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The homepage for Cosmos, the Internet of Blockchains.


Please ask the team for deployment privileges.

# add the production server if you haven't already
git remote add production [email protected]:~/cosmos.git
# deploy it!
git checkout master
git merge develop
git push production master


Make sure you're running Node 6 LTS or higher.

# install dependencies
npm install

# write some required files
npm run build

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8700
npm run dev

Edit Content

# Edit site interface text

# Edit FAQ, Plan, or Whitepaper 
npm run build

Edit Blog Posts

Edit blog posts in the ./content/en-US/blog/ directory. Include YAML metadata for each post. Here's a full example post:

title: "TACO: The tastiest food"
slug: taco-the-tastiest-food
date: 2017-01-01
author: Peng Zhong
excerpt: Many people have rallied against the edibility of tacos, claiming it is impossible to eat. But that is simply not true.

Here is some markdown data. This is **just** a *test*.

* Onion
* Tomato
* Avocado

1. Lettuce
2. Ground beef
3. Chili sauce

After you're done editing the post, rebuild the blog files with npm run blog. Build the entire site with with npm run build.