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Set of tools to convert and publish directories with markdown files to Confluence.


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Set of command-line tools to publish markdown files to a Confluence or dump Confluence content as markdown files with attachments.

Notable features:

  • Automatically index input directory to build confluence content model based on file name conventions.
  • Idempotence confluence client. Avoid limitation of Confluence REST API, that create a new version of a page on every update.
  • Support cross-page links between markdown pages, inline images, etc.
  • Dump Confluence pages and convert to local markdown files keeping links to images and links between pages in local markdown files. This is unique feature among similar tools.
  • Extensible by design

This toolset designed to support "docs-as-code" approach to use markdown as a docs source and Confluence as a publishing platform. The "dump" functionality allow to easy create initial docs in markdown based on a Confluence content.


Download the latest release from maven central

Play locally

Need to have: java and docker in your PATH, an input directory with markdown files.

Start Confluence locally:

docker run -p 8090:8090 -p 8091:8091 qwazer/atlassian-sdk-confluence

After Confluence starts it will be accessible at http://localhost:8090 with admin:admin credentials.

Run next command

java -jar md2conf.jar conpub -i=main-application/src/it/resources/several-pages --username=admin --password=admin --space-key=ds -pt="Welcome to Confluence" -url=http://localhost:8090

See results at http://localhost:8090/display/ds/Sample

Publish to remote Confluence instance

Change url, space-key, parent-page-title, username, password in the command above and run.



Usage: md2conf [-v] [COMMAND]
Set of tools to deal with markdown files and Confluence: publish, dump, convert
  -v, --verbose   Increase verbosity.
  conpub, convert-and-publish  Convert and publish docs to a Confluence instance
  convert                      Convert
  dump                         Dump content from Confluence instance and save
                                 as 'confluence-content-model' with files in
                                 Confluence VIEW format
  dumpcon, dump-and-convert    Dump content from Confluence instance, convert
                                 using VIEW2MD converter to directory tree with
                                 markdown files and binary attachments
  index                        Index input directory to build page structure
                                 and print results
  publish                      Publish content to a Confluence instance
  help                         Display help information about the specified


Run to read the help message

docker run md2conf/md2conf:latest help

Mount current working dir with "docs" directory and publish content to a remote confluence.

docker run -v ./docs:/docs md2conf/md2conf conpub -i=/docs --username=admin --password=admin --space-key=ds -pt="Welcome to Confluence" -url=http://confluence.local

Mount current working dir with "docs" directory and dump content from a remote confluence.

docker run -v ./docs:/docs md2conf/md2conf dumpcon -o=/docs --username=admin --password=admin --space-key=ds -pt="Welcome to Confluence" -url=http://confluence.local

Maven plugin

    <!--            <version>SPECIFY version here</version>-->
        <parentPageTitle>Welcome to Confluence</parentPageTitle>

How it works inside?

Main publish-and-convert steps are

  1. Index input directory and build page structure based on file name conventions. Each page is a prototype for future Confluence Page. Page represented by file path, attachments and children pages.
  2. Convert page structure to Confluence Content Model with set of Confluence Pages. Each Confluence Page receive confluence-specific attributes like "title", "labels" and "type" ("storage" or "wiki").
  3. Publish Confluence Content Model to a Confluence Instance via Confluence REST API.


Main dump-and-convert steps are

  1. Dump Confluence Content Model identified by user-provided parent page to temp working directory .md2conf
  2. Convert it using MD2VIEW converter. MD2VIEW converter build on top of flexmark html2md converter.


Index by file-indexer

File-indexer is a tool that build Confluence Content Model based on file name conventions.

File-indexer controlled by properties:

Property key CLI name Description Default value
inputDirectory "-i", "--input-dir", "--indexer-input-dir" Input directory
indexerFileExtension --indexer-file-extension File extension to index as confluence content pages md
indexerExcludePattern --indexer-exclude-pattern Exclude pattern in format of glob:** or regexp:.*. For syntax see javadoc of java.nio.file.FileSystem.getPathMatcher method "glob:**/.*"
indexerRootPage --indexer-root-page Use specified page as parent page for all another top-level pages in an input directory
indexerChildLayout --indexer-child-layout SUB_DIRECTORY is layout when source files for children pages resides in directory with the name equals to basename of parent file. SAME_DIRECTORY is layout when file with name '' or '' is the source file of parent page and other files in the directory are source files for children pages SUB_DIRECTORY
indexerOrphanFileAction --indexer-orphan-file-action What to do with page which source file that are not top-level page and not child of any page. Possible options are IGNORE, ADD_TO_TOP_LEVEL_PAGES IGNORE

Attachments naming convention

Attachment file of page must be located in directory which name is concatenation of basename of parent page and "_attachments" suffix (./page_attachments).

For example, next filesystem tree

├── page_attachments
│   └── attach.txt

will be indexed as Confluence page with source at path ./ and one attachment at path page_attachments/attach.txt.

Child relation layout examples

There are 2 options to specify indexerChildLayout: SUB_DIRECTORY and SAME_DIRECTORY


This is layout when source files for children pages resides in directory with the name equals to basename of parent file.


Next files tree

├── page_a
│   └───

will be indexed to next pages structure

   └─── page_a/

This is layout when file with name '' or '' is the source file of parent page and other files in the directory are source files for children pages.

Next files tree


will be indexed to next pages structure


Property "indexerOrphanFileAction"

When indexerOrphanFileAction set to ADD_TO_TOP_LEVEL_PAGES the next files tree

├── some_dir
│   └───

will be indexed to next pages structure

└─── some_dir/

Property "indexerRootPage"

When indexerRootPage set to the next files tree


will be indexed to next pages structure


Convert by converters

Controlled by properties:

Property key CLI name Description Default value
outputDirectory "-o", "--output-dir" Output directory

Title processing options

Property key CLI name Description Default value
titleExtract --title-extract Strategy to extract title from file, FROM_FIRST_HEADER or FROM_FILENAME FROM_FIRST_HEADER
titlePrefix --title-prefix Title prefix common for all pages
titleSuffix --title-suffix Title suffix common for all pages
titleChildPrefixed --title-child-prefixed Add title prefix of root page if page is a child false
titleRemoveFromContent --title-remove-from-content Remove title from converted content, to avoid duplicate titles rendering in an Confluence false

Markdown to Wiki Converter properties (MD2WIKI)

Property key CLI name Description Default value
plantumlCodeAsMacro --plantuml-code-macro-enable Render markdown plantuml fenced code block as confluence plantuml macro (server-side rendering) false
plantumlCodeMacroName --plantuml-code-macro-name Name of confluence macro to render plantuml. Need to Confluence plugin. Possible known options are: 'plantuml' or 'plantumlrender' or 'plantumlcloud'. By default, 'plantuml' is used. plantuml

The result of conversion saved in output directory file confluence-content-model.json'.

View to Markdown Converter properties (VIEW2MD)

There are properties to format markdown produced by VIEW2MD converter.

Property key CLI name Description Default value
markdownRightMargin --markdown-right-margin Markdown right margin size 120
markdownHeadingStyle --markdown-heading-style Markdown heading style. Valid values: AS_IS, ATX_PREFERRED, SETEXT_PREFERRED ATX_PREFERRED

Confluence connection options

Controlled by properties:

Property key CLI name Description Default value
confluenceUrl "-url", "--confluence-url" The root URL of the Confluence instance
username "--username" Username of the Confluence user
password "--password" The password or personal access token of the user. In case of using token don't specify username.
spaceKey "-s", "--space-key" The password or personal access token of the user
parentPageTitle "-pt", "--parent-page-title" The parent page to publish confluence-content-model
skipSslVerification --skip-ssl-verification false
maxRequestsPerSecond --max-requests-per-second
connectionTimeToLive --connection-time-to-live Connection TTL. Useful in case a server is configured to have a very low TTL to keep existing connectings alive


Controlled by properties:

Property key CLI name Description Default value
orphanRemovalStrategy --orphan-removal-strategy REMOVE_ORPHANS or KEEP_ORPHANS KEEP_ORPHANS
parentPagePublishingStrategy --parent-page-publishing-strategy APPEND_TO_ANCESTOR or REPLACE_ANCESTOR APPEND_TO_ANCESTOR
notifyWatchers --notify-watchers false
versionMessage --version-message Published by md2conf
confluenceContentModelPath "-m", "--confluence-content-model" Path to file with confluence-content-model JSON file. '.confluence-content-model.json'


For Confluence Content model dump need to provide Confluence connection options and output directory.

Confluence Content model

Confluence Content is a collection of Confluence Pages. It represented in file confluence-content-model.json in local filesystem.


Confluence Page

Confluence Page has next attributes

Attribute Description
title mandatory title
contentFilePath mandatory content file path
type "storage" or "wiki", see below for details
children optional collections of child pages
attachments optional collections of attachments
labels optional collections of labels

Content Type

Confluence support 2 types of markup "storage" or "wiki" to publish pages using Confluence API. See Atlassian documentation for details:

Additional VIEW html-like format used to render pages. It used only in dump functionality.

Markdown extensions

Confluence macros

Html inline comments with treated as Confluence macros. For list of Confluence macros see and section "Wiki markup example" on particular macros. A couple of useful are table-of-contents-macro and children-display-macro

Also see confluence_macro_spec_test

Cross-page links between markdown pages

In case of markdown file has content that refer to another markdown file, that exists in page structure the reference will be converted to valid Confluence page reference.

For examples see crosspage_link_title_spec_test

Image attachments

Markdown image will be converted to a Confluence Image. If markdown image has link to local file, it will be converted to Confluence attachment and uploaded to a Confluence server.

For examples see local_image_spec_test

Link to local file

A link to local file (both relative and absolute) will be converted to a Confluence attachment link. The target link file will be uploaded as Confluence attachment.

Note: Using absolute paths with links is not recommended.

For examples see local_attachment_spec_test

Confluence supported languages in fenced code blocks

Markdown fenced code block converted to Confluence code block macro. Confluence code block macro supports only limited number of languages. For example, it doesn't support "json" language. To avoid this limitation some fenced code block languages remaped to supported by an Confluence.

See mappings here: Line 22

Diagram generations

The md2conf toolset doesn't contain embedded diagram generation support from textual diagram formats like PlantUML, Mermaid, etc. Users can setup own diagram generators in their pipelines.

Example to include PlantUML diagram generation in Maven

This setup use Apache Maven as orchestrator for diagram generation and for docs publishing.

Next setup will convert all "*.puml" files from "plantuml" directory and saves output in "markdown" directory. Actual version of PlantUML should be specified by a user.


Advanced usage

Skip publishing update with .md2conf_skipupdate file

It is possible to ignore publishing page updates. It is usefull when a page structure maintained in source code layout, but some page content updated manually not by docs-as-code approach. Such pages can be defined in .md2conf_skipupdate file. Rules defined the same way as in .gitignore file.

Example of .md2conf_skipupdate file:

# ignore publishing page updates for ./

History and motivation

See decisions and comparison with other tools.

In short, existing projects doesn't fit my needs.


Idempotence confluence client originally written by Christian Stettler and others as part of confluence-publisher tool to publish ascii docs to confluence.


Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Christian Stettler, Alain Sahli and others.

Copyright (c) 2021-, qwazer.


Set of tools to convert and publish directories with markdown files to Confluence.







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