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Terraform for creating the Web Application Scanning (WAS) database table in the COOL User Services account


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This is a Terraform deployment for creating the Web Application Scanning (WAS) DynamoDB database tables in the COOL User Services account.


  • Terraform installed on your system.
  • An accessible AWS S3 bucket to store Terraform state (specified in
  • An accessible AWS DynamoDB database to store the Terraform state lock (specified in
  • Access to all of the Terraform remote states specified in


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
aws ~> 4.9


Name Version
aws ~> 4.9
aws.organizationsreadonly ~> 4.9
aws.userservicesprovisionaccount ~> 4.9
terraform n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_dynamodb_table.reports resource
aws_dynamodb_table.stakeholders resource
aws_iam_policy.provisionwasdb_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.read_only resource
aws_iam_policy.read_write resource
aws_iam_role.read_only resource
aws_iam_role.read_write resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.provisionwasdb_policy_attachment resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.read_only resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.read_write resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_caller_identity.userservices data source
aws_iam_policy_document.provisionwasdb_policy_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.read_only_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.read_write_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.users_account_assume_role_doc data source data source
terraform_remote_state.master data source
terraform_remote_state.userservices data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region The AWS region to deploy into (e.g. us-east-1). string "us-east-1" no
provisionwasdb_policy_description The description to associate with the IAM policy that allows provisioning of the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "Allows provisioning of the WAS DB in the User Services account." no
provisionwasdb_policy_name The name to assign the IAM policy that allows provisioning of the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "ProvisionWASDB" no
read_only_policy_role_description The description to associate with the IAM policy and role that allows read-only access to the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "Allows read-only access to the WAS DB in the User Services account." no
read_only_policy_role_name The name to assign the IAM policy and role that allows read-only access to the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "WAS-DB-ReadOnly" no
read_write_policy_role_description The description to associate with the IAM policy and role that allows read-write access to the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "Allows read-write access to the WAS DB in the User Services account." no
read_write_policy_role_name The name to assign the IAM policy and role that allows read-write access to the WAS DynamoDB tables in the User Services account. string "WAS-DB-ReadWrite" no
reports_table_name The name of the reports DynamoDB table. string "reports" no
reports_table_partition_key The name of the reports DynamoDB table partition (hash) key. It's best to choose an attribute with a wide range of values that is likely to have evenly distributed access patterns. string "id" no
reports_table_partition_key_type The data type of the reports DynamoDB table partition (hash) key. See for a list of valid values. string "S" no
reports_table_point_in_time_recovery Whether to enable point-in-time recovery for the reports DynamoDB table. bool false no
reports_table_read_capacity The number of read units for the reports DynamoDB table. number 5 no
reports_table_sort_key The name of the reports DynamoDB table sort (range) key. string "" no
reports_table_sort_key_type The data type of the reports DynamoDB table sort (range) key. See for a list of valid values. string "S" no
reports_table_write_capacity The number of write units for the reports DynamoDB table. number 5 no
stakeholders_table_name The name of the stakeholders DynamoDB table. string "stakeholders" no
stakeholders_table_partition_key The name of the stakeholders DynamoDB table partition (hash) key. It's best to choose an attribute with a wide range of values that is likely to have evenly distributed access patterns. string "id" no
stakeholders_table_partition_key_type The data type of the stakeholders DynamoDB table partition (hash) key. See for a list of valid values. string "S" no
stakeholders_table_point_in_time_recovery Whether to enable point-in-time recovery for the stakeholders DynamoDB table. bool false no
stakeholders_table_read_capacity The number of read units for the stakeholders DynamoDB table. number 5 no
stakeholders_table_sort_key The name of the stakeholders DynamoDB table sort (range) key. string "" no
stakeholders_table_sort_key_type The data type of the stakeholders DynamoDB table sort (range) key. See for a list of valid values. string "S" no
stakeholders_table_write_capacity The number of write units for the stakeholders DynamoDB table. number 5 no
tags Tags to apply to all AWS resources created. map(string) {} no


Name Description
read_only_role The WAS database read-only role.
read_write_role The WAS database read-write role.
reports_table The WAS reports DynamoDB table.
stakeholders_table The WAS stakeholders DynamoDB table.


Running pre-commit requires running terraform init in every directory that contains Terraform code. In this repository, this is just the main directory.

Your first terraform apply will fail with an AccessDeniedException. This is expected since the required policy is not attached to the account provisioning role until after the first terraform apply. Simply run terraform apply again and it should succeed.


We welcome contributions! Please see for details.


This project is in the worldwide public domain.

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.


Terraform for creating the Web Application Scanning (WAS) database table in the COOL User Services account



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