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Implementation Details

Samuel Spencer edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Payment Flows

In order to make a purchase, two operations are needed:

  • Perform a SKProductRequest to obtain the SKProduct corresponding to the product identifier.
  • Submit the payment and listen for updated transactions on the SKPaymentQueue.

The framework takes care of caching SKProducts so that future requests for the same SKProduct don't need to perform a new SKProductRequest.

Payment queue

The following list outlines how requests are processed by SwiftyStoreKit.

  • SKPaymentQueue is used to queue payments or restore purchases requests.
  • Payments are processed serially and in-order and require user interaction.
  • Restore purchases requests don't require user interaction and can jump ahead of the queue.
  • SKPaymentQueue rejects multiple restore purchases calls.
  • Failed transactions only ever belong to queued payment requests.
  • restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError is always called when a restore purchases request fails.
  • paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished is always called following 0 or more update transactions when a restore purchases request succeeds.
  • A complete transactions handler is require to catch any transactions that are updated when the app is not running.
  • Registering a complete transactions handler when the app launches ensures that any pending transactions can be cleared.
  • If a complete transactions handler is missing, pending transactions can be mis-attributed to any new incoming payments or restore purchases.

The order in which transaction updates are processed is:

  1. payments (transactionState: .purchased and .failed for matching product identifiers)
  2. restore purchases (transactionState: .restored, or restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError, or paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished)
  3. complete transactions (transactionState: .purchased, .failed, .restored, .deferred)

Any transactions where state is .purchasing are ignored.

See this pull request for full details about how the payment flows have been implemented.