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Deck Consultant Backend

Back end for game titled deck consultant.
In the game you play as a deck consultant that lends magical cards to clients who are adventures going on quests.

Backend uses dynamoid ruby gem to model dynamodb tables.
Game client uses Lambda functions to get and mutate player data.


To run all unit tests use rake This will run rspec to execute all specs from spec folder


File Structure

|── lambdas                    <-- folder for lambdas (each lambda has subfolder)
│   ├── lambda_name            <-- example folder for lambda 
│   │   ├── lambda_name.rb     <-- Lambda function main code with handler
│   │   ├── Gemfile.rb         <-- Gemfile used to build lambda (must include gems from layers used)
├── layers                     <-- folder for lamdba layers
│   ├── layer_name             <-- folder for lamdba ayer code
│   │   ├── ruby               <-- folder for ruby files like gems and source code
│   │   │   ├── lib            <-- folder for library source code (gets included in lambdas)
│   │   ├── Gemfile            <-- Gemfile for lamdba code 
├── spec                       <-- Spec folder for all lambdas
│   ├── spec_helper            <-- Lightweight spec helper just for lambdas
├── .rspec                     <-- rpsec config to include layer files fot tests
├── .ruby-gemset               <-- Gemset for gemini lamdbas (only used for specs)
├── .ruby-version              <-- Ruby version for gemini lamdbas (only used for specs, currently 2.6.3 because deploy issues)
├──                   <-- Script to create lamdba docker images
├──                  <-- Script to invoke lambda (first parameter is lambda resource name second one is event path)
├── dev_template.yaml          <-- SAM Cloudformation template to build lambdas on localstack
├── template.yaml              <-- SAM Cloudformation template used for real deploys
├── Gemfile                    <-- Gemfile for specs only


Backend for game titled "Deck Consultant"






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