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ML Trail Library

Work in progress.

Lib to process results, make analysis of Trail running races and eventually build models to predict performances.


Install Poetry:

Linux, macOS, Windows (WSL)

curl -sSL | python3 -

Windows (Powershell)

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -

If you have installed Python through the Microsoft Store, replace py with python in the command above.

(More details, methods or problem solving on Poetry Installation Page.)

Execute the following command:

poetry install

Launch web app

Launch the following command:

streamlit run front/

In some old macOS systems a special installation may be necessary to have streamlit working.

Run the following only if the above installation runs but the streamlit runcommand fails.

conda create -n mltrail -c conda-forge python=3.9 streamlit -y
conda activate mltrail
pip install pytest python-dotenv html5lib beautifulsoup4 lxml matplotlib numpy pandas pyarrow=="1.15.0"
poetry install --only-root

Download data from LiveTrail locally

Launch the following command:

python src/database/loader_LiveTrail/

If nothing is modified, default folder is .data/, inside we will find the DB (events.db) and a folder csv/ containing all the downloaded results.

usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-d DATA_PATH] [-c] [-u]

Data loader from LiveTrail website into DB.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clean           Remove all data from tables before execution.
  -u, --update          Download only events and reces not already present in DB.

If you want to skip races, create a text file parsed_races.txt containing one code and year per line wanting to be ignored, for example:

saintelyon 2018
saintelyon 2017
saintelyon 2016
saintelyon 2015
saintelyon 2014
saintelyon 2013
penyagolosa 2024
penyagolosa 2023
penyagolosa 2022
penyagolosa 2021
penyagolosa 2019
# lut 2016 -> parcours.php is empty
lut 2016
# oxfamtrailwalkerhk 2021 -> Password protected
oxfamtrailwalkerhk 2021

In order to recompute the Results table, the script src/database/loader_LiveTrail/ can be used: -c Will reload the full table from the data folder, emptying it first. -u races.txt -f Will force the computation and loading of the races events and years specified in races.txt from the data folder.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clean           Remove all data from table before execution.
  -f, --force-update    Remove all data from specified tables in "years" before execution.
  -s PATH, --skip PATH
                        Filepath to list of events and years to ignore during update. generates this list as update.txt
  -u JSON/PATH, --update JSON/PATH
                        dict in "years" format containing the list of events and years to update or path for the file containing the list.

NOTE: --update and --skip options cannot be used together.

Same syntax and options apply to To recompute the Timing_points table and script src/database/loader_LiveTrail/ can be used.

More details and visual example in the notebook examples/parse_LiveTrail_to_DB.ipynb

⚠️ Warning: Changing paths in scripts through the -p or data-path options is discouraged. Advanced users only.


Don't hesitate to get in contact or open an issue!

TO-DO list


  • BUG: for some races, control point code is not unique since it gets revisited in different laps (e.g. event 'tapalpa23', 2023, 'enigma')
  • Scraped timestamps are different (there is no day added and it gets back to 00:00:00 after 24h in race)
  • Get the name of the checkpoints from the website.
  • Set objective directly by time and not by position.
  • Get a list of available races in LiveTrail.
  • Rename Scraper to LiveTrail Scraper (others may come later)
  • Change camelCase style to snake_case style naming

Relational DB

  • BUG (minor): set order when renamig double control points. E.g. UTMB 2023: Courmayer and 2-Courmayeur or Vallorcine and 2-Vallorcine, times are inverted
  • BUG: When loading data, need to recheck category rankings.
  • BUG: When loading data into timing points they are shifted by one having time for point0 and missing finish time.
  • Change SQLite to Postgres ? --> when app will be dockerised
  • Add partial passing times (timing_points)
  • Add control points to DB
  • Races with CSV results but no control points : create default ones with numbers --> Does this happen? example of race ?
  • Tablelize countries, categories.
  • Add tests.
  • Add logic to control creation of objects (manage nullable or not fields) --> Seems impossible with old races
  • Add Events getid to tests
  • Add update race case into tests
  • Add Events to db
  • Add Races to DB
  • Need to reload races to DB due to identified bug (2696 from 3333 have a NULL departure_racetime)
  • Add results download
  • Load results to DB
  • Compute category results in DB
  • Design a way of having passing times in DB and not only final times
  • Fix path for data and plots (env variable) --> data done, TODO: plots
  • Not sure: Departure time doesn't seem always correct, will have to figure out another way of parsing it
  • add add Scraper.getRacesPhysicalDetails, Scraper.getRandomRunnerBib to tests
  • add results download + load to DB to lib instead of notebook + script
  • make a proper way to import to DB so imports can be scheduled : compare scraper.get_events_years to Event.get_events_years and scapre only diff
  • Create profile simple table to save own results after search for model creation
  • Create personal features table so we cun unselect some races for model training


  • Add inference points from models
  • Add modelling capabilities from own data, start simple (ensemble methods)
  • Generate training file with simple variables (dist_total, D_total, d_total, dist_segment, dist_cumul, D_segment, D_cumul, d_segment, d_cumul, time)
  • Research constrained methods (total_estimation = sum(sections_estimation))
  • Test unsupervised clustering models to generate a performance index (such as ITRA performance index, UTMB index, Niveau Betrail, etc.)
  • Choose different models in function of # of training samples


  • Make rows in my results pages links to races' results
  • Make header in my results pages clickable (for sorting)
  • Add a switch button to tables between cumulative race time and time of the day(s)
  • Add normalized pace plot and add a switch button between it and regular pace one. --> try with st.container
  • Integrate printing version of times
  • Show race profile from distance, D+ and D- data? Maybe too aproximative and need real gps data
  • Objective graph is only paces, show times / normalised pace?
  • Bug when races include departure time in timing_points file
  • Add Warinings about prediction methods not being accurate, and that more data usually shows better results.


  • BUG: (minor) Results class, if there are more than 1 NaN in a row, the interpolated time is the same for all of them when performing the mean (e.g. penyagolosa 2022 'mim': iloc[616] has 2 NaN in a row)
  • BUG: Results class cannot handle a full column of NaN. We should delete the control point (e.g. mut 2023)
  • BUG: Results class cannot handle 2 control points with the same distance. (e.g. trailnloue 2019 - 76km2j)
  • BUGs: Results class. Mostly cancelled races.
  • BUG: If a time is missing and it is interpolated from previous (default) or next runner, it might be less than the previous checkpoint and we would then add 24h to this time --> It is highly improbable, we will leave it for now. FOUND a case: 84th in trailnloue 2019 - 76km2j, before last control point.
  • Add printing version of times
  • Create a DB to scrape and store all results and information
  • Add robustness to objective computation. i.e. if faster than first, compute std of the 5 samples and maybe decide to take less if it is too high (times too far appart)
  • Fix imports
  • Change camelCase style to snake_case style naming (Results)
  • Fix: Add support for front bug races having departuire in timing_points (Results)
  • Add this kind of races to tests (e.g. 'mbm' 2023 '42km')
  • BUG: Races with different start time per participant (e.g. 'Marathon du Mont-Blanc', '2014' , 'kmv', 402, 'KM Vertical').
  • Aberrant times/paces management (mainly for plots and analysis)
  • Maybe add a '*' to interpolated times to prevent they're not real?


  • Create a CI
  • Contenarize
  • Create a CD Pipeline once contenarized
  • Add installation procedure


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