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Enhanced-CenterNet for Bottom-Up Computer Vision Task (Work Summary)

1. Introduction

CenterNet, as an anchor-free target detection model, represents the object as a scale-adaptive Gaussian template, and uses a multi-task framework to regress to other defined properties of the object (such as the length and width of the object, the offset between the edge of the object and center, etc. ). Compared with the two-stage detector based on region proposal, the bottom-up framework has a significantly higher inference speed, and it can also be regarded as the limit form of the single-stage detector for object modeling. However, centerNet is still at a disadvantage in terms of map accuracy compared with the two-stage detector. For more details, you can read the origin paper: Object as point.

2. Abstract

Based on the original centerNet using a single Gaussian template to represent objects, this repo uses an adjustable number of Gaussian templates to fully cover a single object, which effectively improves the map of centerNet on COCO dataset. In addition, this repo is adapted to the deepfashion2 dataset for clothing keypoint detection, and this repo is also adapted to the 300W dataset for facial landmark detection.

3. Expand Task

  • GridNeighbordet for General Object Detection

    经典的centerNet会回归出通道数为80(COCO数据集)或21(pascalVOC数据集)的中心点的heatmap。然而有时候某个物体的质心位置上并不包含或很少包含该物体的信息,因为这个物体的质量分布不均匀或者由于遮挡,使得物体中心点处包含了背景的信息甚至是其他物体的信息。因此我们学习了物体表面多个点的heatmap, 通过对检测结果的投票来提高检测的ap和ar。

    The classic centerNet will predict the heatmap of the center point with the number of channels 80 (COCO dataset) or 21 (pascalVOC dataset). However, sometimes the center of mass of an object does not contain or rarely contains the information of the object, because the mass distribution of the object is uneven or due to occlusion, which makes center of the object contain background information or even other object information . Therefore, I adjust the number of learned heatmap of singe object, and improved the detection ap and ar by voting on the detection results. It can be seen in the figure below that this problem exists in objects with uneven mass distribution and objects that are blocked.

    Therefore, we use multiple points on the target to represent the object, not just the center point. The specific representation method of the object is shown in the figure below:


    You can use the input parameter ==point_flags== in [How to use](#4. How to use?) to control the combination and number of heatmaps to be used for the object. There are a total of 9 locations of heatmaps that can be used. By matching the heatmaps of different locations, you can ensure that the heatmaps are on the object.


    Only one point heatmap


    Object Detection on COCO validation

    Backbone AP/FPS Flip AP/FPS Multi-scale AP/FPS
    Hourglass-104 40.3 / 14 42.2 / 7.8 45.1 / 1.4
    DLA-34 37.4 / 52 39.2 / 28 41.7 / 4
    ResNet-101 34.6 / 45 36.2 / 25 39.3 / 4
    ResNet-18 28.1 / 142 30.0 / 71 33.2 / 12

    Three points heatmap



    Object Detection on COCO validation

    Backbone AP/FPS Flip AP/FPS Multi-scale AP/FPS
    Hourglass-104 42.8 / 12 44.6 / 6.8 47.7 / 1.2

    More points heatmap


    Object Detection on COCO validation

    Backbone AP/FPS Flip AP/FPS Multi-scale AP/FPS
    Hourglass-104 44.1 / 8 45.8 / 4.4 48.7 / 0.8
  • Facial Landmark Detection


    CenterNet is very suitable for face key point detection tasks. The face datasets 300W and 300VW contain 68 facial landmarks, and the face dataset AFLW contains 19 facial landmarks. I divided the task into two steps. The first step is to predict the center of the face (define the nose tip as the center of the face, and the center defined by different datasets are different), and then predict the offset of other landmarks to the center.Final facial landmark results are obtained by moving the coordinates in post-processing to obtain the coordinates of the facial landmark. In addition to using this method to detect facial landmark, I also provide a direct regression of the heatmap for the 68 facial landmark. The heatmap of whole facial landmarks are predicted at one time through the regression map, and then pooling is used in the post-processing process to extract the peak value of the heatmap. Of course, these two methods use different forms of supervision signals. Except for the different projection heads, the encoder and decoder structures of the model are the same.


    Facial Landmark Detection on 300W test Dataset

    Method Common-NME(ION) Common-Failture Rate Common-Fr Challenge-NME(ION) Challenge-Failture Rate Challenge-Fr Full-NME(ION) Full-Failture Rate Full-Fr
    heatmap+reg 3.6708 0.7233% 0.1805% 5.7647 4.2553% 30.3704% 3.9750 1.2365% 6.0958%
    heatmap+reg+rotate 3.5375 0 0.05415% 6.9251 14.7059% 24.444% 4.0666 2.2971% 5.2250%
    heatmap+reg+reg+keep_resolution 4.6417 1.4953% 3.4296% 6.9097 7.8152% 52.5926% 4.8841 2.1703% 13.0624%
  • DeepFashion2 Keypoint Detection


4. How to use?

Environment Setup

The code was tested on Unbuntu16.04 server with 4 1080Ti GPUs.

Step 1: Create a new virtual environment with conda

conda create -n centernet_bottomup python=3.7

Step 2: Activate the new environment

source activate centernet_bottomup

Step 3: Install pytorch needed

I use pytorch==1.4.0, maybe higher version can also be ok.

conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

Step 4: Install COCOAPI

Choose a place yourself by convenient, and we define the PATH=/---path you choose--/cocoapi

###COCOAPI = /---path you choose--/cocoapi
cd /---path you choose--/
mkdir cocoapi
cd cocoapi
git clone
cd PythonAPI
python install --user

Step 5: Clone this repo:

####CenterNet_path = /---path you choose--/centernet
cd /---path you choose--/
mkdir centernet
cd centernet
git clone
cd CenterNet-Multi-Func-Det

Step 6: Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 7: Compile deformable convolution

If you need deformable convolution, you can choose compile it in this way.

cd /src/lib/models/networks
git clone [email protected]:CharlesShang/DCNv2.git
cd DCNv2  ###make sure you are on the master branch
./         # build
python    # run examples and gradient check on cpu
python   # run examples and gradient check on gpu

Use GridNeighbor-based Enhanced CenterNet

  • Model: GridNeighbor-based Enhanced CenterNet are used to perform general object detection, which support COCO dataset and PascalVOC dataset under Hourglass Network. If you want to play with other network much lighter, you can modify the structure of Network just like what I have added in Houglass.

  • DataSet Preparation:

    Download the images (2017 Train, 2017 Val, 2017 Test) from coco website.

    Download annotation files (2017 train/val and test image info) from coco website.

    ###coco_dataset_train_img_path = /---path you choose--/train2017
    ###coco_dataset_val_img_path = /---path you choose--/val2017
    ###coco_dataset_test_img_path = /---path you choose--/test2017
    ###coco_dataset_val_img_path = /---path you choose--/val2017
    ###coco_dataset_anno_path = /---path you choose--/annotations
    ###CenterNet_path = /---path you choose--/centernet
    cd $CenterNet_path
    mkdir data
    cd data
    mkdir coco
    cd coco
    ln -s $coco_dataset_train_img_path ./
    ln -s $coco_dataset_val_img_path ./
    ln -s coco_dataset_val_img_path ./
    ln -s coco_dataset_anno_path ./

    After this, your data folder just like this:

    |--- data
    `--- |--- coco
        `--- |--- annotations
                |--- instances_train2017.json
                |--- instances_val2017.json
                |--- person_keypoints_train2017.json
                |--- person_keypoints_val2017.json
                |--- image_info_test-dev2017.json
            |---|--- train2017
            |---|--- val2017
            |---|--- test2017
  • Download some pre_trained model: You can download many available models here , thanks to Centernet.

  • Train model example:

    python src/ --task gridneighbordet --dataset coco --exp_id HG_ctdet_coco --debug 2 --load_model models/ctdet_coco_hg.pth --point_flags '0,4,8'

Facial Landmark Detection

unzip -d ibug
mv ibug/image_092\ _01.jpg ibug/image_092_01.jpg
mv ibug/image_092\ _01.pts ibug/image_092_01.pts

unzip -d afw
unzip -d helen
unzip -d lfpw
unzip ; mv Bounding\ Boxes Bounding_Boxes

The 300W directory is in $HOME/datasets/landmark-datasets/300W and the sturecture is:

-- afw
-- Bounding_boxes
-- helen
-- ibug
-- lfpw

Then you use the script convert the facial landmark.pts annotation to COCO format in src/tools/300W/


Don't forget change the img path and annotation path to your own. And after this script, you can get the train annotationtrain.json, val annotation val.json, 3 test annotations common.json,challenge.json, full.json and train img folder train, val img folder val, and 3 test img folders commonsubset,challengesubset, fullset. Then place the image and generated annotation in this way:

###Generated_train_img_path = /---path you choose--/train
###Generated_val_img_path = /---path you choose--/val
###Generated_test_common_img_path = /---path you choose--/commonsubset
###Generated_test_full_img_path = /---path you choose--/challengesubset
###Generated_test_challenge_img_path = /---path you choose--/fullset
###Generated_train_annotation = /---path you choose--/train.json
###Generated_val_annotation = /---path you choose--/val.json
###Generated_test_common_annotation = /---path you choose--/common.json
###Generated_test_full_annotation = /---path you choose--/full.json
###Generated_test_challenge_annotation = /---path you choose--/challenge.json

###CenterNet_path = /---path you choose--/centernet

cd $CenterNet_path
cd data
mkdir 300w
cd 300w
ln -s $Generated_train_img_path ./
ln -s $Generated_val_img_path ./
ln -s $Generated_test_common_img_path ./
ln -s $Generated_test_challenge_img_path ./
ln -s $Generated_test_full_img_path ./
mkdir annotations
cd annotations
cp $Generated_train_annotation ./
cp $Generated_val_annotation ./
cp $Generated_test_common_annotation ./
cp $Generated_test_full_annotation ./
cp $Generated_test_challenge_annotation ./

After this, your data folder just like this:

  • Train model example:

    python src/ --task landmark --load_model '' --dataset 300W --exp_id HG_landmark_300W --debug 2

DeepFashion2 Detection

  • DataSet Preparation:

    After download the Deepfashion2-dataset, you need fetch the unzip password through this link. And you can fetch the img and annos these two directory. Once you have got img and annotation of deepfashion2 dataset, you need to convert it to COCO format by running the script in src/tools/deepfashion2/


    Don't forget change the path of deepfashion annotations and images in stript. Then place the image and generated annotation in this way:

    ###deepfashion2_dataset_train_img_path = /---path you choose--/train
    ###deepfashion2_dataset_val_img_path = /---path you choose--/val
    ###deepfashion2_dataset_anno_path = /---path you choose--/anno
    ###Generated_deepfashion2_train_annotation = /---path you choose--/deepfashion_train.json
    ###Generated_deepfashion2_val_annotation = /---path you choose--/deepfashion_val.json
    ###CenterNet_path = /---path you choose--/centernet
    cd $CenterNet_path
    cd data
    mkdir deepfashion2
    cd deepfashion2
    ln -s $deepfashion2_dataset_img_path ./
    ln -s $deepfashion2_dataset_val_img_path ./
    mkdir annotations
    cd annotations
    cp $Generated_deepfashion2_train_annotation ./
    cp $Generated_deepfashion2_val_annotation ./

    After this, your data folder just like this:

  • Train model example:

    python src/ --task cloth --dataset deepfashion2 --exp_id HG_deepfashion2 --debug 2 --load_model ''

5. Licence

TSAL itself is released under MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).

6. Acknowledgements

  • CenterNet: Object as point. CenterNet from Xingyi Zhou, Dequan Wang, Philipp Krähenbühl.
  • DCNv2: Deformable Convolutional Networks V2.DCNv2.


Enhanced CenterNet performs multi field task.







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