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HTTP error handling in w3af

andresriancho edited this page Sep 4, 2014 · 5 revisions


  • Sub-classes of urllib2.URLError are raised by w3af when one HTTP request fails

  • HTTPRequestException is raised by w3af when one HTTP request fails

  • ScanMustStopException is raised by the when multiple HTTP requests fail in a row, potentially indicating that the remote server is unreachable. There are two important sub-classes of ScanMustStopException:

    • ScanMustStopByKnownReasonExc: To be used when we know the base exception which generated many HTTP request fails
    • ScanMustStopByUnknownReasonExc: To be used when the base error is unknown
  • ScanMustStopByUserRequest is a subclass of ScanMustStopException which is raised when we want to stop the scan. This exception is raised by the only when the user clicks "stop" in the UI.

Code sections where exceptions are raised

  • ScanMustStopByKnownReasonExc , ScanMustStopByUnknownReasonExc, HTTPRequestException and ScanMustStopByUserRequest are usually raised by the but might be raised in other places.

  • Sub-classes of urllib2.URLError are usually raised by the keep alive handler.

Code sections where exceptions are handled

  • One "hidden" section where exceptions are handled is in, where UrlOpenerProxy will catch any HTTPRequestException exceptions and ignore them. This is useful to avoid having that try/except code in all the plugins.

  • The last part of the code where exceptions before they reach the custom ExceptionHandler is w3afCore


All urllib2 handlers (which are used by the module) raise exceptions and might have errors, but the only place where we retry to send an HTTP request is in ExtendedUrllib._retry.

Avoid retries in any other code section, since that might lead to "multiple retries":

  • Your wants to send an HTTP request using ExtendedUrllib.send
  • For some reason that request fails
  • ExtendedUrllib._retry is called three times to retry sending the request
  • The request still fails and a HTTPRequestException is raised
  • Your code catches HTTPRequestException and re-sends the request. It does this in a loop, three times.
  • The result is that the request was sent (or at least w3af tried to) 9 times.

Overriding the default exception handler

If all fails, w3af overrides the default python exception handler with ExceptionHandler. Ideally we should never get here, but it has proven to be a really important source of bug reports.

Related with HTTP requests, we'll reach the custom ExceptionHandler when ScanMustStopByUnknownReasonExc is raised by