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This is a template repository. Please initialize your python project using this template.

  1. Please set pythonpath during execution to the lang_cond_task_adv_augmentation folder in the repo before executing scripts see 8.

  2. Development

    conda env create -n control-v11.8 -f environment.yml

    Use the conda env to develop further. Ensure torch version is 2.1.0

  3. To install and setup mmsegmentation

pip install -U openmim
mim install mmengine
mim install "mmcv>=2.0.0"
pip install "mmdet>=3.0.0rc4"
pip install "mmsegmentation>=1.0.0"

Ignore the dependecy conflict of numpy 1.21.5 and pip install numpy==1.23.1- works seamlessly

  1. Use the following commands to download the model weights for different segmentation models [higly recommended to finetune models]

    mim download mmsegmentation --config mask2former_swin-t_8xb2-160k_ade20k-512x512 --dest avcv/model_weights

Replace the --config with any model config you want installed. Refer to for more configs.

  1. Training models with mmseg. We provide a sample command for training a model config with mmseg.

First locate a model config from avcv/configs/models Confirm .yaml config exists for your selected model in avcv/config/train_configs

PYTHONPATH=/home/hg22723/projects/lang-cond-task-adv-augmentation/lang_cond_task_adv_augmentation CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --config mask2former_swin-t_8xb2-160k_ade20k-512x512 
  1. File structure for using lang_data_synthesis

Scripts not mentioned here are Work in Progress

a - - classifies the images as per test conditions specified in lang_data_synthesis/config.yaml

b - - captioning images using LLAVA-1.5 upgrade pending

c - - single image conditional synthesis using controlnet

d - - utility functions

e - - synthesizes a dataset using controlnet and the target conditions

f - - tests the synthesised dataset to produce FID scores with respect to different backbones

  1. Since the model weights have not been pushed, the results file are available
  • avcv/tests comprises all the results for finetuning
  • Run the results.ipynb script in avcv/experiments to view the compiled results
  • Since the synthetic dataset needs to be produced, checkout the .json files under lang_data_synthesis/synthesis_results for FID scores