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Centrifuge Platform: A New Era of Quests and Tasks in the Cosmos Ecosystem

“Centrifuge - a machine that is used to train cosmonauts before they go into space.”


Gamification of the educational process and engaging people in project activities by creating tasks that reward participants upon completion is one of the most effective tools for developing projects and communities.

The growth of projects and communities has become closely tied to platforms for creating quests and tasks, with platforms like Zealy, BBlock, and Galaxy dominating in the launch and development of projects and communities. Initially, these platforms offered their services for free, but as their popularity grew, these services became paid.

Projects spend huge amounts to pay for the functionality and services of such platforms to retain users and maintain the activity of their communities. At the same time, many non-commercial projects, which play an important role in creating non-economic values (cultural and psychological values, decentralized governance, human rights protection, ecological and humanitarian education), have become hostages of this situation: their community development activities were heavily dependent on these platforms, but due to the commercialization of functionality, they lost the ability to continue their activities as they could not afford to pay for the functionality and services of these platforms. Moreover, there are no alternative open-source platforms for creating quests and tasks.

It is obvious that in the list of public goods, we lack a platform for creating quests and tasks... So let’s fix this!

Brief Description

Centrifuge is an open-source interchain platform for creating quests and tasks, which will enable the development of projects and communities both within and outside the Cosmos Ecosystem! To connect to Centrifuge, a project or user only needs a Keplr, Cosmostation, and/or Leap Wallet crypto-wallet. Projects can create quests and tasks and set rewards for their completion. Users can complete quests and tasks to receive rewards. Posting and completing quests and tasks are transactions in the Cosmos Hub.

How It Works

A user can connect to the Centrifuge platform as a Project and/or Cosmonaut.

When connecting as a Project:

  • Projects can create their project profile
  • From their profile, Projects can create and post quests and tasks, as well as set rewards for completing these quests and tasks
  • Projects can specify rewards in experience points or crypto
  • Rewards can be set for completing a single task or for a quest (completing a series of related tasks)

When connecting as an Cosmonaut:

  • Cosmonauts can explore Project profiles and see available quests and tasks, along with the rewards for completing them
  • Cosmonauts can choose a quest or task, complete it, and receive a reward for the completed quest or task

The Centrifuge platform allows Projects to create quests and tasks with automatic verification or manual verification (depending on the Project's preference). For Cosmonauts, the Centrifuge platform provides the opportunity to confirm the completion of a quest or task in the manner specified by the Project.

Creating a project profile, posting quests and tasks, specifying rewards, choosing quests and tasks, and confirming the completion of quests and tasks are all transactions in the Cosmos Hub, ensuring that the information is verifiable and provable.

Projects can be confident that their quests and tasks are completed, and Cosmonauts can be assured that they will receive rewards for completing quests and tasks.

Based on data from the Cosmos Hub blockchain, the Centrifuge platform creates ratings for Projects and Cosmonauts and displays these ratings to users in the format and by the metrics they choose.

Advantages of Centrifuge

Economic Benefit

Zealy is the cheapest quest- / task- hosting platform for now.

Zealy asks for their service minimum 549$ per month (6588$ per year) from each project, and this amount is higher the more users interact with the platform. A lot of projects and communities have a Zealy program, but they are not really happy with the price of service, but they can't stop to use it, because they don't have any real alternative to Zealy, and they don't want to lose participants.

All these projects and communities will be glad to move their activity from Zealy to the alternative service, if this service will provide the same functionality, but will ask for less payment.

All other quest- / task- hosting platforms are more expensive than Zealy. To use such platforms as BBlock or Galaxy, price starts from 15.000$

1) Increasing of amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub in several times:

Centrifuge will have totally the same functionality, but the price will be much less:

  • To connect to Centrifuge, projects will need to use not web2-services, but cosmos wallets (Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap)
  • To create their own profile, the project will need to make just a one-time payment of 10 ATOM (this price can be changed, and it can be just 1 ATOM).
  • If 10 ATOM or 1 ATOM will be too much for the project, for example, price of ATOM will go up, and it will be very big amount, we can use another method: Projects don't pay anything for creating quests or tasks, but every creation of quest and/or task - is a transaction in Cosmos Hub, and projects need to pay a fee.

Projects always create new quests and tasks, so they always will pay fees, which will increase the amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub.

And every time, when user take quest and/or task - user pay fee (for users it's very small amount), and when user return to proof that quest/task solved, user again need to pay fee, it means, that total amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub will be increased in many times.

For example, if a project created 10 quests, and 3000 users took these quests, and after proof that they solved it - it will be an additional 60.000 transactions in Cosmos Hub, just from one project. And it can be done in just 1 day! This is not optimism, this is how it works in Zealy or BBlock, and users solved many more tasks, so this is a pessimistic scenario! And total amount of daily transactions in Cosmos Hub ~30.000

So, with such a model, projects will be very motivated to move their quests from Zealy, BBlock and/or Galaxy to Centrifuge, because for projects it will be very cheap, and for users it also will be very cheap. Every user is ready to send much more than 10 trx per day to have a chance to win reward, we can see it by any airdrop campaign, where users send 100-200 trx everyday, to be eligible for airdrop!

The same, as on DAODAO, projects and users always pay a fee to create DAO, to create proposals, to vote on proposals and so on. But even this is less than payment for Zealy, BBlock or Galaxy! So, projects will be glad to have the same functionality, but for less payment!

Centrifuge will increase the amount of transactions in Cosmos HUB, and usability of ATOM!

2) Increasing of IBC-transactions from other Cosmos chains to Cosmos Hub:

We have more than 100 networks only in the Cosmos Ecosystem with IBC-protocol, and the number of projects is already more than 1000, and it's constantly growing. All of them are our main target group: dApps, validators, communities, DAOs, game projects, NFT collections... These projects will access Centrifuge to create quests and tasks, and they will give rewards to cosmonauts in their own native tokens. To do it, project need:

  • Send their tokens to Cosmos Hub with IBC-transfer from native chains (that will increase amount of IBC-transactions to Cosmos HUB, and also amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub, because every time project need to send rewards to cosmonauts, projects will send IBC-tokens in Cosmos Hub, from their address to address of cosmonauts)
  • When cosmonauts will get rewards in IBC-tokens (and this is big amount of addresses), they will need to IBC-transfer it back to native chains, and it will increase of IBC-transactions from Cosmos Hub to other cosmos chains (for example, if 3000 people have got IBC-tokens as a reward, they will perform 3000 IBC-transactions from Cosmos Hub to another native chain)

3) Example of metrics, based on real case of Cosmos Ecosystem Zealy

Even if fees in Cosmos Hub are very small, and this is not a problem for cosmonauts to pay fees for the tasks and quests, the "amount of cosmonauts" * "amount of quests and tasks" * "amount of projects" = huge amount of transactions and fees!

Only "Zealy of Cosmos Ecosystem" (that was closed after Zealy start to ask for payment" had 3834 participants:

42 projects created more than 10,000 quests and tasks, and in total, for 1 year, all participants claimed: 1,164,425 - detailed information with all proofs can be found here:

If all these claiming of quests would be made in Centrifuge, not in Zealy, Cosmos Hub could got 1,164,425 * 2 = 2,328,850 transactions more! (because if user need to pay fee every time when quest/task is taken, and after pay fee to proof that quest/task is solved, we need to multiply amount of claimed/solved quests/tasks on 2)

For the moment of filling this form, the total amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub is 73,0217,574. It means, that only one transfer of Zealy Cosmos Ecosystem to Centrifuge, just for one year, can increase amount of transactions in Cosmos Hub for all the time of existing of Cosmos Hub on 3.1%

And we will transfer to Centrifuge from Zealy many more projects!

With good marketing and informational support from AADAO, Cosmos Twitter and Cosmos Ecosystem Twitter, it's possible to attract to Centrifuge all active validators of Cosmos Hub (this is more than 100 validators, that will create quests and tasks to delegate them ATOM) - it will increase not only amount of transactions, but also will increase amount of staked ATOMs

Also, with coming of ICS 2.0 - it will be more and more consumers chains, and also, many more projects on this chains, and all of them will prefer to use Centrifuge instead of Zealy, BBlocks or Galaxy

As you understand, all this will increase the demand for ATOM, since all actions in the Centrifuge will require payment of fees in ATOM.

4) The Centrifuge platform does not need to be deployed to the Cosmos Hub, so we do not need to raise a proposal

Connecting to Centrifuge will be done using Keplr, Cosmostation or Leap, and creating of quests/tasks, taking quests/tasks and confirming quests/task will generate a transaction on the backend that the project or user must sign, and such a transaction will be sent to the Cosmos Hub meme pool.

So, Centrifuge will be kind of dApp on Cosmos Hub

5) As we already started to develop Centrifuge, we already do it for our own funds, that we've got from validation of Cosmos Hub

It means that we don't sell our rewards for validation, but invest it back to develop the Cosmos Hub and community. Even if we will not get grants, we will create this platform, but in this case, it will be not a public good, but our own service, and we will need to look for other ways of monetization. But first, we want to create a public good that will be useful for the Cosmos Hub and the whole Ecosystem, as we are Cosmos Maximalists! And we hope that AADAO will support us in this wish!

6) Our market entry strategy is mass dissemination of information about the Centrifuge platform among the Cosmos Ecosystem community, and for this we have several large communities and social networks, for example:

In addition, if AADAO agrees to give us a grant for development, and given that we are making this platform on the Cosmos Hub, we hope that the Cosmos social networks on Twitter will also help with the dissemination of information about the launch of Centrifuge.

In addition, for projects it does not matter which platform to use, they proceed from the costs of paying for such services, and it is obvious that with the same functionality, but with costs hundreds of times less, Centrifuge will be more profitable than Zealy, BBlock or Galaxy.

For users, it does not matter where to complete tasks, they are motivated exclusively by the rewards for completing such tasks

Also, Centrifuge will be the first platform that is connected to Cosmos Hub! So, it will be a very good reason for attention!


Centrifuge offers a more affordable and efficient solution for creating quests and tasks in the Cosmos Ecosystem. With integration with crypto wallets, support for the IBC-protocol, and economic benefits, it has the potential to become the leading platform for interaction between projects and cosmonauts, contributing to the growth of transactions and the use of ATOM in the Cosmos Hub.


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