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Using Disruptor In Your Project

mikeb01 edited this page Sep 22, 2012 · 2 revisions

Several examples on how to use disruptor as part of a project in various tools.

Using disruptor in your project

There are several options on how to use the disruptor as a dependency in one of your projects. These are a few hints and code sinppets on how to use it in conjunction with various build systems.

Manual dependency management

JAR files containing the compiled classes, sources and javadoc documentation are available from the download page. You can use these with any kind of build system.

Dependency management using maven central repository

Disruptor JARs (artifacts) are available from maven central repository from version 2.7.1. Disruptor uses group id: com.googlecode.disruptor and artifact id: disruptor.

Below are code snippets for usage in popular build systems:


Add the following snippet to dependencies section of your pom.xml file



Enable dependency resolution using maven central repository:

repositories {

Then add disruptor to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
    compile "com.googlecode.disruptor:disruptor:2.7.1"


Add following line to the ivy.xml:

<dependency org="com.googlecode.disruptor" name="disruptor" rev="2.7.1"/>