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What is Syntropy Platform Agent

Syntropy Agent is an easy-to-use dependency to automatically encrypt and connect endpoints within a network. Full documentation here.

Why Syntropy Agent

Syntropy Agent allows you to easy setup encrypted network using a nice WebUI without getting your hands dirty with Wireguard and network/routes configuration. Also it constantly monitors configured network and chooses best SDN path automatically, taking into account packet loss and latency.

How Syntropy Agent finds best path

It uses DARP.

Where can I can find full documentation

Full, constantly maintained documentation can be found here.

How do I know which Agent version I am running

  • Running plain binary on bare-metal: syntropy-agent -version
  • Running Docker container: docker logs `docker ps | grep syntropynet\/agent | cut -b1-10` | grep started

Why GO

Every programming language has pros and cons, but motivation for GO is:

  • allows quickly and easily refactor code and make big changes fast. That's a huge benefit for projects that are in active development stage;
  • is very effective and uses less resources if compared with scriptable languages;
  • compiles to single binary without dependencies;
  • is quite simple language and in this project we like KISS principle.

Why don't you rewrite it in Rust

It may or may not happen in future. But right now see Why GO and why not Rewrite It In Rust.

I think this project would benefit from "feature X"

Thanks. Propose your idea in issues.

I've found a bug and have a fix for it

Thanks. Create a fork of this project, fix a bug and submit a Merge Request for the review.

I've found a bug and don't have a fix for it

Thanks. Submit a bug report in issues.

I want to compile this software myself

No problem. Do a git clone and run make inside project directory. Run make docker if you want to run this application in docker container. Note - project versioning relies on git tags and if you remove git information or download tar.gz from GitHub, then it will result in 0.0.0 agent version. Thus proper git clone is recommended.

I want additional software in docker container

No problem. The recommended way is to use syntropynet/agent docker image as a base. Create Dockerfile:

FROM  syntropynet/agent:stable
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache --update bridge-utils vim <other required packages>

and run docker build -t <your desired image name>

Alternative approach would be to checkout source code (also read I want to compile this software myself) and run packages="bridge-utils bird vim <other packages>" make docker