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Debugger/Logger tool for collecting formatted data that can be processed using custom tools.


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Code to assist with debugging MINDSi robots

This library contains code for providing logging and debugging msgs on a dedicated serial link.


To be filled out.

Packet Structure

Header_1 Header_2 Length Type Message-dependent Checksum_1 Checksum_2
0x51 0xAC len id data_bytes.. cs_1 cs_2

Checksum Calculation

Checksums are calculated over the bytes following the length field (see "Packet Structure") up to but not including the checksum fields.

The checksum can be calculated using the following pseudo code:

const uint16_t crctable[256] =
    0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329B, 0x4624, 0x57AD, 0x6536, 0x74BF,
    0x8C48, 0x9DC1, 0xAF5A, 0xBED3, 0xCA6C, 0xDBE5, 0xE97E, 0xF8F7,
    0x0919, 0x1890, 0x2A0B, 0x3B82, 0x4F3D, 0x5EB4, 0x6C2F, 0x7DA6,
    0x8551, 0x94D8, 0xA643, 0xB7CA, 0xC375, 0xD2FC, 0xE067, 0xF1EE,
    0x1232, 0x03BB, 0x3120, 0x20A9, 0x5416, 0x459F, 0x7704, 0x668D,
    0x9E7A, 0x8FF3, 0xBD68, 0xACE1, 0xD85E, 0xC9D7, 0xFB4C, 0xEAC5,
    0x1B2B, 0x0AA2, 0x3839, 0x29B0, 0x5D0F, 0x4C86, 0x7E1D, 0x6F94,
    0x9763, 0x86EA, 0xB471, 0xA5F8, 0xD147, 0xC0CE, 0xF255, 0xE3DC,
    0x2464, 0x35ED, 0x0776, 0x16FF, 0x6240, 0x73C9, 0x4152, 0x50DB,
    0xA82C, 0xB9A5, 0x8B3E, 0x9AB7, 0xEE08, 0xFF81, 0xCD1A, 0xDC93,
    0x2D7D, 0x3CF4, 0x0E6F, 0x1FE6, 0x6B59, 0x7AD0, 0x484B, 0x59C2,
    0xA135, 0xB0BC, 0x8227, 0x93AE, 0xE711, 0xF698, 0xC403, 0xD58A,
    0x3656, 0x27DF, 0x1544, 0x04CD, 0x7072, 0x61FB, 0x5360, 0x42E9,
    0xBA1E, 0xAB97, 0x990C, 0x8885, 0xFC3A, 0xEDB3, 0xDF28, 0xCEA1,
    0x3F4F, 0x2EC6, 0x1C5D, 0x0DD4, 0x796B, 0x68E2, 0x5A79, 0x4BF0,
    0xB307, 0xA28E, 0x9015, 0x819C, 0xF523, 0xE4AA, 0xD631, 0xC7B8,
    0x48C8, 0x5941, 0x6BDA, 0x7A53, 0x0EEC, 0x1F65, 0x2DFE, 0x3C77,
    0xC480, 0xD509, 0xE792, 0xF61B, 0x82A4, 0x932D, 0xA1B6, 0xB03F,
    0x41D1, 0x5058, 0x62C3, 0x734A, 0x07F5, 0x167C, 0x24E7, 0x356E,
    0xCD99, 0xDC10, 0xEE8B, 0xFF02, 0x8BBD, 0x9A34, 0xA8AF, 0xB926,
    0x5AFA, 0x4B73, 0x79E8, 0x6861, 0x1CDE, 0x0D57, 0x3FCC, 0x2E45,
    0xD6B2, 0xC73B, 0xF5A0, 0xE429, 0x9096, 0x811F, 0xB384, 0xA20D,
    0x53E3, 0x426A, 0x70F1, 0x6178, 0x15C7, 0x044E, 0x36D5, 0x275C,
    0xDFAB, 0xCE22, 0xFCB9, 0xED30, 0x998F, 0x8806, 0xBA9D, 0xAB14,
    0x6CAC, 0x7D25, 0x4FBE, 0x5E37, 0x2A88, 0x3B01, 0x099A, 0x1813,
    0xE0E4, 0xF16D, 0xC3F6, 0xD27F, 0xA6C0, 0xB749, 0x85D2, 0x945B,
    0x65B5, 0x743C, 0x46A7, 0x572E, 0x2391, 0x3218, 0x0083, 0x110A,
    0xE9FD, 0xF874, 0xCAEF, 0xDB66, 0xAFD9, 0xBE50, 0x8CCB, 0x9D42,
    0x7E9E, 0x6F17, 0x5D8C, 0x4C05, 0x38BA, 0x2933, 0x1BA8, 0x0A21,
    0xF2D6, 0xE35F, 0xD1C4, 0xC04D, 0xB4F2, 0xA57B, 0x97E0, 0x8669,
    0x7787, 0x660E, 0x5495, 0x451C, 0x31A3, 0x202A, 0x12B1, 0x0338,
    0xFBCF, 0xEA46, 0xD8DD, 0xC954, 0xBDEB, 0xAC62, 0x9EF9, 0x8F70

crc = 0x0001

for ( each byteValue between length and checksum fields)
 	crc = (crc << 8) ^ crctable[((crc >> 8) ^ byteValue)];

Message Types

List of available message types.

Type ID Name
0x10 Raw Position
0x11 Extrapolated Position
0x20 Orientation
0x30 Radio
0x40 IMU
0x41 Sonar
0x42 Bumper
0x60 State
0x70 Configuration
0x80 Control
0x81 Waypoint
0x90 ASCII
0xA0 Version

Custom Data Types

typedef struct {
	char data[256];
	u8 len;

typedef struct {
  int16_t minutes;
  int32_t frac;

Message Definitions

Raw Position Message (0x10)

Positioning information being provided by the GPS sensor.

typedef struct {
	GpsAngle_t latitude;
	GpsAngle_t longitude;
	u16 altitude;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 latitude_minutes GPS reciever reported latitude (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
6-9 latitude_frac GPS reciever reported latitude (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
10-11 longitude_minutes GPS reciever reported longitude (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
12-15 longitude_frac GPS reciever reported longitude (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
16-17 altitude GPS reciever reported altitude (meters). Map 0..(2^16-1) to - 900..19000, resolution ~0.3m

Extrapolated Position Message (0x11)

Position information created through calculation rather than sensed directly.

typedef struct {
	GpsAngle_t latitude;
	GpsAngle_t longitude;
	u16 altitude;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 latitude_minutes GPS reciever reported latitude (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
6-9 latitude_frac GPS reciever reported latitude (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
10-11 longitude_minutes GPS reciever reported longitude (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
12-15 longitude_frac GPS reciever reported longitude (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
12-13 altitude Altitude extraploated between GPS readings (meters). Map 0..(2^16-1) to - 900..19000, resolution ~0.3m

Orientation Message (0x20)

Orientation information used for control puposes.

typedef struct {
	s16 heading;
	s16 roll;
	s16 pitch;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 heading True heading (deg) * 100, range -18000..18000 representing -180.00 to 180.00
6-7 roll Roll (deg) * 100, range -18000..18000 representing -180.00 to 180.00
8-9 pitch Pitch (deg) * 100, range -18000..18000 representing -180.00 to 180.00

Radio Message (0x30)

Commands being sent by the radio controller.

typedef struct {
	s16 speed;
	u8 steering;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 speed Speed command from radio controller (mph) * 100
6 steering Steering value from radio controller

IMU Message (0x40)

Measurement information being privided by the IMU sensor.

typedef struct {
	s16 euler_x;
	s16 euler_y;
	s16 euler_z;
	s16 acc_x;
	s16 acc_y;
	s16 acc_z;
	s16 gyro_x;
	s16 gyro_y;
	s16 gyro_z;	
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 euler_x Euler angle on the X axis (rad) * 10430, range -32767..32767 representing -pi to pi
6-7 euler_y Euler angle on the Y axis (rad) * 10430, range -32767..32767 representing -pi to pi
8-9 euler_z Euler angle on the Z axis (rad) * 10430, range -32767..32767 representing -pi to pi
10-11 acc_x Acceleration on the X axis (g) * 8192, range -32768..32767 representing -4 to 4
12-13 acc_y Acceleration angle on the Y axis (g) * 8192, range -32768..32767 representing -4 to 4
14-15 acc_z Acceleration angle on the Z axis (g) * 8192, range -32768..32767 representing -4 to 4
16-17 gyro_x Rotation rate on the X axis (deg/s) * 16.4, range -32768..32767 representing -2000 to 2000
18-19 gyro_y Rotation rate angle on the Y axis (deg/s) * 16.4, range -32768..32767 representing -2000 to 2000
20-21 gyro_z Rotation rate angle on the Z axis (deg/s) * 16.4, range -32768..32767 representing -2000 to 2000

Sonar Message (0x41)

Measurement information being provided by the sonar ring.

typedef struct {
	u16 ping1;
	u16 ping2;
	u16 ping3;
	u16 ping4;
	u16 ping5;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 ping1 Echo time in microseconds
6-7 ping2 Echo time in microseconds
8-9 ping3 Echo time in microseconds
10-11 ping4 Echo time in microseconds
12-13 ping5 Echo time in microseconds

Bumper Message (0x42)


State Message (0x60)

Current rover state information

typedef struct {
	u8 apmState;
	u8 driveState;
	u8 autoState;
	u8 autoFlag;
	u8 voltage;
	u8 amperage;
	u8 groundSpeed;
Byte Offset Name Description
4 apmState Maps [Invalid, Init, Self-test, Drive] to [0,1,2,3]
5 driveState Maps [Invalid, Stop, Auto, Radio] to [0,1,2,3]
6 autoState Maps [Invalid, Full, Avoid, Stalled] to [0,1,2,3]
7 autoFlag Maps [None, Caution, Approach] to [0,1,2]
8 voltage Current battery voltage * 10 (volts)
9 amperage Current amperage draw on battery * 10 (amps)
8 groundSpeed Current speed of rover * 10 (mph)

Configuration Message (0x70)


Control Message (0x80)

Rover output control values.

typedef struct {
	s16 speed;
	u8 steering;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 speed * 100 speed setting sent to controller (mph)
6 steering steering angle sent to controller (angle, 90 = no turn angle)

Waypoint Message (0x81)

Variables used to calculate control for waypoint navigation.

typedef struct {
	GpsAngle_t latStart;
	GpsAngle_t lonStart;
	GpsAngle_t latIntermediate;
	GpsAngle_t lonIntermediate;
	GpsAngle_t latTarget;
	GpsAngle_t lonTarget;
	s16 pathHeading;
Byte Offset Name Description
4-5 latStart_minutes Previous waypoint latitude used for creating path (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
6-9 latStart_frac Previous waypoint latitude used for creating path (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
10-11 lonStart_minutes Previous waypoint longitude used for creating path (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
12-15 lonStart_frac Previous waypoint longitude used for creating path (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
16-17 latIntermediate_minutes Temporary target latitude calculated by line gravity (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
18-21 latIntermediate_frac Temporary target latitude calculated by line gravity (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
22-23 lonIntermediate_minutes Temporary target longitude calculated by line gravity (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
24-27 lonIntermediate_frac Temporary target longitude calculated by line gravity (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
28-29 latTarget_minutes Current goal waypoint latitude. Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
30-33 latTarget_frac Current goal waypoint latitude. Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
34-35 lonTarget_minutes Current goal waypoint longitude (degrees and nondecimal minutes). Specifically DDDMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
36-39 lonTarget_frac Current goal waypoint longitude (decimal minutes). Specifically MMMMM of the DDDMM.MMMMM NMEA string
40-41 pathHeading Desired heading * 100 deg, range -18000..18000 representing -180.00 to 180.00

ASCII Message (0x90)

A method for sending ASCII messages. These should only be used for active debugging and should be removed before committing to the repository.

typedef struct {
	LenString_t ascii
Byte Offset Name Description
4-? LenString_t Struct of ASCII characters for temporary debugging msgs


#ifdef M_DEBUG
	AsciiMsg_t msg;
	String tst = "ASCII MSG Here";
	msg.ascii.len = tst.length();

Version Message (0xA0)

Version information

typedef struct {
	u8 debug_major
	u8 debug_minor
	u8 apm_major
	u8 apm_minor
Byte Offset Name Description
4 debug_major Major version of debug protocol
5 debug_minor Minor version of debug protocol
6 apm_major Major version of amp protocol
7 apm_minor Minor version of amp protocol


Debugger/Logger tool for collecting formatted data that can be processed using custom tools.







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