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Account Request Form Upgrade

Wilson Kurniawan edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 5 revisions
  • Priority: Very High
  • Knowledge required: Full-stack development/testing
  • Status: Suspended

Currently, we use Google form to collect requests for instructor account. While it is free and easy to set up, it comes with many obvious drawbacks:

  • Not professional ("easy way out").
  • Lack of control from our side, e.g. no email/institute validation.
  • More work for admin, as it necessitates copying the entries to the admin home page form. This also leaves more room for mistakes (from copying).

It is no longer in our favor to keep using Google form to collect account requests.

  1. Adding our own account request form from scratch.
  2. Adding sufficient abuse/misuse preventions, e.g. CAPTCHA to prevent excessive API calls, email validations to prevent spams.
  3. Redefining the role of admin: from "creating the account request" to "approving the account request".
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