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Taack PLM workbench for FreeCAD

This workbench contains tools to interact with Taack Plm Intranet server app you can find under the


If you use FreeCAD version < 0.21.0, you will have to install python-protobuf. To do so, type as user:

pip install protobuf

Workbench dependencies should be managed directly with FreeCAD, starting from version 0.21.

This Workbench is part of the FreeCAD addons collection and can be simply installed from the Addons manager.

To install the server, follow instructions under Taack PLM page.

Forum entry:


Connect to the Server

Under Freecad:

  • Select the Taack PLM Workbench
  • Select a file you need to upload (if not already done, save it before)
  • Click on the Taack icon

The first time, you will be prompted for entering the server URL, along with your user credentials:

enter credential

Clicking on Connect Button.

If the Connect Button turns disabled, you are connected to your Intranet Server.

Upload a model with its Links

Once you are connected

  • Ensure a file is selected (if not already done, save it before)
  • click on the Taack icon
  • click on the Accept Button

All linked files will be uploaded. There are 2 situations from here, for each file:

  • Either the file Uid does not exists on the server
    • The model will be uploaded as a new one
  • Either the file Uid does exists on the server
    • The existing model will be updated

Download a previous version

From your Intranet, click on PLM icon, then you will see a list of model.

Filtering model

Search using filters the one you are interested in, click on the eye icon.

Download model

Here you can either:

  • Download the latest version
  • Add comment OR change model status
  • Download a previous version

Access History

For more complex model, you can access linked files:

See linked data

Or links pointing to this model:

See parent deps

That's it !

Next version should add download latest version directly from FreeCAD.