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This is a general pipeline for performing miRNA prediction and differential expression analysis using small RNA sequencing (sRNA-seq) data of plant samples. In this pipeline, the tool for miRNA prediction from sRNA-seq data is miRDeep-P2 ( The output of miRDeep-P2 is parsed by script in this pipeline. The parsed predicted miRNA sequences are searched against known miRNA sequences from the public domain for annotation purposes. In differential expression analysis, the sRNA-seq read data are mapped to the predicted miRNA sequences using Bowtie ( and the read count for each miRNA sequence is generated. Finally, with the miRNA count data, DESeq2 ( is used to perform data filtering, normalization and differential expression analysis. In addition, it is recommended to merge the predicted miRNA sequences with those present in the public domain, such as miRBase, for differential expression analysis, to increase the sensitivity.

The details of using this pipeline are described as follows. The pipeline assumes that all files and the directory of this pipeline are in the same directory. It is also assumed that all the tools can readily be called in the command line.

The original article of miRDeep-P2 is referred to This pipeline was first used in the article,

Computational environment

Installation of the pipeline

git clone


  • Clean sRNA-seq data in .fq format for different samples, named sample1.fq, sample2.fq and etc.

    • The clean sRNA-seq data are usually generated from the raw data after adapter trimming using a proper tool, e.g. Trimmomatic ( This pipeline assumes that the input sRNA-seq data are already trimmed for adapters and clean.
  • Reference genome sequence in .fa format, named ref.fa

    • Index file of the reference genome sequence generated by Bowtie using the following command

    bowtie-build ref.fa ref.fa

  • Known miRNA sequences from the public domain in .fa format, e.g mature.fa from miRBase (

    • If sequences in miRBase are used, the mature.fa file needs to be properly preprocessed as follows.

      • To convert all "U" nucleotides to "T"

      perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ mature.fa mature_wo_U.fa

      • To collapse unique mature sequences in mature_wo_U.fa

      perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ mature_wo_U.fa mature_wo_U_uniq.fa mature_uniq

    • Index file of the known miRNA sequences, e.g. the miRBase sequences, generated by blast using the following command

    makeblastdb -in mature_wo_U_uniq.fa -dbtype 'nucl'

1. miRNA prediction using miRDeep-P2

The pipeline has been tested with miRDeep-P2 (v1.1.4), which is used for demonstration and should be compatible with the other versions. Please refer to the tool's page for installation. To run miRDeep-P2, the following command can be used.

miRDP2-v1.1.4_pipeline.bash -g ref.fa -x ref.fa -q -b fastq_list.txt -o result

The file fastq_list.txt contains the absolute path to each of the .fastq file, with one line for one file. The output directory result contains the resulted results in its subdirectory for all samples, named sample1, sample2 and etc. Particularly, the files with suffix _predictions, e.g. result/sample1/sample1_predictions, are parsed to extract the predicted miRNA sequences and their corresponding precursor information. These files are parsed using the following command.

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ miRDP2_predictions_list.txt miRDP2

The file miRDP2_predictions_list.txt contains file names of the _predictions files, e.g. sample1_predictions, to be analyzed together. Each line contains one file name. There are two resulting files, named miRDP2_mature.fa and miRDP2_arms.txt, respectively, with miRDP2 as the prefix. The sequence IDs in miRDP2_mature.fa always begin with the prefix miRDP2_mature_, followed by order numbers of the unique miRNA mature sequences. The genomic origin, precursor and primary miRNA sequence information can be found in the description field of each sequence entry in miRDP2_mature.fa. There are three tab-delineated columns in the miRDP2_arms.txt file. The first two columns refer to pairs of mature miRNA sequences that are predicted from the same precursors. The third column refers to the information on the genomic origin, precursor and primary sequences, in the format of genomic_origin:precursor_sequence:primary_sequence;. There may be multiple genomic origins, precursor or primary sequences corresponding to the same pairs of miRNA mature sequences.

2. Annotation of miRNA

After getting the predicted miRNA sequences, it is informative to annotate the sequences with those already deposited in the public domain, e.g. miRBase. In this pipeline, the predicted miRNA sequences are first searched against the database of interest using blast using the following commands.

blastn -db mature_wo_U_uniq.fa -query miRDP2_mature.fa -out miRDP2_mature_blastn.txt -word_size 4 -num_alignment 1

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ miRDP2_mature_blastn.txt miRDP2_mature_blastn_parsed.txt

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ miRDP2_mature_blastn_parsed.txt miRDP2_mature

The search results are then parsed to classify the predicted miRNA sequences into the following three categories.

  • Known miRNA that is already in the database of interest

  • miRNA variant that contains at most 2 mismatched nucleotides but no insertion or deletion for sequences in the database of interest

  • Novel miRNA that does not fall into any of the above two categories

Two files are generated at this point, namely miRDP2_mature_known.txt and miRDP2_mature_variant.txt. The following command is used to get the IDs for the known miRNA sequences.

cut -f2 miRDP2_mature_known.txt | sort | uniq > miRDP2_mature_known_id.txt

It is a bit tricky to get the IDs for the miRNA variant sequences and here are the commands.

cut -f2 miRDP2_mature_variant.txt | sort | uniq > temp.txt

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ temp.txt miRDP2_mature_variant_id.txt miRDP2_mature_known_id.txt 0

rm temp.txt

The remaining predicted miRNA sequences are novel miRNAs.

3. Differnetial expression anlaysis

To perform differential expression analysis, the clean read is first mapped to the reference miRNA sequences. In step 1, a miRNA sequences file, miRDP2_mature.fa, is generated. This file can be used as a reference for mapping. Alternatively, a combination of sequences in miRDP2_mature.fa and those present in the public domain, e.g. miRBase, but missed by miRDeep-P2 can also serve as the reference. In the following analysis, the file of reference miRNA sequences is named miRNA_ref.fa and indexed using the following command.

bowtie-build miRNA_ref.fa miRNA_ref.fa

Then each sample, e.g. sample1.fq, is mapped to the reference miRNA sequences using the following command.

bowtie -v 0 --norc -S miRNA_ref.fa sample1.fq | samtools view -Sb - > sample1.bam

With the alignment .bam file, the number of reads perfectly mapped to each reference miRNA sequence is generated using the following command.

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ -bam sample1.bam -f miRNA_ref.fa > sample1_count.txt

To combine the read counts data for each sample into a table, the following command is used.

perl ./miRDeep-P2_pipeline/script/ count_list.txt count_table.txt

The file, count_list.txt, contains files names of the count files, e.g. sample1_count.txt, to be combined and analyzed together. Each line contains one file name. In the output file, count_table.txt, the last four columns represent the mean, median, variance and coefficient of variation. Before differential expression analysis, the last four columns in count_table.txt should be removed. The count table is now ready for normalization and differential expression analysis using DESeq2. It is recommended to follow the Beginner's guide to using the DESeq2 package (


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