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If you've obtained the source code of BridgeDb, you should be
able to compile with a simple:

or (experimental, makes not all jars) - 

	mvn clean install

Library dependencies

If you don't use all mappers, you do not need to include all
libraries in the dist directory in your project.

Here is a brief overview that will help you to find out
which ones you need. For questions, you can always contact our mailing list.

org.bridgedb.jar - always needed. 
    This includes the tab-delimited file driver. - includes the BioDataSource enum, often needed
org.bridgedb.webservice.cronos.jar - needed for CRONOS webservice
org.bridgedb.webservice.synergizer.jar - needed for Synergizer webservice
org.bridgedb.webservice.picr.jar - needed for PICR webservice
org.bridgedb.server.jar - the BridgeRest SERVER, not needed if you only 
	want to access BridgeRest or BridgeWebservice as client - Contains the batchmapper command line tool

org.bridgedb.jar and do not need any other jar files to work.
Most of the other jar files in dist/ are part of the SOAP libraries needed only for
some of the webservices. Look in the lib directory and build.xml of the 
respective mappers to find clues which libraries are needed by which service.


Website, wiki and bug tracker:
Mailing list:
Source code can be obtained from


BridgeDb and related tools are developed by

Jianjiong Gao
Isaac Ho
Martijn van Iersel
Alex Pico

OpenPhacts BridgeDB Team:
Christian Brenninkmeijer
Alasdair Gray
Egon Willighagen


BridgeDb is free and open source. It is available under
the conditions of the Apache 2.0 License. 
See License-2.0.txt for details.