750da1837101eb64c821f0a0a58e7ab3254eeed1b6bf2cec72b7a4174:102|urn:zipCode:dc671959502dfa65de57a0a8176da15437493c37497670445268e286a035bea8:94103345|"


A Credential with an associated Proof. Every consumer of a verifiable Credentials must be able to verify those independently. Holders of Credentials (aka Mobile Phones) are creating "Verifiable Credentials" for Inspectors (aka Requesters).

Using a VerifiableCredential in javascript (with this library)

creating VerifiableCredential instances with the constructor

To construct a new VC you need first to get instances of all Claim dependencies

const name = await Claim.create('', { first: 'Joao', middle: 'Barbosa', last: 'Santos' });
const dob = await Claim.create('claim-cvc:Identity.dateOfBirth-v1', { day: 20, month: 3, year: 1978 });
const cred = await VC.create('cvc:cred:Test', 'jest:test', null, [name, dob]);
creating VerifiableCredential with evidence

Evidence can be included in a verifiable credential to provide the verifier with additional supporting information. For more details, please refer to the Evidence session in Verifiable Credential Data Model 1.0.

The evidence is an optional parameter on VC construction:

const name = await Claim.create('', { first: 'Joao', middle: 'Barbosa', last: 'Santos' });
const dob = await Claim.create('claim-cvc:Identity.dateOfBirth-v1', { day: 20, month: 3, year: 1978 });
const evidence = {
  id: '',
  type: ['DocumentVerification'],
  verifier: 'did:ethr:xxx',
  evidenceDocument: 'Brazilian Passport',
  subjectPresence: 'Digital',
  documentPresence: 'Digital',

const cred = await VC.create('cvc:cred:Test', 'jest:test', null, [name, dob], '1', evidence);
Custom DID resolution

Currently this library supports did:sol by default. This behaviour can be overriden by providing a custom resolver that conforms to the IDidResolver interface.

const customResolver = {
    async resolve(did) {
        // custom did resolution

const vc = await VC.create('credential-cvc:Example-v3', 
        issuer, expiry, subject, claims, evidences, undefined, customResolver);
Custom signing of the merkle proof

Currently, ED25519 is supported in the library by default. It is possible to override this providing a custom signer.

const signer = {
    async sign(proof) {
        // sign the merkle proof
    async verify(credential) {
      // verify the credential

const vc = await VC.create('credential-cvc:Example-v3', issuer, expiry, subject, claims, evidences,
Anchoring VerifiableCredential instances with the constructor

To construct a new VC you need first to get instances of all Claim dependencies

const name = await Claim.create('', { first: 'Joao', middle: 'Barbosa', last: 'Santos' });
const dob = await Claim.create('claim-cvc:Identity.dateOfBirth-v1', { day: 20, month: 3, year: 1978 });
const cred = await VC.create('cvc:cred:Test', 'jest:test', [name, dob]);
cred.requestAnchor().then(() => {
  //The original instance is updated
Refreshing an anchor (temp => permanent) VerifiableCredential instances with the constructor

To construct a new VC you need first to get instances of all Claim dependencies

const name = await Claim.create('', { first: 'Joao', middle: 'Barbosa', last: 'Santos' });
const dob = await Claim.create('claim-cvc:Identity.dateOfBirth-v1', { day: 20, month: 3, year: 1978 });
const cred = await VC.create('cvc:cred:Test', 'jest:test', [name, dob]);
cred.updateAnchor().then(() => {
  //The original instance is updated

Granting the Credential Usage(for single user) from the owner

Since the Verifiable Credential is an immutable structure that is anchored on an immutable database(blockchain), someone can ask "What if someone else gets a copy of the VC and tries to use it later as if they are the owner?"

To prevent that to happen is important that the owner always grant the usage of the credential for a single time only. And the entity that is receiving the VC has always to verify if the credential is granted for that specific request.

The library provide ways to do both.

cred.grantUsageFor(requestorId, requestId)

this updates the credential with a granted section. where:

granted = hex_encoded(sign(SHA256(`${cred.proof.anchor.subject.label}${}${requestorId}${requestId}`)))
Verify if is Granted

Where options may contatins:

  "requestorId" = "", // If GRANTED is requested, `requestorId` should be provided to the verification
  "requestId" = "", // If GRANTED is requested, `requestId` (the nonce) should be provided to the verification
  "keyName" = "", // Optional. If a custom CryptoManager is provided, the `keyName` shoud be passed and will be used to verify the "granted" field.
Verifiable Credential Sample
  "id": "fc60be8f-ea01-4881-a6e9-b4ae9a63e55e",
  "issuer": "jest:test:9ff1e700-dd46-11e8-958d-e5793374641e",
  "issuanceDate": "2018-10-31T19:53:23.568Z",
  "identifier": "credential-cvc:PhoneNumber-v3",
  "version": "1",
  "type": [
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:sol:J2vss1hB3kgEfQMSSdvvjwRm3JdyFWp7S7dbX5mudS4V",
    "contact": {
      "phoneNumber": {
        "country": "WTYqO3zRU0",
        "countryCode": "nmQfVTPkEM",
        "extension": "lo6CoXdj2N",
        "lineType": "zkdkjiX1eP",
        "number": "h7CrPkWRoA"
  "proof": {
    "type": "CivicMerkleProof2018",
    "merkleRoot": "77ca9a60724d007173136465fa6bdcaa27d12a1801b1d1e8ab974552344d2e39",
    "anchor": {
      "subject": {
        "pub": "xpub:dummy",
        "label": "credential-cvc:PhoneNumber-v1",
        "data": "77ca9a60724d007173136465fa6bdcaa27d12a1801b1d1e8ab974552344d2e39",
        "signature": "signed:dummy"
      "walletId": "none",
      "cosigners": [
          "pub": "xpub:dummy"
          "pub": "xpub:dummy"
      "authority": {
        "pub": "xpub:dummy",
        "path": "/"
      "coin": "dummycoin",
      "tx": {},
      "network": "dummynet",
      "type": "permanent",
      "civicAsPrimary": false,
      "schema": "dummy-20180201",
      "value": {}
    "leaves": [
        "identifier": "credential-cvc:PhoneNumber-v1",
        "value": "urn:country:ca3bce5c4b3256888c8fa9937d3025516b49b422112bd99cdaf9be66087984e9:WTYqO3zRU0|urn:countryCode:81a228f771ef72126b22d6d17f08222f4241efedf5f13fbb635d8568686a0b6f:nmQfVTPkEM|urn:extension:42cab0927b370d5ee047152aaf52c902f80d7de312bdeca6e4c4e3d4c6603abc:lo6CoXdj2N|urn:lineType:0a71c9a31246f2f6ecfd76a7c71f34a6f741cef3afb2466cc88017bdc16d95a7:zkdkjiX1eP|urn:number:53a8ba743f83a16e533d5572c24dad080820baef958e80c39899838ba1cdd674:h7CrPkWRoA|",
        "claimPath": "contact.phoneNumber",
        "targetHash": "cc8f00eaf13969a880fe5d57204b509dd7cc087b99019af1c6e678d4fe072499",
        "node": [
            "right": "082eeee25eae17f13a74b4d0801d182f9e490ddd70969d1b1a23a709fe87a184"
            "right": "cd0013b49b3d52aa5c6bf6ac854e77fcac1eab934d4c388ae5837f70172ee91e"
            "right": "a1d95e970de891aa6d227426d071a28f3440ee0a3e99f2a76c1a49193cd999f8"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Phone:countryCode",
        "value": "urn:countryCode:81a228f771ef72126b22d6d17f08222f4241efedf5f13fbb635d8568686a0b6f:nmQfVTPkEM",
        "claimPath": "phone.countryCode",
        "targetHash": "082eeee25eae17f13a74b4d0801d182f9e490ddd70969d1b1a23a709fe87a184",
        "node": [
            "left": "cc8f00eaf13969a880fe5d57204b509dd7cc087b99019af1c6e678d4fe072499"
            "right": "cd0013b49b3d52aa5c6bf6ac854e77fcac1eab934d4c388ae5837f70172ee91e"
            "right": "a1d95e970de891aa6d227426d071a28f3440ee0a3e99f2a76c1a49193cd999f8"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Phone:number",
        "value": "urn:number:53a8ba743f83a16e533d5572c24dad080820baef958e80c39899838ba1cdd674:h7CrPkWRoA",
        "claimPath": "phone.number",
        "targetHash": "bf6403908a22f3e8c5d477498d6828411801280128289ecd8680ea8496a92d4d",
        "node": [
            "right": "1b52b0600694813ce1992fafe6d106d10ecef752721f7c79aae6db6be8eede54"
            "left": "a9cb50eddf122581028336ac675bd83d681eaeda754aced0630e8c765914a656"
            "right": "a1d95e970de891aa6d227426d071a28f3440ee0a3e99f2a76c1a49193cd999f8"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Phone:extension",
        "value": "urn:extension:42cab0927b370d5ee047152aaf52c902f80d7de312bdeca6e4c4e3d4c6603abc:lo6CoXdj2N",
        "claimPath": "phone.extension",
        "targetHash": "1b52b0600694813ce1992fafe6d106d10ecef752721f7c79aae6db6be8eede54",
        "node": [
            "left": "bf6403908a22f3e8c5d477498d6828411801280128289ecd8680ea8496a92d4d"
            "left": "a9cb50eddf122581028336ac675bd83d681eaeda754aced0630e8c765914a656"
            "right": "a1d95e970de891aa6d227426d071a28f3440ee0a3e99f2a76c1a49193cd999f8"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Phone:lineType",
        "value": "urn:lineType:0a71c9a31246f2f6ecfd76a7c71f34a6f741cef3afb2466cc88017bdc16d95a7:zkdkjiX1eP",
        "claimPath": "phone.lineType",
        "targetHash": "90891289e7dd6c36dd1fc38187fce024899bdd1c20bf857ff1fe439b2bd18754",
        "node": [
            "right": "059d1df65ffdc8a1c0cff86412f716745531466cdd1c9c2c1264364bba325e01"
            "right": "7d167b4360413c5016d7bdf6b080767275e925e07c18f0a16729b882ef245ace"
            "left": "0d4f56aae6f29bab5d8f83fb595673bdc629d5d0973e78b53ad43a1bb1dd9515"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:issuer",
        "value": "urn:issuer:5bd06324dc242c17e811f56c8d449b4c8f966503811abc1f5a0ff35b876fee2d:jest:test:9ff1e700-dd46-11e8-958d-e5793374641e",
        "claimPath": "meta.issuer",
        "targetHash": "059d1df65ffdc8a1c0cff86412f716745531466cdd1c9c2c1264364bba325e01",
        "node": [
            "left": "90891289e7dd6c36dd1fc38187fce024899bdd1c20bf857ff1fe439b2bd18754"
            "right": "7d167b4360413c5016d7bdf6b080767275e925e07c18f0a16729b882ef245ace"
            "left": "0d4f56aae6f29bab5d8f83fb595673bdc629d5d0973e78b53ad43a1bb1dd9515"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:issuanceDate",
        "value": "urn:issuanceDate:b8b3000ae66079b85aaadb9adfe6658ae09452f77fb8eefeddf96c40692c8bd7:2018-10-31T19:53:23.568Z",
        "claimPath": "meta.issuanceDate",
        "targetHash": "93c37224a3cd5e6dd47a98e55f42854ee5b3b9fda63f60b8076c57a59bd84f0b",
        "node": [
            "right": "292ed3b6a33a406ae43bf0d43d159a04a5417e1a244017c174194889898de1e1"
            "left": "785d97b0b9fe7809bf55803fc3ded62180e9b01fac15a488ac84e6238eb466f3"
            "left": "0d4f56aae6f29bab5d8f83fb595673bdc629d5d0973e78b53ad43a1bb1dd9515"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
        "identifier": "cvc:Meta:expirationDate",
        "value": "urn:expirationDate:a43b2ec05674437f2e440be5c72cfcee323fe544c88e212f4bc6c463a8c35dda:null",
        "claimPath": "meta.expirationDate",
        "targetHash": "292ed3b6a33a406ae43bf0d43d159a04a5417e1a244017c174194889898de1e1",
        "node": [
            "left": "93c37224a3cd5e6dd47a98e55f42854ee5b3b9fda63f60b8076c57a59bd84f0b"
            "left": "785d97b0b9fe7809bf55803fc3ded62180e9b01fac15a488ac84e6238eb466f3"
            "left": "0d4f56aae6f29bab5d8f83fb595673bdc629d5d0973e78b53ad43a1bb1dd9515"
            "right": "ac9e75c2d832091f3b18e974dc224ed5ef970673ed679ff931c1f4a33db3f929"
            "right": "3b2728ce00cdc42c8c524574ab20a8ea1e78efa805bba6e988c10e0c13f77d3f"
    "granted": null
Constructing a VerifiableCredential from a JSON

To construct a new VC given a JSON, just use the .fromJSON method:

const credJSon = require('./ACred.json');
const cred = await VC.fromJSON(credJSon);

Now you can access any method of a cred instance, like .updateAnchor() or .verify()

Verifying a Verifiable Credential

Remember to check the section about configuration or else this part will fail.

To verify a credential JSON, you can construct a VC using .fromJSON and call .verify() method:

const credJSon = require('./ACred.json');
const cred = await VC.fromJSON(credJSon);
const verifiedLevel = cred.verify();

The .verify(VC.VERIFY_LEVELS.*, options) method return the hiehighest level verified, follow the VC.VERIFY_LEVELS constant:

  INVALID: -1, // Verifies if the VC structure and/or signature proofs is not valid, or credential is expired
  PROOFS: 0, // Verifies if the VC structure  and/or signature proofs are valid, including the expiry
  ANCHOR: 1, // Verifies if the VC Attestation Anchor structure is valid
  GRANTED: 2, // Verifies if the owner granted the VC usage for a specific request
  BLOCKCHAIN: 3, // Verifies if the VC Attestation is valid on the blockchain

Loading schemas

All claims and credentials are validated against a JSON schemas. The source of these schema's and how they are loaded needs to be provided. One of more schea loader can be provided as follows:

const { schemaLoader } = require('@identity/credential-commons');
schemaLoader.addLoader(new SchemaLoader1())
schemaLoader.addLoader(new SchemaLoader2())

The provided SchemaLoader needs to conform to the following interface:

interface SchemaLoader {
  // Returns a boolean if the schema loader can load the supplied identitifier (in the case of multiple loaders)
  valid(identifier): boolean;
  // Returns the schema id for the provided identifier (e.g.
  schemaId(identifier): string;
  // Load the schema based on the provided identifier and returns the schema as an object
  loadSchema(identifier): Promise<any | null>

A default schema loaded is provided here


  • We use draft 7 for the json schemas

  • Values that can have null, must have type : ['null','string'] or else they fail validation if you only send null or if you send an value

  • All simple objects String, Number are required as default

  • Accepted json schema keywords on identifiers: pattern, maximum, minimum, exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum, required

  • If an identifier has a pattern it must be an Javascript Regex


The release process is fully automated and started by Civic members when it's created a tag on Github following the pattern ^release\..*$. E.g.: release.1.

After the creation of the tag, Circle Ci will trigger a job to:

build source files run unit tests increase version number on package.json create the stable version and tag it. E.g: v0.2.29 remove the release.N tag deploy the binary file to NPM


Verifiable Credential and Attestation Library for Javascript



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  • JavaScript 59.1%
  • TypeScript 40.8%
  • Shell 0.1%