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Ad Hoc Enrollments Scripts

Convert reports into Moodle enrollments CSVs.



  • Access to "Students for Internship Review" report in Workday (ask AIS)
  • Python 3
  • Pipenv (brew install pipenv)
pipenv install
pipenv run test # run tests

Multiple Groups

In a Moodle enrollment CSV, we can add someone to multiple courses using course1, course2, etc. columns. However, this means a row with a single course1 but multiple groups (group1, group2) doesn't add the user to multiple groups in the course (group2 would be a group in course2). To add a student to multiple groups in the same course, create multiple rows with different groups:

username course1 group1
maria ART-101 transfer
maria ART-101 international

This is how adds students to multiple groups in the same course.

Internship Enrollments Usage

Generate enrollments CSV for Moodle from Workday report.

  1. Download the "Students for Internship Review" report
  2. pipenv run python enroll/ -r report.xlsx -s "Fall 2024"
    1. You don't need to pass a -r parameter if the report keeps its default name "Students_for_Internship_Review.xlsx"
    2. -s is the semester group for students
    3. Generate enrollments for a single program with -p $PROGRAM e.g. -p Architecture
  3. Go to Moodle > Upload Users
    1. Select the CSV
    2. Don't modify user values (e.g. no updates, no default values, etc.)

NSO Enrollments Usage

This script is used to generate enrollments for the New Student Orientation courses. It lets you specify where in a provided CSV to look for the few pieces of information we need (email, type, international status). Example using CSV of Leave of Absence students: pipenv run python enroll/ --infile loa.csv -e "Student Institutional Email Address" -t "Program of Study Status" --intl "Student is International" -c "NSO-2024SP"

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.
  -i, --infile TEXT   Input CSV file
  -o, --outfile TEXT  Output CSV file (default: nso.csv)
  -e, --email TEXT    Email column (default: CCA Email)
  --intl TEXT         International column (default: International?)
  -t, --type TEXT     Student type (First Year, Transfer, Graduate) column
                      (default: Applicant Type)
  -c, --course TEXT   Course shortname (e.g. NSO-2024SP). If {type} is present
                      in the course name, it will be replaced with the student
                      type (GRAD, TRSFR, FRESH).


ECL Version 2.0


WD report -> Moodle enrollments





