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Read Elastic APM documents and synthesize metrics and distributed traces


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A C application that reads Elastic APM data from kafka and does things with the data.

This app synthesizes metrics from the Elastic APM trace data and emits as JSON suitable for sending to Circonus HTTPTrap.

It also compares APM transaction latency to a threshold and converts the spans to Jaeger format and sends to Jaeger if the transactions are longer than the time threshold (or if there is a reported error with the transaction).


Pre-built images are hosted on Docker hub. You can:

docker run majorleaguebaseball/tracemate:<release>

However, you are likely to need proper configuration first. See src/ and Configuration in this document. Once your configuration is complete you will want to mount it. The default docker container looks for its configuration at /tracemate/tm.conf so once you produce a config file, mount into the container:

docker run -v my.conf:/tracemate/tm.conf majorleaguebaseball/tracemate:<release>

To run and use your own config.


You can:

docker build .

In the root folder to produce a docker image. Or you can use the buildtools/ script to produce a local dev container for building in. This dev container mounts the source tree directly into the container so you can edit source outside of the container (or inside) and compile it in the container (and then run it in the container too).

buildtools/ --build
buildtools/ --shell

From within the container you can:

riley.berton $ buildtools/ --shell
Running tracemate container image
[root@tracemate tracemate]# autoreconf -i
[root@tracemate tracemate]# ./configure
* Loading node specific configure settings for tracemate.
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
[root@tracemate tracemate]# make

tracemate supports a local .configure.tracemate file into which you can stick specialized configure settings which will get picked up during the ./configure step. Example:

[root@tracemate tracemate]# cat .configure.tracemate
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O0 -ggdb -DNO_PUBLISH=1"

Turn off optimizations, and set the NO_PUBLISH flag.


Tracemate was built to interact with a portion of the Elastic APM stack (which is an open source APM stack). Elastic APM was originally designed to work with Elastic Search for document storage and then build dashboards and search functionality on top of Kibana to visualize APM data. If you want to have highly accurate latency measurements in your APM data then using Elastic Search can quickly get very expensive since you would be paying to store (and index!) every transaction and span document into Elastic Search. Tracemate takes a different approach.

Elastic APM server can be configured to output its documents to a Kafka cluster instead of (or in addition to) storing them in Elastic Search. This was intially meant as a way to deal with high volume ingestion spikes but Tracemate exploits this to bypass the need for Elastic Search at all.

Tracemate reads the topics produced by Elastic APM server and does 2 things:

  1. Synthesize metrics from elastic APM documents and store the resultant metrics in Circonus.
  2. Synthesize distributed traces from elastic APM documents and store the resultant traces in Jaeger.

If you combine these 2 features with the already supported log correlation feature of Elastic APM, you get all 3 legs of the stool of observability at an affordable price.

Synthesize Metrics

To accomplish feature "1", tracemate uses a familiar pattern of data republication over kafka to ensure that data arrives at a single tracemate instance to be aggregated correctly. The pattern looks like this:

|              |
|              | elastic APM     +-----------------+
|              +----------------------> |                 |
|              |                        |                 |
|              |                        |  tracemate 1    |
|   Kafka      | 2.republish w/agg key  |                 |
|              | <----------------------+                 |
|              |                        +-----------------+
|              |
|              |
|              |                        +-----------------+                     +------------------+
|              | agg keyed data  |                 |                     |                  |
|              +----------------------->+                 |  4. publish         |                  |
|              |                        |  tracemate N    | +------------------>+    circonus      |
|              |                        |                 |                     |                  |
|              |                        |                 |                     |                  |
|              |                        +-----------------+                     +------------------+
|              |

Each aggregatable metric is republished using it's full metric name (with tags) as the key into a kafka topic called "tracemate_aggregates". This key causes the metric to be hashed onto one of the topic's configured partitions. Some other (or maybe the same) tracemate instance then reads this aggregate topic and aggregates the data associated with that metric name. For histogram metrics, this is a merge. For average style metrics this is a count and a sum. Since kafka is durable, this pattern survives crashes and restarts of tracemate instances. They will merely pick up from their last position and continue to aggregate.

Some data that arrives at tracemate is not aggregated (the elastic_apm_metric topic). This data is sent on directly to Circonus.

Synthesize Distributed Traces

To accomplish feature "2" it's more complicated. Tracemate maintains a local LMDB database on disk to house the incoming documents until a tracing decision can be made about them. This tail based sampling approach allows us to keep most of the noise out of Jaeger and therefore save on storage costs to house all the trace data. As transactions and spans arrive they are stored in this local embedded database until a triggering event happens which would cause the data to be sent on to Jaeger. There are currently 2 triggering events:

  1. an elastic_apm_error document arrives that is associated to the transaction
  2. an elastic_apm_transaction document arrives that has a latency longer than the threshold for that service (or longer than the default if the service has no configured threshold).

If either 1 or 2 happens, we send the transaction, all collected spans, all collected related transactions from other services, and all collected errors on to jaeger for that service.

Periodically, this local database is pruned of older transactions that are not going to be traced (or have already been traced) to keep the size down.


Elastic APM Agent

Elastic APM Agent is available for many languages/runtimes. We will focus on the config for the Java agent here but the process is similar for other languages/runtimes.

Download and place the elastic APM jar file onto the file system somewhere. Then:

java -javaagent:/path/to/elastic-apm-agent-<version>.jar \
  -Delastic.apm.service_name=myteam-my-cool-service \
  -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.example,org.another.example \
  -Delastic.apm.server_urls=http://your-apm-server:8200 \
  -Delastic.apm.transaction_sample_rate=1.0 \
  -jar your-application.jar

Note that tracemate uses the elastic.apm.service_name to steer data to the proper owning <team> (and therefore the Circonus account and jaeger instance for the related data). See the Configuration section below for more info on how this works. Also, elastic.apm.transaction_sample_rate must be set to 1.0 (this is the default and is only included here for clarity). This setting is important so that we can calculate accurate latency information for transactions and spans. Please also read the elastic apm agent configration docs to understand all the possible switches to use with the agent.

When you run the above it will cause your process to spit out metrics, transactions, spans, and errors to the Elastic APM Server running at http://your-apm-server:8200. Tracemate will only support whatever Elastic APM Agent already supports. If you are using a hand-rolled http library or servlet context, you will likely see no data (unless you fold in specific programmatic transactions and spans into your code). More libraries are being supported all the time so if you don't see your particular library you can request it from Elastic. The list of supported technologies for java

Elastic APM Server

Elastic APM server must be configured to output its documents to Kafka with a specific config:

cat >> /etc/apm-server/apm-server.yml <<'EOF'
#------------------------------- Kafka output ----------------------------------
  enabled: true

  hosts: [
  topic: 'elastic_apm_%{[processor.event]}'

  # The Kafka event partitioning strategy. Default hashing strategy is `hash`
  # using the `output.kafka.key` setting or randomly distributes events if
  # `output.kafka.key` is not configured.
    # If enabled, events will only be published to partitions with reachable
    # leaders. Default is false.
    reachable_only: true

    # Configure alternative event field names used to compute the hash value.
    # If empty `output.kafka.key` setting will be used.
    # Default value is empty list.
    hash: [""]

  # The maximum number of events to bulk in a single Kafka request. The default
  # is 2048.
  bulk_max_size: 150

  # The keep-alive period for an active network connection. If 0s, keep-alives
  # are disabled. The default is 0 seconds.
  keep_alive: 120

  # Sets the output compression codec. Must be one of none, snappy and gzip. The
  # default is gzip.
  compression: none

  # The ACK reliability level required from broker. 0=no response, 1=wait for
  # local commit, -1=wait for all replicas to commit. The default is 1.  Note:
  # If set to 0, no ACKs are returned by Kafka. Messages might be lost silently
  # on error.
  required_acks: 1

This splits data into 5 topics: elastic_apm_error, elastic_apm_metric, elastic_apm_onboarding, elastic_apm_span, and elastic_apm_transaction. (onboarding is just a startup topic which the apm servers write to. It's not used in normal processing by tracemate)

Importantly, we use as the hash key. This guarantees that related documents (transaction and span) are always published to the same partition based on the hash of the This, by extension, ensures that the same tracemate instance always processes all related documents for a trace. This helps us get the metric aggregation correct as well as the distributed trace data complete.


The next requirement is a working kafka cluster. With topics created and partitioned properly for your expected volume of trace data. Recall from the Elastic APM Agent section that we are tracing at 100% probability (the default) in order to get very accurate latency metrics produced. So size your cluster appropriately.

@MLB we use a 10 node n1-standard-4 cluster (on Google Cloud) with 500GB SSD persistent disks and a topic replication factor of 2 where each topic has 100 partitions. Over the past 30 days, we haven't see any node go above 15% cpu or a write rate over 1MB/second on any individual node. We are purposely sized for 5X headroom in operations to deal with expected (and unexpected growth). Size yourself according to your needs.

The kafka cluster will require the topics mentioned in the last section as well as a few specialized topics: tracemate_aggregates, tracemate_urls, and tracemate_regexes. These topics are used to centralize aggregate math properly and to squash URLs. Once an aggregate key is created for a metric, it is republished to the tracemate_aggregates topic with the metric name as the key so that it will hash to a single partition for aggregation. This ensures that the same tracemate instance is always aggregating the same metrics by key all the time (it keeps the math coherent).

Tracemate uses service URL for several metrics (transaction - latency - <URL>, etc..). This URL is directly derived from the elastic apm reported request.url.pathname. The first pass of tracemate utilized a set of regular expressions that it compared to URL path segments in order to replace known patterns like UUIDs or integers with a named replacement like /foo/bar/1234 would become /foo/bar/{id}. This didn't scale well when the URLs processed by tracemate became less well formed. For example:


Human readable URLs fell down horribly when using a regex approach and it led to metric grouping issues.

This code uses a different approach. Tracemate now analyzes every incoming URL that it sees (per service) and assigns a cardinality score to each path segment tree. When the cardinality eclipses a logarithmically decreasing threshold (based on the segment number), the segment is squashed and replaced with {...}. So the above URL becomes:


If there are enough news stories to eclipse the cardinality limit.

To accomplish this feat, tracemate makes use of 2 more kafka topics:

  1. tracemate_urls
  2. tracemate_regexes

Every URL that tracemate sees is immediately published to tracemate_urls with the key of the service name so that it gets processed by the owner of that partition (this ensures that all URLs for a service get processed by the same tracemate instance). When a URL becomes squashed tracemate produces a regular expression that is publishes to tracemate_regexes. All tracemate instances subscribe to tracemate_regexes to update their internal URL replacement schemes when new regexes are produced.

tracemate_urls should likely match the number of partitions you use for elastic_apm_* topics and tracemate_regexes should have 1 partition.

To re-iterate we need 8 topics:

  • elastic_apm_error - holds error documents reported by elastic apm agent.
  • elastic_apm_metric - holds metric documents reported by elastic apm agent.
  • elastic_apm_onboarding - used by elastic apm server during startup, not used by tracemate but required to exist. This topic can have 1 partition.
  • elastic_apm_span - holds span documents (components of a transaction) reported by elastic apm agent.
  • elastic_apm_transaction - holds transaction documents reported by elastic apm_agent.
  • tracemate_aggregates - holds aggregate documents produced by tracemate itself so we produce coherent math.
  • tracemate_urls - holds each seen URL per service.
  • tracemate_regexes - holds the result of the URL squashing code.

6 of these (all but elastic_apm_onboarding and tracemate_regexes) must have the same number of partitions.

  • tracemate_regexes - must have 1 partition with the Kafka setting: cleanup.policy set to compact so that duplicate regexes get compacted away. @MLB we also set and
  • elastic_apm_onboarding - doesn't seem to matter but we use 1 partition here.


There are no special requirements on Jaeger, simply that it exists. We run jaeger on k8s using scylladb as the backend. See the charts/jaeger-instance Helm chart for an example deployment.


Tracemate uses libmtev as its base application framework. As such, it inherits libmtev's XML based configuration syntax which you can read more about here. Tracemate specific config is as follows (it helps to read the Design section of this document first and see the example src/


      <topic name="elastic_apm_metric" partition="0" batch_size="100" read_delay_ms="3000" />
      <topic name="elastic_apm_transaction" partition="0" batch_size="2000"/>
      <topic name="elastic_apm_error" partition="0" batch_size="100"/>
      <topic name="elastic_apm_span" partition="0" batch_size="2000"/>
      <topic name="tracemate_aggregates" partition="0" batch_size="100"/>
      <topic name="tracemate_urls" partition="0" batch_size="100"/>
      <topic name="tracemate_regexes" partition="0" batch_size="100"/>

This section configures the kafka brokers that tracemate should connect to, the subscription name (group_id) so that kafka can maintain the offset and the list of topic/partitions (and related settings). A tracemate instance can connect to any number of topic/partitions depending on the number of instances you want to run. As an example, MLB runs 20 instances of tracemate each reading from 5 partitions of each topic. Each topic is configured to have 100 partitions.


    <team name="myteam" metric_submission_url="" jaeger_dest_url="your-jaeger-collector:14250" collect_host_level_metrics="false" circonus_api_key="example-api-key" check_id="example-numeric-check-id-associated-with-http-trap-check">
        <regex regex="(\/[0-9]+(\/|$))" replace="/{id}/" />
        <regex regex="(\/[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}(-ext)?(\/|$))" replace="/{guid}/" />
        <regex regex="(\/?[\w@]+[ \.-]{1,}[^\/]+)$" replace="/{file}" />

The teams list controls how data is separated between services and which httptrap URL the metrics are sent to for the team, as well as the jaeger collector service to send distributed traces to for the team. @MLB we are split into rougly 8 to 10 teams which span the various codebases throughout baseball. For example, we have a Baseball Data team (bdata), a Baseball Services team (bbserv), an enterprise services team (best), etc.. Each of these teams has their own Circonus account to keep the data separate and their own jaeger instance to keep tracing separate. It is not a strict requirement to split up your data in this way. You could easily have a single team, possibly named after your organization, with a single httptrap to send data to and a single jaeger collector to send traces. This would co-mingle all your organization's data into one circonus account and one jaeger instance.

Importantly, the services as configured in Elastic APM Agent must have the team prefix in order to be matched with the team configuration in the configuration file. If you use an organization model and your is called: "acme", your service names must be prefixed with: "acme-"

Each <team> definition has 4 important member fields, and two optional fields:

  • metric_submission_url - the Circonus HTTPTrap check URL to send synthesized metrics to
  • jaeger_dest_url - the jaeger collector host/port where the jaeger gRPC listener is running to send jaeger trace data
  • circonus_api_key - An API key that will be used to generate graphs and dashboards.
  • check_id - The numeric check id associated with the metric_submission_url. this can be found under the address, and will typically be a six digit integer. This is used for graph generation.
  • collect_host_level_metrics - Defaults to "false". If set to "true" will create metrics that track data at the host level. Specifically, this means that for every metric generated (see Metrics below), tracemate will generate a host: tag on the metric that ties the data to the specific host which produced it. Turning this on will inflate the cardinality of the metrics produced but can help illuminate differences in performance among different hosts. This is likely less useful in a k8s environment where pods are jumping around so we leave this off @MLB.
  • rollup_high_cardinality - Defaults to "false". Certain metrics can be very high cardinality. For example: transaction - latency - /level1/level2/... where you have a path_rewrites set to only allow 2 levels of URL pathing. This can still mean many millions of time series depending on the service. To combat this explosion of time series, Circonus offers a special tag which will keep the metric for 4 weeks but then drop it for longer term storage (won't roll it up). Setting this to true for a team will omit this special tag causing Circonus to rollup everything.

Each team can have a path_allowlist and a path_rewrites list to control which URLs you pay attention to in your services. To allow all paths, simply create a single path of slash / as in the example above. If you don't specify anything in path_allowlist, tracemate will ignore all transactions for the team.

path_rewrites allow you to perform regexes over URLs reported by Elastic APM and genericize them to make metric aggregation more useful. You can see in the example above where we are replacing all integers in a path (or at the end of a path) with {id}, all GUIDs with {guid} and anything that looks like a file with an extension with {file}. If a URL then arrived that resembled:


It would get re-written as:


If another URL arrived like:


It would also get re-written as:


Therefore aggregating together all related metrics under this single re-written URL.

AIUI the transaction naming has gotten better in Elastic APM 7.X so this feature may be less necessary going forward in favor of just relying on whatever Elastic APM decides to name the transaction.

Service Thresholds

    <threshold name="myteam-myservice-myenvironment" threshold_ms="1500" />
    <threshold name="default" threshold_ms="2000" />

<service_thresholds> let you configure the time over which a transaction is sent to jaeger for tracing. This should contain a list of <threshold>s where the name parameter matches the name in the Elastic APM Agent configuration for elastic.apm.service_name and the threshold_ms parameter contains the time in milliseconds.

You can set a special key called "default" which will be used as the default threshold for all services that aren't otherwise configured.

If you don't specify any thresholds, tracemate uses a default of 2000ms as the threshold.

Transaction DB

  <transaction_db path="/tracemate/data/ts" />

The file system location of the local LMDB database used to temporarily house related trace documents. In the k8s world (see charts/tracemate), we rely on a persistent volume claim mounted at /tracemate/data in order to persist this local database across container deployments and restarts.

Journal path


The file system location of the write ahead log for sending data to circonus. Tracemate uses a store and forward approach with checkpointing to ensure no data gets lost before it successfully arrives to Circonus. Like the Transaction DB we use the same persistent volume claim to ensure this journal survives container moves and restarts.

Infra dest URL


This is a holdover name from early development. What it represents is the HTTPTrap URL where tracemate's internal metrics should be sent as JSON. If you have a single Circonus account this could be the same HTTPTrap you send your <team> metrics to.


Like all libmtev apps, tracemate has the ability to load modules which can perform specific operations that aren't part of the core tracemate functionality. To see what hooks are exposed for this purpose, you can look in src/tm_hooks.h. More hooks will be added over time.


The generated metrics follow a naming pattern:

{type} - {metric} - {identifier}|ST[tagset]


  • {type} is transaction, db, or external

  • {metric} is the thing we are tracking, examples include: latency, error_count, request_count, etc..

  • {identifier} is the path or SQL info, examples include: /foo/bar/{id}, db.mysql.query foo SELECT, etc.. [tagset] is the set of tags that further identify the resource, examples: service:best-BATTER-service,, ip:

Examples of metrics:

transaction - latency - /foo|ST[service:best-BATTER-service,,ip:]
transaction - request_count - /foo|ST[service:best-BATTER-service,,ip:]
db - latency - /foo|ST[service:best-BATTER-service,,ip:]

There are special rollup metrics created for the host where the specific host is replaced with all.. Examples:

transaction - latency - /foo|ST[service:best-BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]
transaction - request_count - /foo|ST[service:BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]
db - latency - /foo|ST[service:BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]

These let us look at a specific URL across hosts for a rolled up view.

This app also generates even higher level rollup metrics for ease in graphing and alerting. For rollup metrics, the {identifier} portion will be replaced with all and the tags that are specific to a host will be replaced with all

Examples of aggregated metrics:

transaction - latency - all|ST[service:BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]
transaction - request_count - all|ST[service:BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]
db - latency - all|ST[service:BATTER-service,host:all,ip:all]

This app produces the following metrics (not all metrics apply to all {type}s):

  • latency a log linear histogram of every transaction/operation seen
  • average_latency the mean of the latency metric stored as a single number
  • min_latency the p0 of the latency
  • max_latency the p100 of the latency
  • stddev_latency the std dev of the latency
  • request_count the count of ops/trans
  • client_error_count the count where status_code on the transaction is >= 400 and < 500
  • server_error_count the count where status_code on the transaction is >= 500 and < 600
  • error_count the sum of the last 2
  • stmt_count for db {type} the count of statements executed
  • call_count for external {type} the count of external calls made

The preceding are each generated for each level in the metric naming scheme.. using latency as an example where we have URL's /foo/bar/{id} and /baz/bing and hosts: and, and no database interactions, you will end up with the following metrics:

transaction - latency - /foo/bar/{id}|ST[service:foo-service,,ip:]
transaction - latency - /foo/bar/{id}|ST[service:foo-service,,ip:]
transaction - latency - /foo/bar/{id}|ST[service:foo-service,host:all,ip:all]

transaction - latency - /baz/bing|ST[service:foo-service,,ip:]
transaction - latency - /baz/bing|ST[service:foo-service,,ip:]
transaction - latency - /baz/bing|ST[service:foo-service,host:all,ip:all]

transaction - latency - all|ST[service:foo-service,host:all,ip:all]

So the generated cardinality follows: metric * host_count * endpoint_count + 2 And then an all category with one of each metric. These apply per service.


Read Elastic APM documents and synthesize metrics and distributed traces







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