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Oauth2 Proxy on K8s with a Demo App and on Azure. The below will assume a FRESH cluster has been made, but you can also do this on an existing one, just add or remove where applicable (eg ingress controller).

This is also for the nginx ingress contoller so if you are using something else (Traefik etc.), check out how to do the redirection from authed/not authed.

The final point is the below is using the dummy builtin self-signed K8s Certs as well, you may want to look at using something like cert-manager ( for actually creating real certificates with letsencrypt! This is just a quick demo mainly focussing on the oauth2-proxy config, and all the cert stuff is just incidental...

Step 0 - Get a Domain

Some Preqs..

  • You will need a real Domain for this, a subdomain works fine too, for this example I will use So anywhere you see this you may wish to replace your own domain.
  • You will also want to configure some DNS records to your Ingress Controller Public IP (will be setup below), for ease of use I will use an A Record Wildcard: * which will point to the Load Balancer IP of my AKS Cluster.

The domains we will use for this will be:

  • App 1:
  • Auth Proxy:

The auth proxy will be used by the oauth2-proxy ingress and the apps for their relevant ingresses.

Step 1 - Register App in AAD

Creating the Registration in AAD

1. Create App Registration in Azure Active Directory:

  • Browse to Azure Active Directory > App Registrations
  • Create New Registration
  • Configure with Name, Scope and Redirect URI of (denote the URL here is the Auth Proxy with the callback appended.)

2. Retrieve Information for App

  • Browse to Certificates and Secrets > Add 'New Client Secret'
  • Save this secret, and denote the following information under the 'Overview' Tab for later
    • Secret Key
    • App (Client) ID
    • Directory (Tenant) ID

Step 2 Install Nginx Ingress (If one does not exist already)

As per the

1. Create Namespace and Add the Repo/Update Helm Repo

kubectl create ns ingress-nginx
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update

2. Add the Nginx Ingress Repo and install (using Helm)

helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx

3. Add your DNS Records

  • Denote the External IP of your Ingress Controller (kubectl get svc --namespace ingress-nginx)
  • In this case, I am using the Azure DNS and I made a wildcard record for all * to point to this IP.

Step 3 - Install Test App

  1. Deploy the Test App for Testing, all this does is print a string into the browser.
kubectl apply -f echo-app/echo1.yaml
  1. Create Ingress (non authed) and Test our Apps work

edit ingress/echo_noauth_ingress.yaml and replace my URLS ( with yours.

kubectl apply -f ingress/echo_noauth_ingress.yaml

Should be able to browse to with a reply (and a dummy K8s cert, again if you want real certs check out cert-manager!)

Step 4 - Install and Configure oauth2-proxy from Helm

This will be installing the oauth2-proxy for the Azure App

1. Collate and Deploy Secrets

oauth2-proxy wants the azure-tenant, client-id, client-secret and cookie-secret. To do this we need to create a secret configmap in k8s using the values from Step 1.

  • azure-tenant = Directory (Tenant) ID
  • client-id = App (Client) ID
  • client-secret = Secret Key
  • cookie-secret = can be generated with python python -c 'import os,base64; print(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16)))'

Populate where applicable + Run the following command to create a K8s Secret. The proxy will use these:

kubectl create secret generic oauth2-proxy-creds \
    --from-literal=cookie-secret=asdf \
    --from-literal=client-id=asdf \
    --from-literal=client-secret=asdf \

2. Install oauth2-proxy helm chart

Edit the relevant values in oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy-config.yaml, make sure to replace my URLS ( with yours.

Once edited, install the helm chart:

helm upgrade oauth2-proxy --install stable/oauth2-proxy \
--reuse-values \
--values oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy-config.yaml

Step 5

Configure the Ingress to use the oauth2 proxy.

1. Deploy the Ingress

This will overwrite the existing ingress config with some new rules to force any requests for the websites to push over to the auth site and then ask for AAD Login.

kubectl apply -f ingress/echo_auth_ingress.yaml


  1. Browse to
  2. You will be redirected to and and from there, auth will be checked
  3. If no auth, the oauth2-proxy will redirect you into AAD login, and ask you to login/authenticate
  4. One Authed, it will then redirect you back to your original site, in this case

If you are also already authenticated to AAD, you may be asked to just approve this login and pushed straight through.

Please one again denote the certs are the dummy K8s ones, so cert error are expected for this demo!

Further Reading

The interesting files to check out here are ingress/echo_auth_ingress.yaml and oauth-proxy/oauth2-proxy-config.yaml


The Secret Created Above:

  existingSecret: oauth2-proxy-creds
  • This is where we are retrieving the secrets we punched in from the App Registration.

The extraArgs for the Helm Chart:

  provider: azure
  • This is specifying we are using the Azure Provider (builtin to oauth2-proxy) as well as what domains to allow redirect on (in our case anything in the zone)

For more info and options, check out the helm chart doco at:


These two annotations: "" "$host$request_uri"
  • We are telling users coming into this ingress host echo1 to authorize at this url (which not incidentally, is our oauth2-proxy ingress host)

For more info on these annotations, check out:


Oauth2 Proxy on K8s with a Demo App and on Azure







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