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FreeBSD Online Document Editor

It is an online website editor for FreeBSD documentation which is still developing. The purpose of FreeBSD Online Document Editor is to simplify the editing process in FreeBSD documentation.

Workflow of this project:


We use Github Page to deploy the project, it is considered a pre-release version that will deploy on the production environment (


node.js >= v16.13.1 npm >= v8.18.0

$ npm install

Related commands:

$ npm run build # Generate production code
$ npm run eslint # Check JavaScript code formatting with ESLint
$ npm run eslint-fix # Automatically format JavaScript code with ESLint
$ npm run prettier # Check HTML and CSS code formatting with Prettier
$ npm run prettier-fix # Automatically format HTML and CSS code with Prettier


  1. [email protected]: installed by npm.
  2. [email protected]: installed by npm. This release is based on Asciidoctor 2.0.17 and Opal (link).
  3. [email protected]: using the Cloudflare CDN to include.
  4. [email protected]: using the Cloudflare CDN to include.

Open in the local server

There are three ways to open the website on the local server that can help you develop. When you change the code, you can see the change on the local server immediately.

1. VSC extension

You can easily open a local server through the liver-server extension.

2. Node.js

Use the npm package, "http-server" to open a local server.

$ npm install --global http-server
$ http-server /root [options]

Advanced usage of http-server.

3. FreeBSD

We will use apache24 to open the local server.

$ pkg install apache24 # Install apache
$ vim /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

Change the "ServerName" column to your ip and 80 port. The "DocumentRoot" and "Directory" tag also need to be set to the root directory.


DocumentRoot "/path-to-project/"
<Directory "/path-to-project/">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Require all granted

Please refer Apache document

$ service apache24 configtest # Check for errors in the httpd.conf file
$ service apache24 start # Start the Apache service


  1. The AsciiDoctor version used by FreeBSD-doc may change, so we must be vigilant and attempt to update the version accordingly here.
  2. The Ruby extension of AsciiDoctor in FreeBSD-doc may also undergo changes. We must remain attentive to such changes and endeavor to update it accordingly. For reference, please consult src/ruby/code_explanation.txt.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




It is an online website editor for FreeBSD documentation.







No releases published


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