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Oracle Cloud (Free)

Davide Marcoli edited this page Mar 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

During this guide, I will show you how to selfhost the addon for free on Oracle Cloud


We will be using Oracle Cloud for that. They provide a free VPS lifetime (

  1. Go to and select "Start for free"
  2. Register normally, enter your credit card at the end, and remember your login details
  3. Login here and go to Instances

  1. Click on create instance

  1. Choose a name for your instance

  1. In Image and shape, in Image select "Ubuntu" and "Canonical Ubuntu 22.04" image.
  2. In Shape, select Ampere and VM.Standard.A1.Flex, then put 4 OCPUS and 24 amount of memory

  1. In Add a SSH Key, click on Save private key
  2. In Boot volume, uncheck Use in-transit encryption and check Specify a custom boot volume size. Then, replace boot volume size from 50 by 200 and replace VPU from 10 to 20
  3. Click on create and let the instance creation process finish
  4. Click on your instance, and once it is running, under Primary VNIC, select the subnet (should be subnet-xxxxxx)
  5. Under security list, select the Default security list
  6. Click add Ingress Rules and fill everything like in the picture below

  1. Click "Add ingress rules" and go back to the instance page (the one you came on in step 10)

  2. Under Primary VNIC, save somewhere the Public IPV4 address, you will need it later.

  • For Windows

    • Download MobaXterm
    • Go to session, select SSH. In remote host, put the IP you saved just before, and check username and write "ubuntu". Click on advanced settings, check "use private key" and select the file you downloaded ending with ".key"
    • Hit OK, and you're connected to your free VPS!
  • For macOS

    • Open Terminal, and go to the directory where you downloaded the file ending with ".key" (typically cd Downloads)
    • Type chmod 400 yourfile.key. Don't forget to replace yourfile.key with the name of the file you downloaded.
    • Then type ssh -i yourfile.key ubuntu@vps_ip. Don't forget to replace yourfile.key with the name of the file you downloaded and vps_ip with the IP you saved just before. You're connected to your VPS!
  1. Copy and paste the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. It will update and install packages necessary for installing the addon and Jackett.

  2. At one moment, it will prompt for your email. Enter your email, press enter

  3. Then it will prompt for your domain. Before entering anything, please go to and sign-up. Once logged in, go to and create a Hostname. In My host, put something unique. In IPv4 Address, enter the IP of your VPS (the one you saved before)

  4. Click enter and copy the generated hostname (should look like "")

  5. Back in the terminal, enter the generated hostname and hit enter.

  6. At the end you should see a link for the addon and a link for Jackett.

  7. Go to Jackett, configure an indexer, then copy the API key on top of the page.

  8. Go to the addon, configure it, add the Jackett link, and the Jackett API key.


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