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Minimal RAPL-based measurement tool in Rust

This is a minimal tool that measures the energy consumption of a CPU, on Linux, through all possible RAPL interfaces.

Research paper: Dissecting the software-based measurement of CPU energy consumption: a comparative analysis, Guillaume Raffin and Denis Trystram.

In this paper, we provide an in-depth analysis of the different ways of accessing RAPL measurements, demonstrate an efficient way of implementing them, and offer recommendations based on qualitative and quantitative criterias. Applications include: energy profiling, HPC energy monitoring with minimal performance overhead and maximal frequency (around 1000 Hz), etc.

Licensed under the EUPL 1.2 or later (The EUPL is compatible with many other licences, including GPL and LGPL, don't hesitate to contact us by mail if you have concerns about it).

Wait, there is more!

Hey! If you like this project, please check out the next episode here: Alumet, a customizable and efficient tool for measuring energy consumption on HPC and Edge devices. Now, let's go back to the minimal tool related to the aforementioned paper.

How to use

First, install Rust.
Make sure that you have the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl toolchain installed:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Then, compile the project:

cargo build --release

Finally, run the tool with the appropriate privileges (the easiest way to do that is to run it as root):

sudo -E ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/cli_poll_rapl poll powercap --domains pkg --frequency 1 --output stdout

You can use --help to learn about the possible options.

How to use eBPF

By default, the eBPF implementation is disabled (not compiled, not included in the tool) because it requires additional system and crate dependencies. To enable it as we did for the paper, see ebpf_common/