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Zimbra OAuth2 Social Service

This service provides an interface for users to register for social service sync operations. (e.g. daily contacts import from non-zimbra accounts).



The zm-mailbox project must be built and deployed to the .zcs-deps folder.

The zm-build and zm-zcs projects should also reside in the same local parent folder as this project.

Deploying the extension from CLI Test deploy 2 jars For testing purposes you can build and deploy the extension to /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zm-oauth-social by running the following:

ant deploy

Afterwards, configure ldap and localconfig as necessary, then become the zimbra user, and perform a zmmailboxdctl restart.

Testing from CLI

ant test



See the documentation for api usage.

After a user completes the oauth2 flow, the credentials for their account will be stored as a data source with a configured folder created in the user's root mailbox during authentication. The import is triggered after successful completion of the OAuth flow. An import can also be triggered manually with a zmsoap import data request.


Path Description Response Type
/service/extension/oauth2/authorize/{client}?type={type} Initiates the oauth2 flow with a redirect response. Type is one of contact, calendar, caldav or noop see: HTTP Redirect
/service/extension/oauth2/authenticate/{client} Callback url for the social service in the oauth2 flow HTTP Redirect
/service/extension/oauth2/refresh/{client}/{identifier} Acquires and returns a new access token for the identified social account (limited support) JSON
/service/extension/oauth2/info/{client} Returns info for the specified client JSON
/service/extension/oauth2/event/{client} This is currently only used by Zoom for deauthorization 202 Accepted
/service/extension/oauth2-proxy/{client}?target={target} Similar to the Zimlet ProxyServlet, attaches configured Authorization header for the specified client. Varies, JSON on error


This service's configuration for OAuth clients are setup in Ldap attributes on a global or domain level.

Ldap Properties

See the client setup wiki.

Key Description Required By Template
zimbraOAuthConsumerCredentials OAuth credentials for a client, set at global config or domain level. All <client-id>:<client-secret>:<client>
zimbraOAuthConsumerRedirectUri The callback where the client returns the user too. All http[s]://<domain[:port]>/service/extension/oauth2/authenticate/<client>:<client>
zimbraOAuthConsumerAPIScope The scopes required to access user data. Types: contact, caldav Google, Facebook <scope1>+<scope2>+...:<client>_<type>

Client specific scopes to use with the zimbraOAuthConsumerAPIScope config

Client Required scopes string
Google Contact
Google CalDav
Facebook user_friends,read_custom_friendlists,email,user_location,public_profile,user_about_me,user_birthday,groups_access_member_info:facebook_contact
Outlook profile+User.Read+Files.ReadWrite.All:outlook_noop
Outlook Contact
Slack groups:write,team:read,users:read,,chat:write,mpim:write:slack_noop
Zoom meeting:write:zoom_noop

Note: Delimiters can vary across clients.

Localconfig General Properties

Key Description Optional Example Options
zm_oauth_classes_handlers_twitter1 The handler implementation class for the client Yes com.zimbra.oauth.handlers.impl.TwitterOAuth2Handler

1Replace the twitter part of the key name with the name of the client (e.g. yahoo, google, outlook).

Localconfig can be found in Zimbra's localconfig.xml file (usually located at /opt/zimbra/conf/localconfig.xml)