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Circonus Agent Manager (circonus-am)


  1. Build (for testing): goreleaser build --clean --snapshot
  2. Release:
    1. Ensure all commits/PRs are merged
    2. Ensure repo is up-to-date
    3. Tag with semver from
    4. Run goreleaser release --clean


Manager for local agents (metrics, logs, etc.)

  circonus-am [flags]

      --action-poll-interval string         [ENV: CAM_ACTION_POLL_INTERVAL] Polling interval for actions (default "60s")
      --agents strings                      [ENV: CAM_AGENTS] List of agents (Docker specific)
      --apiurl string                       [ENV: CAM_API_URL] Circonus API URL (default "")
      --aws-ec2-tags strings                [ENV: CAM_AWS_EC2_TAGS] AWS EC2 tags for registration meta data
  -c, --config string                       config file (default: /Users/mgm/src/circonus/agent-manager/dist/am-macos_amd64_darwin_amd64_v1/etc/circonus-am.yaml|.json|.toml)
  -d, --debug                               [ENV: CAM_DEBUG] Enable debug messages
      --decommission                        Decommission agent manager and exit
      --force-register                      [ENV: CAM_FORCE_REGISTER] Force registration attempt, even if manager is already registered
  -h, --help                                help for circonus-am
      --instance-id string                  [ENV: CAM_INSTANCE_ID] Instance ID (Docker specific)
      --log-level string                    [ENV: CAM_LOG_LEVEL] Log level [(panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|disabled)] (default "info")
      --log-pretty                          Output formatted/colored log lines [ignored on windows]
      --register string                     [ENV: CAM_REGISTER] Registration token -- register agent manager, inventory installed agents and exit
      --server-address string               [ENV: CAM_SERVER_ADDRESS] Server Address for /health and /config (default ":43285")
      --server-handler-timeout string       [ENV: CAM_SERVER_HANDLER_TIMEOUT] Server handler timeout (default "30s")
      --server-idle-timeout string          [ENV: CAM_SERVER_IDLE_TIMEOUT] Server idle timeout (default "30s")
      --server-read-header-timeout string   [ENV: CAM_SERVER_READ_HEADER_TIMEOUT] Server read header timeout (default "5s")
      --server-read-timeout string          [ENV: CAM_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT] Server read timeout (default "60s")
      --server-tls-cert-file string         [ENV: CAM_SERVER_TLS_CERT_FILE] Server TLS cert file
      --server-tls-enable                   [ENV: CAM_SERVER_TLS_ENABLE] Server Enable TLS
      --server-tls-key-file string          [ENV: CAM_SERVER_TLS_KEY_FILE] Server TLS key file
      --server-write-timeout string         [ENV: CAM_SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT] Server write timeout (default "60s")
      --status-poll-interval string         [ENV: CAM_STATUS_POLL_INTERVAL] Polling interval for gathering agent status (default "5m")
      --tags strings                        [ENV: CAM_TAGS] Custom key:value tags for registration meta data
      --tracker-poll-interval string        [ENV: CAM_TRACKER_POLL_INTERVAL] Polling interval for tracking and verifying checksums (default "15m")
  -V, --version                             Show version and exit

Note on tags

  • Environment variable format with a space separated list, e.g. CAM_TAGS="foo:bar baz:qux"
  • CLI option format with a comma separated list, e.g. --tags="foo:bar,baz:qux"

Linux installation

  1. Download appropriate package from releases page
  2. Install (use sudo to install, like all packages)
  3. Run sudo /opt/circonus/am/sbin/circonus-am --register=<registration_token>
  4. If registration successful, restart the agent manager sudo systemctl restart circonus-am
  5. Check status of agent manager sudo systemctl status circonus-am
  6. If an additional agent is installed AFTER the agent manager has registered
    1. Restart agent manager sudo systemctl restart circonus-am


  1. Create dedicated user and group (e.g. cam)
  2. Change ownership of /opt/circonus/am and all files to the user and group (ensure user can also access /opt and /opt/circonus e.g. 755 or owned by group)
  3. Edit the systemd unit to add User and Group stanzas (sysctl edit circonus-am)
  4. Restart circonus-am if it is currently running
  5. For all agent config files that the manager will manage:
    1. change the group ownership to the group created above
    2. change permissions to allow write by group
  6. Add sudo configs for the commands of each installed agent
  7. Change agent definitions to include sudo for each of the commands used for managing the agent

Decommission (linux)

  1. sudo systemctl stop circonus-am
  2. sudo /opt/circonus/am/sbin/circonus-am --decommission
  3. Remove package using tool used to install e.g. apt/dpkg or yum/rpm

Health check endpoint

The agent manager exposes a health endpoint for monitoring, it can be reached at http://ip:43285/health. It can be configured for TLS if desired. It will return 200 with a payload of JSON {"status":"ok","dur":"duration"} the duration is the round trip time for checking the remote API health endpoint.