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Server side api to simplify nightbot commands and query api.


You're free to Woolooloo if you can pull it off, KEKW

How to use with Nightbot

In dashboard (or in chat with !addcom).

Nightbot has an 'urlfetch' command to send queries to a remote api. You can use this to add rich aoe4 commands.

For example: Command: !rank
Message: @$(user)> $(urlfetch$(querystring)&player=1270139&leaderboard=rm_solo&format=nightbot)

Obviously replace the player id with your own, 1270139 is Beastyqt.

Note that is a personal server, there'll be no guarantees for uptime. Run the app yourself on your own server if needed.



Command: !rank
Url: api/aoe4/rank?query=$(querystring)&player=6943917&leaderboard=rm_solo&format=nightbot
Description: Returns the rank and winrate of a player on a particular leaderboard


  • player optionally specifies the profile id of the default player if query is empty
  • leaderboard defaults to rm_solo. (rm_solo, rm_team, qm_1v1, qm_2v2, qm_3v3 or qm_4v4)
  • query can be empty, a rank #1 or a player name.


  • !rank -> Liquid.DeMusliM is rank 4 (D3, 1366 Elo), with 56 games (46-10 | 82.1%), on a 5-game win streak [last played 21 min ago]
  • !rank core -> coRe is rank 12 (D2, 1281 Elo), with 81 games (55-26 | 67.9%), on a 6-game win streak [last played 1 day ago]
  • !rank #1 -> Beastyqt is rank 1 (C1, 1448 Elo), with 50 games (46-4 | 92%), on a 1-game losing streak [last played 19 hours ago]
  • !rank #51 -> 1puppypaw is rank 51 (D1, 1174 Elo), with 14 games (12-2 | 85.7%), on a 2-game win streak [last played 7 min ago]
  • !rank alsdkfjasfldkj -> Error: No player found
  • !rank Serral -> Serral is unranked, with 0 games


Command: !match
Url: api/aoe4/match?query=$(querystring)&player=6943917,9087979&leaderboard=rm_solo&format=nightbot
Description: Returns the last completed match of a player.


  • player optionally specifies the comma separated profile ids of the default player(s) if query is empty. (If multiple, the last match will be used, useful for having 1 command for two alt accounts)
  • leaderboard used to search the player. (Note: match isn't filtered for the particular leaderboard)
  • query can be empty, a rank #1 or a player name.


  • !match -> supermoronreallystupid #293 (P3, 1103 Elo) - English ==> Hill and Dale <== Liquid.DeMusliM #4 (D3, 1366 Elo) - Chinese [started 23 min ago]
  • !match core -> coRe #12 (D2, 1281 Elo) - HRE [W] ==> Hill and Dale <== [L] eswallace #78 (D1, 1151 Elo) - Abbasid [played 1 day ago]
  • !match #1 -> Beastyqt #1 (C1, 1448 Elo) - Delhi [L] ==> Lipany <== [W] Leenock #3 (D3, 1368 Elo) - Abbasid [played 20 hours ago]
  • !match alsdkfjasfldkj -> Error: No player found
  • !match TheMista (played a qm_2v2) -> mYi.TheMista #9 (1931 Elo) - English, paphellas #85 (1661 Elo) - Mongols [W] ==> King of the Hill <== [L] bigboser #1355 (1328 Elo) - French, LaGastonnade #984 (1366 Elo) - Rus [played 4 days ago]


Command: !winrate
Url: api/aoe4/winrate?query=$(querystring)&player=6943917,9087979&leaderboard=rm_solo&format=nightbot
Description: Returns the winrate of the player in the last playing session (a gap of 4h resets the session), can also be used to display the winrate between players in the same period. (Note: only the last 50 games are retrieved atm.)


  • player optionally specifies the comma separated profile ids of the default player(s) if query is empty. (If multiple, the matches of both accounts will be grouped before being evaluated)
  • leaderboard used to search the player. (Note: match isn't filtered for the particular leaderboard)
  • query can be empty, a rank #1 or a player name. Additionally can be vs abc (default vs abs) and abc vs def. Supports a last x hours/days/months suffix to override the timespan parameter. See Query Format for more.
  • timespan instead of detecting sessions, use the specified interval in hours.
  • idletime specifies the idle time in hours between games, defaults to 4h. Ignored when timespan is not empty.

Query Format: [versus] [with Civ] [on Map] [last x days]

  • [versus] = 'Player' / 'Player vs OtherPlayer' / 'vs OtherPlayer' and is optional if player query parameter is specified.
  • [with Civ] = Only counts games where Player played with the specified civ. (Example: with HRE)
  • [on Map}] = Only counts games on specified map. (example: on Dry Arabia)
  • [last x days] = Only counts games in specified time period. (h/d/w/m/y)


  • !winrate -> Liquid.DeMusliM played 4 games (3-0 | 100%) lasting 1 hour, 29 min ago
  • !winrate vs HuT -> Liquid.DeMusliM played 2 games (2-0 | 100%) lasting 49 min vs HuT, 1 hour ago
  • !winrate Don Artie -> Don Artie played 7 games (6-1 | 85.7%) lasting 1 hour, 8 hours ago
  • !winrate Don Artie vs Szalami -> Don Artie played 3 games (3-0 | 100%) lasting 57 min vs Szalami1, 8 hours ago
  • !winrate Don Artie vs PilotElf -> Don Artie played 2 games (1-1 | 50%) lasting 31 min vs PilotElf8750880, 11 hours ago
  • !winrate Beastyqt vs TheViper last 5 days -> Beastyqt played 4 games (3-1 | 75%) lasting 1 hour vs GL.TheViper in the last 5 days, 2 days ago
  • !winrate on Danube River last 4w


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