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Terraform Kustomization Kubeflow

The terraform-kustomization-kubeflow uses Kubeflow's Kustomize manifests (see Kubeflow/manifests) to install Kubeflow on any Kubernetes cluster. In addition to this we added 'Let’s Encrypt' as optional Certificate Authority (CA).

About The Module

Depending on the input variables, the module creates the following resources:

  • Kubeflow istio (default)
  • Kubeflow Pipelines (default)
  • Kubeflow Central Dashboard (default)
  • Kubeflow Katib (default)
  • Kubeflow Notebooks (optional)
  • Kubeflow Tensorboard (optional)
  • Kubeflow Volumes Web App (optional)
  • Kubeflow Serving (optional)

By default, Kubeflow multi-user pipelines are enabled. Furthermore, istio ingress-gateway can be patched from NodePort to LoadBalancer. Tls can be enabled.
You have to provide your kubeflow-dns-name and letsencrypt email-address to automatically receive tls certificates.
The standard Kubeflow version is v1.5.0.


The module is in an early stage of development. Thus, it is experimental and not for production use.

Getting Started

Nobody wants complicated installations. We neither, so we try to keep things as simple as possible. So how does it work?


In fact, all it takes is a running Kubernetes cluster to get started. With k3d you can do it like this, for example

k3d cluster create kubeflow-cluster

Nevertheless, there is a known issue with k3d. Please check the 'Known Issues' section below. If you want to do machine learning, GPUs are always an issue. Unfortunately, GPUs are known to be a topic of their own. For more information on how to use GPUs please visit the OS4ML docs.


In ./examples/kubernetes you find a Terraform script to install Kubeflow on your configured Kubernetes cluster. And this is how it works:

git clone
cd terraform-kustomization-kubeflow/examples/kubernetes
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

This takes a bit and offers the opportunity to get a coffee.


You won't believe it, but in fact your Kubernetes cluster hosts a fully functional Kubeflow now. And that's how you get it:

kubectl port-forward -n istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway 8000:80

Now, open localhost:8000 for Kubeflow. As described here, the connection is terminated when the command is aborted. Whenever you are asked for credentials, there exists a standard user with email [email protected] and password 12341234. Override the module defaults to change these values. Keep in mind, that the password has to be hashed for dex, e.g.

python3 -c 'from passlib.hash import bcrypt; import getpass; print(bcrypt.using(rounds=12, ident="2y").hash(getpass.getpass()))'

Known Issues

  • As described in Kubeflow/manifests the deploy may fail the first time. Please repeat terraform apply until it works.
  • There are reported problems with installation on Arm. Please provide us with error descriptions, e.g. open issues. In paralllel we plan to run it on a Nvidia Jetson Nano, see roadmap.
  • IMPORTANT! Although we recommend using k3d, there are problems with kubernetes versions greater than 1.21. So, it is recommended and tested using the image k3s:v1.21.7-k3s1, e.g.
k3d cluster create --image rancher/k3s:v1.21.7-k3s1 my-kubeflow-cluster


In the near future the following will happen:

  • Splitting the state into smaller parts, perhaps by using multiple modules. We think the state should be placed inside the cluster, but currently it is too big to do so. (June 2022)
  • Replace 'kubernetes' provider with 'kubectl' provider. Both provider do basically the same thing. (July 2022)
  • Installation on a Jetson Nano (ARMv8-64) including GPU support. (May August 2022)


This module was originally created by the ml research team at WOGRA AG to deploy kubeflow as part of the Os4ML project.

Os4ML is a project of the WOGRA AG research group in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center and is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as part of the High Tech Agenda of the Free State of Bavaria.